Women's Soccer ⚽ Sack Protection

Women's soccer low blow compilation -

Women's Soccer can be a real kick in the nuts at times. But truth is, any female player would rather be kicked in the groin instead of their leg being chopped in half.

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Comment by Rooomer on May 1, 2016 at 8:35am

Thanks for the description Mz Jjoana.  The pain of a kick in the shin is something I can relate to -- centering that kind pain in your crotch would hurt like hell.  I've always assumed (and been told by a few women) that how much it hurts depends a lot on what part of the anatomy takes the brunt of the hit and that if the clit is involved it can be excruciating (perhaps like the Japanese player).  Is that accurate?

Comment by Andy Lee on April 30, 2016 at 2:12am

One time I hit my shin pretty hard on a table, it felt like I got kicked in the nuts, lol. Knowing a vag kick is worse than a shin kick, I can fully sympathise, lol. Apparently women do have higher pain thresholds, and I guess having to deliver a baby does help that. I think mothers however have much higher than young women. Jhoana, I always thought a vag kick would feel like the nerve endings of the vulva being squished against the pubic bone. Do you feel mostly the bone part that hurts, or the fleshy parts too?

Comment by Mz Jhoana on April 30, 2016 at 12:06am
Just to chime in, yes it hurts like hell, but its not just bone, but the bone part of it hurts really bad too (ever hit ur shin?) like that but more intense. There are nerves there of course. It just very internal and our vulva I guess gives it more padding cushion. It hurts after like when Ive had to go to the bathroom after. Ive seen girls get hit there growing up, me included. I think we get up much faster either because it hurts a guy 1000xs more or we just have a much higher tolorance for pain than men -after all we only carry babies and give live birth, no biggie) lol.
Comment by Robert "Trey" Mansfield on April 29, 2016 at 10:40am

Yeah I think shame/embarrassment keeps them from holding themselves.

Comment by Andy Lee on April 29, 2016 at 7:09am

Paul, it might be wanting to get back into the game. Though on a few occasions, like the Japanese player, the hit is way too painful to just try and continue, they need to take five.

Comment by Paul Baker on April 29, 2016 at 4:40am

I'm surprised by how little they hold their groin  while they're down. Even compared to any other CB I've seen. Any one have any ideas why that might be? Maybe the millions of viewers?

Comment by Andy Lee on April 5, 2016 at 6:57am

Kass, was that a pun? :P Hahaha!

Comment by Kass Straighter on April 4, 2016 at 5:16pm

what a bunch of pussies. =P

Comment by Robert "Trey" Mansfield on March 16, 2016 at 11:29am

Awesome Andy, thanks!

Comment by Andy Lee on March 16, 2016 at 3:21am

Haha yeah, in slo-mo, the ass grab almost looks like it's there to just add insult to injury, haha.

I made a sports injuries topic in the forums section, but I don't remember if any of them were women involved in soccer incidents (there were other sports though). Also I'm sure a foot or knee would hurt a lot more than a soccer ball, but like the description says, I think a kick in the crotch isn't as bad as having your leg snapped in half!


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