Ballbusting 101: A Tutorial by Miss Chaiyles


Back with a full video! This time Chaiyles teaches the basic tips and tricks to becoming a dope-ass ballbuster! We make absolutely no apologies for the ridiculous insanity of this video and if you can even somehow manage to find it hot in any way I think you deserve a medal. I promise we won't always be this goofy and stupid, but we really just wanted to go nuts with this one lol.

I do, however, apologize for our god-awful acting skills.

Hope you all enjoy it though! Hope we can make ya laugh.

Please leave a comment with any of your thought or a like if you like it, your beautiful words are why we love doing this so much! Thanks everyone c:

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Comment by Incubus on July 11, 2018 at 3:31am

OMG, sooo funny.  Love this video.  Nice job putting it together.  And HOTTT!  Look forward to seeing more.  Great comments added too.  I wish I could "Thumbs up" on them all.

Comment by Bri on July 10, 2018 at 8:04pm

V-Stomp looks like the best option. No way to hide them!

Comment by Lisa on May 30, 2018 at 5:32pm

This is an amazing video! You're so funny

Comment by WeeZ on May 30, 2018 at 5:20pm

You two are legends

Comment by WeeZ on May 30, 2018 at 5:19pm

 lmfao omg The look on your face Eric is making my ribs shake in laughter. This is an amazing perfect this is the video I will show girls who want to try ballbusting. Makes explaining everything so much easier. Chaiyles is sexy and solid like always and the demonstration and presentation of this video was great and perfect in every way

Comment by Eric on May 30, 2018 at 2:10pm
@Joe, thanks for another classic essay comment hahaha you leave the best responses, we love you dude. I'm still surprised this video is even able to be somehow arousing lol. As long as it's funny haha, I spent so much time killing myself laughing during editing. Thanks again dude! Let's meet up and make a collab and we can all get destroyed together hahaha.

@tsm89, hahaha thanks man. And for C the short answer is she's a dancer, so good balance has come built-in lol.

@Dennis, very flattering haha. I'm still undecided, we may do some naked BB down the line, still not sure how comfortable I am just full package a-blazin' on cam lol but we don't rule it out completely.
Comment by Joe | Violet on May 30, 2018 at 8:27am

Oh my lord I never thought I'd see the day where this video would exists and here it is. It makes me laugh and aroused at the same time, I have never felt so conflicted before. Chaiyles, seriously no disrespect to you but DAMN that booty is fine as hell. I literally wish I could grab it just so I can get completely destroyed by those phenomenal legs. This video was actually really well put together, Eric you are one funny mother fucker, and Chaiyles, you are so natural when you speak, almost like you have been doing this all your life. 10/10 guys. Freaking amazing!

Comment by tsm89 on May 26, 2018 at 10:35pm

This is awesome! Eric, holding that facial expression cracked me up. And Chaiyles, how you manage to balance on one leg in heels that long is beyond me!

Comment by Nuts for Grab on May 19, 2018 at 7:05pm

Haha great video guys, very entertaining!

Comment by Dennis Lowe on May 19, 2018 at 4:58pm

This outfit is so beautiful. If you guys would do naked ballbusting than you two could become my all time favorites. Keep up the good work!


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