So the saying goes, woman can take more pain then men and have a higher pain tolerence, then why is it we hardly ever see hard CB on the net? we never seen full on kicks with boots or hard straight knees we usually just seen soft barefoot kicks or fake acting.

Is it becasue woman can't take the pain as much as men? or is it because its to painful? or is it because for a woman it would do more damage? I don't see how when there parts on on the inside

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It actually is more dangerous for females to take straight-on kicks, than males. Sure, all their organs are on the inside, but that's the disadvantage they have--because of that, there's nothing softening the strike to their pelvic bone, which I can only imagine hurts like a bitch. While bones can be toughened to take more abuse, I can imagine not very few people would grow to like being kicked in, say, the shin.

While I'm unsure of the details, the vagina, itself, is more prone to injury than testicles, because at least they have elasticity on their side, and are able to slide out of the way. If one would actually manage a solid strike to it, it doesn't really have room to flop about, and as such would sustain more damage because of it.

I'm no expert on the matter, but I hope this helps a little.
Their is some pretty hard stuff online. RULE 1 of the internet  - if you can't find something you haven't searched hard enough. Not really my thing,  as hoofing a girl between the legs isn't usually the first thing that enters my head when I see a pretty girl. :p

just like 99% of the time bb wont be the first thing that enters a girls head.. unfortunately


strangely enough my gf dropped herself onto my knee accidentaly the other day, looked in a fair amount of pain but actually seemed to enjoy it

John Ashton said:

Their is some pretty hard stuff online. RULE 1 of the internet  - if you can't find something you haven't searched hard enough. Not really my thing,  as hoofing a girl between the legs isn't usually the first thing that enters my head when I see a pretty girl. :p
simple answer, boys balls are stronger then a girls pussy. they can survive more

It's because girls are less violent on average, so except for sports where hard kicks happen, you would see messing around and laughing and surprise taps at most. What girl would go full force at her friend? What would be the point of that besides them stopping being friends?


Chad - yeah, sure... why are cups mandatory for men in martial arts, but often optional for women? ;-)

Obvious, it happens that we do it hard on each other as well. But it is the reaction that is the most fun and not hurting anyone!



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