Met Wu and one of his friends today

Well...I couldn't wait to write this up. It's been a long journey watching Wu's videos online for so many years. Finally the day arrived that I would be in Salt Lake City. 

This is my first one of these and I apologize if this sounds like more of a review than a story but it's how I can tell it. 

I messaged Wu on this site a few weeks back seeing and hoping he'd be in town and free.  Much to my delight he was and he messaged a few of his girls.  I'll call her Alice (not real name) but he let me know she was a gem. 19, 5'4", light red hair and fit.  When I first saw her in leggings my jaw dropped. I tried not to stare. Such a normal girl look about her but you could tell as we chatted she was ready to kick some balls.

Wu volunteered me first and I was pretty excited. I made the mistake of wearing jeans (don't, wear something without a zipper). I was standing legs spread and her first kick, super light was perfectly centered. 

Harder she asked?

Yep *kick*


Yep *kick*


Now she was smiling and made solid contact. I could tell this was going to be a great night.  She kicks me probably about 10 times at a pretty hard pace. I could take more...but didn't want to tap out in front of my hero! So I took a break to recoup. 

Wu took his beating like a pro, then the tides turned my way. I decided to try the signature knealing kicks and have to say those hurt.  Alice took a few opportunities to kick each nut pretty hard.  I needed a break, she was no sadist and happily obliged but I could tell she was looking to put me in more pain than I was.

Wu went again and took a hell of a beating this time, getting kicked, kneed and some hard stomps. It was fantastic.  I was then challenged to a game of rock paper scissors against Wu...I "won" many of them and Alice was definitely stepping it up.  With that it was getting late and she asked me if I wanted one more round.  I could tell this was going to be the finisher. She kicked hard once, twice and the third time I saw that extra twinkle in her eye...this was going to hurt and it did. 

Might meet up with them again tomorrow if timing works out. Hopefully this time I can work up the courage to really let her take me down. 

Guys, message Wu if you're in town. It's worth it!

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Comment by Red Bustee on May 15, 2019 at 11:23pm

@Jake e: Thanks for the follow-up post and that's cool you were able to get back out there for seconds! I've been traveling a lot and I may have to follow your lead and visit Wutcha in SLC on my next trip!

@Wutcha: Seems like you're having a blast out there and meeting some pretty dope girls. Based off your reports and videos, I'd say they're worth every dime you're paying them. It's definitely a good thing to have a fair understanding on paying these girls and I'm sure they appreciate that and don't take advantage of you. Look out for a message from me.

Comment by Jake e on April 16, 2019 at 11:51pm

Met with Wu and Alice again yesterday. Looking back at this story I hardly exaggerated her strength. She told me she kicked me at 40% tops last time. This time we tried 60% and I was floored everytime. She's also getting into boxing...that was an experience.  I think Wu can attest, those punches were insane! Might try 70% or 80% kicks next time, but slightly terrified, 100% makes for a hell of a fantasy.  Also Salt Lake City is a cool city, worth a trip for more than just bb. PM Wu or myself if you're thinking of making the trek out.

Comment by Scarlett and Vincent on March 10, 2019 at 10:03am

I will visit the USA in the next five years I think.. Might sent you a message! - Vincent

Comment by Dylan on March 9, 2019 at 6:15pm

Fantastic story, thanks for sharing! It's great that this community facilitates experiences like this. Maybe one day I'll be able to share a story similar to yours. In any case, hope you enjoy round 2 if it happens :)

Comment by Red Bustee on March 8, 2019 at 7:37pm

That must've been one hell of an experience! Pretty sweet and kudos to Wutcha for hooking that up.


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