Well, I think this fits. A few months back I had to use the Twist and Squeeze on a guy who pestered me. I have taken several self defense classes in the past and they had mentioned the "Grab, Twist, Squeeze, and Yank" technique on a guy's nuts, but of course we could never practice. So it was kind of a mystery to me, until a few months ago, when this guy at this dance club wouldn't leave me alone, i tried to be nice and tell the loser to quit touching me, but he wouldn't stop, so when he touched me again, i turned around, smiled at him and then grabbed his balls, he must have been wearing boxers or something because they were really easy to snatch. And I followed what I learned in class, I squeezed, Twisted, yanked down on his little grapes, and boy did he cry, but he didn't fall to the ground, which surprised me, so I squeezed harder and then, BINGO, he went down, I lost my grip because he fell so fast. He had to bel carried off the dance floor by hisfriends, wow, crazy right? Talk abouta technique that really works.

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Comment by Manuel Schmitt on March 9, 2017 at 12:03pm

wow! how long did u have to squeeze?

Comment by Andy Lee on October 23, 2015 at 3:19am

I never thought about pressing against the chords. That would downright hurt a lot! lol. Also if possible, getting a good squeeze on one testicle is more effective than a half arsed grab on both. That way you focus your energy on just the one area. Glad to hear you got out of that situation well.

Comment by MadisonGuy on October 23, 2015 at 2:42am

So, is the thumb pressing technique that kim is describing the same thing as the "divide and conquer" portion of Susan Smith's "testicle twist? or she doing something different" If so, is the reason it is so painful because you are applying pressure to where the cords connect to the testicles?

Comment by manosteel on November 30, 2013 at 2:06am

I teach self-defence and here we call it  'the doorknob'. One of the most effective self-defence techniques available. I let my students practice on me so they have an idea how it works.


Comment by Andrew R on July 26, 2013 at 9:41am

I've taken several kicks but I know a squeeze is the worst ...

Comment by Danielle on October 1, 2011 at 2:52pm
Squeezing alone has worked great for me. Does twisting make it even worse ?
Comment by Brittani Anders on July 24, 2011 at 1:45am
Kim, wow, I will have to remember that next time I get lucky enough to use this technique again.
Comment by Joey C. on July 22, 2011 at 6:51pm
Hey Kim, that's one of my favs too! No man can withstand the massive pain that comes when the thumbs are pressed hard directly into the testicle. We all drop to the floor and yes, if you were to keep digging your thumb(s) in we would absolutely pass out from the pain.
Comment by kim Detorres on July 22, 2011 at 6:43pm
''holding" typo !
Comment by kim Detorres on July 22, 2011 at 6:42pm
 Brittani, My favorite ball crushing technique is to push my thumb into the top of the testicle where the cords connect .This technique is devastating to them. I squeeze them until they are on their knees. At this point I press my thumb into the top of the ball. Until then they usually are holdning and squeezing my arm trying to pull my hand off their balls. At this point I do the thumb push. They let go of their grip and I feel them go weak and  limph.They almost pass out from it.


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