Don't fuck with Rae: On the phone pt.1

I've always loved real life situational ballbusting videos. Rae seems to be imaginative enough to help me make it happen.The planis to make some "Belinda beats her boyfriend" like vids. Tell me what you think of these one kick knockouts with alternate kicks endings with slowmo. Give me any story ideas you would like to see us act out. Keep it pg non nude and non sexual and we will try to act it out Also tell me how you feel about the intro
As always the password is KITGONLY

Views: 582


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Comment by Gianni on June 22, 2018 at 5:46am
It would be great a scenario ''woman VS thief in her house'' !
Comment by carra23 on June 19, 2018 at 3:38am

Awesome video. I'd love to see more squeezes added. 

Comment by Kane Andretti on June 18, 2018 at 3:35pm

She likes to show her toes so I know she's a vicious kicker. Does she do any non-kick busts? 

Comment by Tender Boy on June 18, 2018 at 10:34am

I love how Rae moves and that she can drop you with a single kick.  She is awesome!

You two have a great style.  I love the total female empowerment you show.  Her kicks are real and your pain is real.  

I wonder, before you guys did this together, did Rae know how good she is at kicking balls and putting guys on the ground?  She's wonderful.

Comment by JackD on June 18, 2018 at 10:12am

Quick idea based on something that my ex did to me. We were going out to a work party for my company and were late, the taxi was outside and she was still getting ready. I was annoyed and told her "Let's go already, you're holding us up", she absolutely booted me in the balls with heels on. I was still on the floor when she came back ready to go. She stood over me and berated me for not being ready to leave. I eventually went to my company meeting limping and in pain. It was awesome.

Comment by JackD on June 18, 2018 at 10:03am

Awesome I really like this idea and damn Rae kicks hard!

Comment by Mainframe on June 17, 2018 at 10:36pm

I like the slow-mo single replay effect.  We dont want too many replays. Just the original footage of the kick (strike) and one instant replay in slow motion.  I like the intro and outro edited content as well.  

As far as a story idea, why dont you do something to make you seem deserving of the kick?   Like for example, you walk up to her in a bar, and get frisky, cupping her butt check without permission.  She gets really annoyed and offended and launches a swift kick at your junk in retaliation.

Comment by Tyler Durden on June 17, 2018 at 9:17pm

I love the idea! Also that second kick, wow! I loved it even better in slow Mo! That is a pass out kick if I've ever seen one! She is no doubt a pro. I bet she's actually beat up a guy before by doing that, I love the scenario of actually kicking your ass and walking away after enjoying her handy work, lol. This is the best site! So glad I never left! More like this please :)

Comment by Maria Bernal on June 17, 2018 at 5:32pm
Great video :) my bf loves when i use flats like soccer moms. Do you guys have that?
Comment by volcan51 on June 17, 2018 at 1:30pm

Love it.

What a kick dude. Belinda videos were some kind of iniciation in this long time ago you keep the style well. I like rae kick more than belinda's one feel it like with more killer instinct.

She gets them so good. Kick you with like the ankle


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