E&CBB SHOE SERIES! Episode Four: Boots & Booties


The premise is simple: her collection has been broken up into 5 separate categories (sneakers, flats/sandals, heels, boots, and random shit), each shoe gets 5 kicks at roughly the same power level/intensity, and we deide (as objectively as possible) which shoe is the most effective at demolishing nuts.

Sorry for the little hiatus there folks, but here's Boots/Booties for you all. Hope ya dig it. A few of these kicks really knocked me on my ass.
Is this formula getting redundant yet?

Leave a comment, like, favourite, whatever you wanna do we appreciate all of your feedback. But definitely don't share it! Thanks all.

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Comment by Jandrea on October 26, 2017 at 11:13pm

Absolutely amazing!

Eric, this session was longer then the others, and, especially with the last boots, poor yours balls...

Comment by Ermac Zed on October 26, 2017 at 10:12pm

Thank you so much you two.

Comment by Chaiyles on October 26, 2017 at 8:54pm
@Josh Barnet. Definitely won't be kicking him full force now or ever. I would instantly kill his chances of ever having kids and I like to think maybe one day that may be of interest. On another note, I did kick his hand full force just so he can get a feel of how hard it is and he said his hand went numb for a few minutes.
Comment by Buckled on October 26, 2017 at 7:54pm

AMAZING...THANKS GUYS....yo Chaiyles, don't be afraid to follow through with heel after the toe.  

Double WHAMMY:) 

Comment by Jared on October 26, 2017 at 7:35pm

I hit the "like" button before I ever watched it.

The whole vid is good.  My ultra fav moment is the 'walk into frame' at 9:47 which deserves a slowmo gif.

Comment by ItsJosh!! on October 26, 2017 at 7:06pm
@Eric great video series. It’s amazing to watch and thank you for sharing. I love how she said she hasn’t kicked you her hardest/as hard as she can. Is something we will see? Maybe you could do it in a kick off against the winning shoes from each category? Thanks again
Comment by John Ashton on October 26, 2017 at 5:56pm

Strange thought but by the end of this series your gf will have kicked your nuts into space with every pair of shoes she owns :D But hey it's for science! and stuff. 

Love the playful attitude and the constant chat. Would love to see more tights, socks, yoga pants etc. Chaiyles has amazing legs. 

Comment by Smoo on October 26, 2017 at 5:18pm

So cute together.  This is why you two are my fav bb pair here.  Love the series!  *Two Claws Up*

Comment by Silent Warrior on October 26, 2017 at 5:06pm

It's awesome watching you two. Her swing is perfect.I definitely like the last pair too.

Comment by Kulkuset on October 26, 2017 at 3:59pm

Liked the rubber boots, there aren't really many videos with them at all even if rubber boots are a fetish themselves. Though they're probably not really that comfortable for kicking, maybe better suited for stomping. Think I got a thing for colourful rubber boots when I saw this pic from a blog: https://i.imgur.com/LrUZEQw.jpg


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