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Comment by dvhour (Site Owner) on May 10, 2011 at 10:13am

Hello @Amy the Farm Girl... Some people think I have a stick in my ass or that I "coddle women" on here or i'm ultra sensitive... The reality is I'm a carefree "do what the fuck you like" hippy kind of guy... I don't like to pry in peoples affairs nor tell them what to do for that matter...  I love what I do in my private perverted space and I want people to do their own private and perverted things in their own space just keep me out of it.. That being said... there's a MAJOR difference between what I do in my carefree perverted life vs. being a responsible leader of a 4000+ BB and CB community.


Believe me I seriously don't have time to babysit threads like this, especially with all the disruptive life altering crap thats going on in my life right now. But the reality is that we have rules and values that we try to uphold on this site. YES most of the ladies on this site are Alpha girls and YES women can stick up for themselves but try having 2 or 3 or 10 people ssaying things like... "Amy the farm girl is really a dude pretending to be a girl"... or that "Amy is bullshitting about her BB exploits"... the point is freedom of speech and being thoughtless in our speech can go ever so far, especially the moment its directed upon you in a public or private setting. Lets be real about that and not pretend.


(NOTE I am not implying that You Amy the Farm Girl, are any of the things stated above nor have I been thinking this but its merely an extreme example)


I'm not trying to single out you or Mike Hawk cause you are both great contributors on this site and tend to keep constructive conversations... but sometimes its necessary to point out to the members on this site... "Hey lets be careful with what you are saying" because this is the internet after all and sometimes things can be misinterpreted... its not like we can see facial expressions or intonations in speech or body language... even still I know for a fact that some things are red button issues with some people on here and i'm all about minimizing hostilities and a disruptive culture here on this site.


We have 4000+ members on this site, people are gays, straights, lesbians, transgenders, people from all over the world who have different customs and manners (keep in mind some of those manners do not jibe with how we do things in the USA or Canada), people with children, people with grand children, people who are veterans of the BB or CB culture, people who literally just discovered it TODAY, people who hate nude busting, people who love nude busting, people who think its ok to call women bitches and cunts, people who want to call men slaves or sub, people who hate the entire fetish domme/sub relationship and the list goes on...


The point is its not easy balancing the right tone and vibe with this site without keeping everyone happy... The rules and values are set for this site to set some order on this site and I expect people to be upstanding citizens on here so we can minimize the conflict and hostilities on here. I don't mind being the "stick in the ass admin" or "mr sensitive"... but if my intervention helps to keep this community from having racism, sexism, gay bashing or uncontrolled flame wars or worse, then so be it - I'll keep being the biggest hardass that people love to hate on... do i think its fair or right being percieved this way when all I'm trying to do is provide a free, respectable comfortable space for people to enjoy the fetish. HELL NO... but i'll take it because its comes with the job of being a leader. 


Maybe we need a special section on this site where people can bitch and moan about me or any other content on here.. Like maybe I should create a FREEZONE where anything goes even calling me every bastard and asshole name in the book or linking to  content that they hate or despise that way this site won't feel like people are walking on eggshells.


- dvhour


Comment by Bbhaver on May 10, 2011 at 9:39am
Comment by dvhour (Site Owner) on May 9, 2011 at 9:34pm
Mike thats shameful... don't you realize that there are women on this site and guys, like me, who will find such a comment offensive... so let me say it. I'm offended by your comment... please try to be conscious of such talk sir.
Comment by greeneyedsusan on May 9, 2011 at 7:00pm
she's not ugly.


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