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Comment by Susan Bell on November 8, 2018 at 11:27am

Yes, pls re-upload!

Comment by Conor giannini on October 24, 2018 at 6:22am

Wow already deleted

Comment by Allen Witts on October 24, 2018 at 12:39am

Fantastic video, you two :)  I like the dynamic between you, and she clearly knows what she's doing with those kicks!  I'm pretty sure she could hit you WAY harder if she chose to, because her control is just so precise.

@Liquid Metal she does kind of hit him with her toes at times?  But the danger with 'toe kicks' are when somebody is kicking with the tip of their foot pointed- like hitting with the tips of their toes if that makes sense?  A front kick like this that just hits with the end of her foot will probably SUCK but shouldn't risk injury to either of them.  And re:flinching, close your eyes ;)

Comment by Deborah Cage on October 22, 2018 at 5:45am

YouTube removed the video :(

Would you please re-upload?

it was great


Comment by Liquid Metal on October 19, 2018 at 10:52am

First, thank you for posting! One thing to point out, and it may just be the camera angle.. It looks like you are flinching, and backing away from her kicks, and she end up toe kicking you. Not only is this ending up more painful for you, but higher chance of actually damaging you, and even her toes. 

I suggest you trying to overcome your natural reaction, and try to allow her to hit your with the top of her foot. This accomplishes a couple of things. First, it spreads out the blow, so you can actually take abit of a harder hit. Second, it lessens the chances of injury for both of you, she wont hurt her toes, and you won't risk getting a cord severed from a glancing toe kick. 

That said, I do realize how hard it is to not flinch, kinda like trying to hold your eyes open while sneezing. 

If you notice some of the regular posters here who put a lot of videos up, if they flinch, they almost hop in towards the lady kicking, since they probably can't overcome the urge to flinch, they make the movement compliment the kick. 

Again, PLEASE don't take this as me putting you guys down, I am grateful for you sharing the video, and hoe you guys enjoy your fun together. And, I could be totally wrong due to the camera angle, and you aren't puling back and getting toe kicked. 

Enjoyed the video, thank you!

Comment by david on October 19, 2018 at 1:03am

those kicks are awesome. make more for sure. she got skills. love it, love it. keep them coming. wow.

Comment by John Ashton on October 18, 2018 at 7:02pm

The kicks look painful. As a black belt i'm pretty sure she could KO you with one kick.  Would love to know how hard the kicks where on a scale of 0 to 100% (full force). Love the video and the girl is cute :)

Comment by Weak dude on October 18, 2018 at 3:36pm
Hard and nice!
Comment by Ibrahim Moizoos on October 18, 2018 at 10:18am
Comment by bbandstuff on October 18, 2018 at 8:13am

stopping for a second to talk to the viewers was a nice touch, and that kick at 0:54... ouch, thanks for sharing


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