What Happened to Velvet Kick site ?

Anyone know ?  This site was huge for me in getting my bb fix back in the day.  Scott the owner, had the site up forever but the main VK site seems to have disappeared.  Drop down menus do lead to the spin off sites, but the main site is sadly M.I.A..  

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Comment by Tim Bowens on May 28, 2018 at 6:45pm
There is one with the dark curly haired girl named sativa where she has on white lingerie. Man I’d kill to get that video. I’ve had it and lost it twice over the years. Sucks.
Comment by Buckled on May 28, 2018 at 11:42am

Thanks Joe, Thanks DV for your comments.  Sorry.  Hadn't visited this thread for awhile.  My apologies for the late response.  

Comment by Lexeme on May 1, 2018 at 7:46pm


Yeah, I kind of figured that if they aren't available, you must have reasons. Honestly I know people who have shot fetish related vids and are now really sensitive about them ten years later so I know the drill.

Vulneraballs stuff was pretty great too--but yes, we've got it good now with long HD videos. Still though, it was pretty exciting back in the day to wait for those lofi VK videos to download over dial-up :D

Comment by Joe on May 1, 2018 at 10:53am

Velvet Kick and Vulneraballs had some great videos.  Not all of them but some of them were absolutely great.  Certain individual ladies they worked with.  Yes the video quality is just not there compared to what we have now.  That's the biggest problem.  Along with you can't find them anymore.  Mostly they are off of the net and impossible to find.  The other issue is some of the videos were just like 2, 3, 4 minutes or really short.  It was just a different era for upload speed and download speed too.  You see now the 10, 15, 20 and even 30 minute ballbusting videos.  Which are so much better IMO.  Those old short ones are too short.  But I think it had something to do with the upload speeds and technology of the time which wasn't as good.

Comment by Psyop717 on May 1, 2018 at 1:15am

I seriously loved Velvet Kick back in the day, I bought a bunch of vids when I was first discovering my like of bb. There was one in particular, sometime between 2002 - 2005, there was a woman in white, her name started with a K, and she was billed as a krav maga practitioner.

Anyway, there was one video of her where it showed her behind the guy, so that you could see her face from between his legs. As she kicked, it was POV on her heels. Her face during...wooo. Easily one of the hottest clips I'd ever seen, she was ruthless and hot, and her kicks were absolutely devastating.

Really wish I'd managed to keep those, it's been impossible to find. The only stuff I have from back in the day is a bunch of Vulneraballs stuff. They had some super vids also. If only the video quality then matched what we have now...

Comment by dvhour (Site Owner) on April 28, 2018 at 2:40pm

CORRECT @Buckled

Velvet Kick was run by Scott and as Buckled said the site and Scott was a true pioneer. I remember videos as far back as 1999 or 2000. I bought a handful of his videos. At that time there was the BB Movie database, the eunuch forum, the Valkyrie forum, Femaledom.com, Knackers, Stardeck, TCLNET forum at least off the top of my head thats what I remember. Scott would be close to 50 or 60 something years old at this time the site goes back to almost 20 years now. Sadly the vulture bb free sites have some of their posted content. Grrrrr


My old site was titled USBBonline it lasted very briefly but the buzz for it went from 2003-2004. Oh and now that I know you have clips please be careful not to share them with anyone you can't trust people and some folks might post them to other sites and I've kept a super tight reign on those vids for years. I def don't want those gals out there who knows where they are in life...  We missed our moment to make money on them and to capitalize on that movement when we did it. :( 

Comment by Lexeme on April 28, 2018 at 2:13am

I'm pretty sure DV's was USBB. I still have some of those floating around on a hard drive (paid for back in the day, of course!)

Comment by Joe on April 18, 2018 at 9:13pm


It shows zero clips.  It's been zeroed out.


This also shoes zero clips.

It's still in their database.  In clips 4 sale that is showing that there were stores.  But it has been taken down.  There are no clips in there.  I would guess it was too expensive to maintain.

These were the 2 that had the better clips.  But it looks like they are completely gone now.

Comment by Joe on April 18, 2018 at 9:04pm


Go to the right and the drop down menu that says other stores and pull it down and it gives you their other stores.  It looks like I spoke too soon.  It looks like Velvet Kick and Velvet Kick classic are down even on clips 4 sale.  So maybe they weren't making enough money to maintain even the page.  Those were old videos.  I got some over the years on various hard drives.  But I don't have everything.  

They were hit and miss.  Sometimes they had boring, average, videos with average looking Dominas who were not very enthusiastic.  Some were super ultra hot Dominas.  Like models.  Just beautiful girls who would kick your balls to the moon and just absolutely loved it and great enthusiasm.  But like I said they are just older the resolutions are bad and sound quality is sometimes bad too.  It was just a different era of technology.  I would guess some are 10 years old or more.  But some are really worth having.  Certain scenes were just great and certain specific Mistresses were fantastic.

I don't know where to get them anymore.  It looks like their membership site is down and the clips for sale original ones too.  But they have some related sites on clips for sale which appear to still be up.  They have some of their videos on there but not all of them.  I don't think you can ever get all of them anymore.  It's just not possible.

It was really a different era when they came out.  Download speeds were slower and resolutions were bad.  Some of their original videos were like 2 minutes or 2:30 or 3:00.  They were short with bad resolution and sometimes poor sound.  They technology just wasn't the same when they were shooting it.  But some of the later ones are real gems.  You can find a 8 or 10 minute one sometimes of higher resolution and some great, enthusiastic and very pretty Dominas who are just absolutely great.

I think overall like I said their time has kind of come and gone.  But their are some gems which are among the best ballbusting videos you will see from that time era.  Not all of them but some are out of this world and worth having.

Comment by Buckled on April 18, 2018 at 8:59am

Thanks Joe....do you have a link to the location you mentioned ?  

Thanks ! 


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