What is it about busting and TVs. So many of the vids have a TV playing in the background. I've asked around and people have noticed it too but no one knows why. Is it just coincidence or is there a reason? Any ideas? Sensible or silly, all suggestions welcome.

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My guess is the sound of the TV muffles the moans and screams of the victims :)
This is a good question that goes beyond amateur ballbusting vids. People just don't seem to turn the TV in their living room off unless they go to bed or leave the house, do they ? I guess my suggestion is just a bad habit.

I agree I have seen a lot bb clips that have the person's tv on

When I video my wife kicking me, I don't like any background noise, so I don't know what the deal with that is.
It's that they are shooting in a natural setting with a consumer camera with an omni-directional microphone. Professional videos are shot with hyper-cardiod microphones and a sound guy. The omni-directional microphone's main disadvantage is that it picks up all sound and amplifies it. That is why these consumer videos amplify all other sounds and muffle the good stuff. All sound gets treated equally with these devices. The omni-directional microphone is sort of a do-it-all microphone that can't really do anything well.
to solve this issue you can buy a cheap microphone and keep it VERY near to the subject you want to film. then turn both of em on at the same time and add the audio in over the video.



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