Hardest kicks i've taken. You can bet they were swollen after. I don't think before i've ever been floored so many times at once.

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Comment by Mary Smart on September 7, 2013 at 4:50am

Extraordinary young man.  I think you should invite some kicks from behind so that you cant see them coming in future videos, and why are you being kicked barefoot ?

Comment by Mike Tyler on July 20, 2013 at 6:02am

I think that was the best BB video ever period. They even put joe guy to shame. I'm speechless right now, I'll comment more later put this is f'ing great work

Comment by Damien on July 9, 2013 at 6:32pm

haha susan, i could imagine you'd do that.  i'd have no complaints :D

Comment by Susan Bell on July 9, 2013 at 11:29am


This is great stuff, what a gal and I love how Damien keeps coming back for more. Really well done, love it!

Your balls should be sore for a week at least. Hope you can persuade that gal to do more vids.

The only thing I would have done differently is that I would have given you a bonus kick while I was helping you up off the ground! LOL

Keep up the good work!

Comment by Smoo on July 7, 2013 at 9:10am

That was a great vid!  Love the reactions from both of you.  *two claws up*  :)

Comment by Tender Boy on July 6, 2013 at 2:22pm

BTW I love how at 3:30 and then again at 4:42 she tells you that "they're gonna get harder now" and you playfully say "no" and she giggles and says, "Yes!" not taking your no for an answer.  She's in charge.  That is really cool of her.

Comment by Tender Boy on July 6, 2013 at 2:13pm

Damien, you're a trooper for taking those hard kicks and an artist for creating what you do.  Thanks for all of it!

And someday I hope I can find an amazing girl like her!  Please include her in future videos if that's possible.  And if you talk to her again, maybe you can find out what her previous experience is with kicking guys in the balls, if she's open to talking about it. What is her first name, if that's OK to ask?

I think it's awesome that right from the start she kicked harder and with more skill than you expected, but you hung in there.  What a great surprise.

Comment by Beaten13 on July 6, 2013 at 12:04pm

The real talent of that girl is that she really aims for the balls, not just between the legs. Great work!

Comment by Tyler Durden on July 6, 2013 at 11:17am

Well thanks for sticking it out Damien, it made for a great epic video us =)

Comment by Damien on July 6, 2013 at 10:59am

tender - i know she's kicked guys before, but im not sure about the circumstances.  most girls i've busted with do it gingerly, so this was a 'real shocker' for me!  after the first few kicks went the way they did,  i knew this was going to be a tough one to get through ;). 


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