Good Morning everyone!

After what seemed like an eternity, my BB engines warmed up and came raging to a most unexpected time. Typically, and I'm certain most are this way as well, a good busting session occurs in the afternoon or evening times as most people have jobs to be at during the morning hours. However, as myself and my lady love awakened today, we discovered that when the mood strikes...better get striking. Maybe it was because we switched sides last night...or that I'm wearing a particular type of underwear she likes...but I couldn't pry her off my nutsack to save my life. Not that I'm complaining mind you. So while she was molesting my poly-cotton swaddled balls, it reminded me that we have yet to try out a few kicks in this particular type of underwear. To describe it properly, the best visual I can give you is that they are similar to what Daniel Craig is wearing for a swim suit in Casino Royale. They aren't briefs (hell no), but they are not exactly boxer briefs because the legs on them are cut high. Like Marine running shorts high. Anyway, what they do offer (besides a revealing perspective), is they keep everything nice and together. Not much for moving around in there. Seeing as I typically do not wear underwear ever, this sensation was both foreign...and terrifying since my lady's very strong leg was about to be heading there with great velocity. Nevertheless, I was in the mood, SHE was in the mood, and the targets were just right. Since we haven't played hard in a while, she gave a few starter kicks at about 20-30%. All that did was crack the ice...and an avalanche followed after. She was hammering in kick after kick and I bounced back after each one eager for harder and more of it.

Always a clever one, my lady knew I wasn't going to be floored without us pushing past the 90% limit (safety first), so she added in a little distraction. I.e. A very long, sensual kiss that you start to lose your focus on the world around you...followed by SLAMMING a knee between the legs. With each successive knee, my stance got lower and lower, my legs spread as much as they could allow...until my face was pressed tight to her half dressed body and she was still driving her knee into my balls. Knowing the time was close (she did have to go to work), I asked for it outright floor me by whatever means necessary. And that she did. Three ball crushing knees later...the last specifically hitting the left nut full on...I was on the floor breathing heavy...she was bent over breathing heavy...and both of us had huge smiles. And with that, she buttoned up her shirt, grabbed her purse, kissed me goodbye, and headed off to work. So as I laid here, balls in that post-busted swollen state, lightly throbbing from a GREAT morning session...I couldn't resist sharing. I hope all of your Fridays started out equally well, and you all have a wonderful weekend before Christmas. If I don't see any of you before hand, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my KITG friends.

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Comment by Ryan moorehouse on October 18, 2019 at 8:07pm

Great story!

Comment by KingMe on April 13, 2015 at 7:08pm
This sounds re ally awesome, sexy as hell. Wish my woman would do this a couple days a week .
Comment by R. L. Taylor on December 29, 2013 at 5:29am

  That  was so hot Man it got my down-town area hard however I needed some ball work done. I prefer Man-on-Man kicking and since my pair can take Oh! maybe 16 hard punches and 8 hard kick's well I was the winner on this match. I can go the distance, especially with some poppers and vodka.


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