ok, i'm kinda new here, so feel free to ask me anything!

By the way i DON'T do cuntbusting, so don't ask me about it!

Greetings :)

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hey giuly, scusa per l'altro giorno che non ti ho risposto, non ero al pc! :) 


quando vuoi ci si risente ^^ baci :)

do u ever talk with bro after kick about it like 'it still hurts when u kick me 2 days ago" or if u kick me that hard again deal is off i wan t u let me kick again and similar.how many times u kick him last month

@nd: Tranquillo, per me è un piacere :

@playfight: Ha ha, of course it happened! But last month i kicked him just 1 time... uff...

can u describe situation from last month,a lot of us would be hapy to hear some details
have you ever busted a guy for being a pervert?explain. if not would you?

@Playfight: Really, it was just a random bust and it is not an interesting story... i just kicked my brothers, but it wasn't a hard kick, i just wanted to do that!

@J.D. Hmmm, it depends on my mood, but i'd say that if i could do that more often i would enjoy that a lot! And by the way, i've never kicked a guy who really "wanted" a kick... I've kicked guy for bets or stuff like that, but it's not the same thing, of course!

@Bonehead: No, i guess that no one is stupid enough to be a pervert with me ^^ And of course i would!

let`s hear the italian slang :)

Giulia said:
I usually laugh at him, but it would be hard to translate in english some italian slang words, so sorry, but i can not make examples of what I say to the guy, it wouldn't reflect what I say in my mother tongue!
What type of shoe do you think would hurt a guy the most to be kicked with>

ehi, giuly, sei ancora viva? non ti ho più sentita :(


scrivimi per email ok? :)

@ John Butler: No, i've never done anything like that... Maybe I'll try! :)

@Rad: Ha ha, so you want to hear what i might say to someone whose balls have just been kicked? Well, it can be something like this: "ooooh, povero, fanno male le palline? ha ha ha! Povero bambino!" Quite fun, indeed!

@Addy: interesting question: If you're used to walk in high heels, those shoes are usually very good if you want to kick HARD because their point is quite hard, thus they can easily make a boy cry... On the other hand, lighter shoes (such as sneakers or ballet flats) are more comfortable to wear, so, when you kick, you're quite free to kick rather hard or soft!

@nd: provvederò :)


eccitante Giuli, che dire ;)

Giulia said:

@ John Butler: No, i've never done anything like that... Maybe I'll try! :)

@Rad: Ha ha, so you want to hear what i might say to someone whose balls have just been kicked? Well, it can be something like this: "ooooh, povero, fanno male le palline? ha ha ha! Povero bambino!" Quite fun, indeed!

@Addy: interesting question: If you're used to walk in high heels, those shoes are usually very good if you want to kick HARD because their point is quite hard, thus they can easily make a boy cry... On the other hand, lighter shoes (such as sneakers or ballet flats) are more comfortable to wear, so, when you kick, you're quite free to kick rather hard or soft!

@nd: provvederò :)


ti ho lasciato un email giuly ^^ controlla poi :) ciau ^^



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