One of my luckiest days ever. Without searching for a ball buster I met Christina Lazza on this opening night. She told me about her fetish site and that she was looking for someone crazy enough to let her bust their balls. Well I don't know if it was luck or destiny but Lazza found the right person. She kicked me once or twice then we turned the camera on. This is literally about 30 minutes after meeting her

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Comment by Raphael Reis on February 22, 2017 at 3:37pm

Sooo we can expect more videos with her right? ;)

Comment by ballsareforkicking on February 22, 2017 at 2:02pm

I love her little dance at the end lol

Comment by WeeZ on February 22, 2017 at 1:52pm
And that was about all we did that day. But then I was back like every day after that
Comment by WeeZ on February 22, 2017 at 1:49pm
Destin requested that I give more detail so To elaborate on the story a little bit I met her on craigslist. I had just moved back to SAN Antonio from Seattle. I posted an ad on craigslist looking for a female 420 friendly friend. Lazza is the only one who replied to the ad because she had just moved to San Antonio also . I didn't even realize until months later that she had just moved from Seattle also. But anyways she was looking for someone to help her find some 420 . I let her know I'm no dealer I don't do that. However I don't mind smokin with her. Honestly I wasn't going to do it because it felt a little sketchy. She said if you come I will show you my boobs. So I teleported to her house lol. So we are hanging out and she starts telling me about her c4s site . At that point my eyes were already lighting up. So I nonchalantly ask her have you ever seen the videos on c4s where these guys are getting kicked in the nuts?thats insane right? She responded back to me that she would love to do it but she can't find 1 single guy crazy enough to let her do it. So I'm already staring at the pearly gates of heaven at this point. Like I can't believe what's happening right now. So I ask her if I can show her something . I take out my phone and open up kitg and go straight to my videos. The pearly gates opened and she immediately kicked me about 3 times as I kinda show her how to do it. Then the camera started rolling and that's what you see in the video.
Comment by WeeZ on February 22, 2017 at 1:32pm
Thanks Joe that's awesome coming from you because you are the GOAT. Honestly your videos is what made me want to make videos myself.
Comment by WeeZ on February 22, 2017 at 12:57pm
Thanks it was a great and painful day
Comment by Smack My Nuts on February 22, 2017 at 10:53am

That was amazing, WeeZ!  I loved it.

Comment by Liquid Metal on February 22, 2017 at 8:00am

Love her excitement, and attitude. 

Comment by Francesco on February 22, 2017 at 7:26am
Awesome video WeeZ!! Her kicks are superb!
Comment by Joe | Violet on February 22, 2017 at 7:25am

Jesus man, this video was amazing!! The story just makes this video even better putting it into that context. I loved Christina in your videos since the very first one I saw and she packs one HELL of a kick. You are a boss for taking this punishment head on. I know it's a given that the girl gets the spotlight but it's also because of your tolerance that you can produce such stellar videos. You rock!!


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