Being and advocate of firmly administering no holds ballbusting to males, I am often asked which I like better the Knee or Foot. Simple answer is both. There are subtle differences to which I shall explain. Usually when I desire to use my Knee, I prefer to wear one of my loose fitting short outfits which allow my "always" stocking clad " legs to have maximum movement to enable me to properly swing my knee hard into the testicles without any restriction. The feeling of my stockings connecting properly with the balls is very satisfying for a Lady, in that, the sound of nylon on balls is very similar to a Lady walking with her stockings rubbing together. I also get an intense feeling of a good contact between balls,stockings and pelvic bone, especially when i keep my knee firmly lodged into the pelvic bone on contact. With the foot, there is definitely less sensation for the Lady, but due to the increased power from a full blown kick, the kick remains the more disruptive of the two. 

Lady Amanda

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Comment by Robert Whitney on August 29, 2017 at 9:45am

The knee is both erotic and a self defense tool. As for a barefoot kick...ooh lala.  I have experienced many times the pleasure and pain.  

Comment by Harvey B on April 5, 2017 at 8:05pm
Freaking hot!
Comment by nolizards on March 16, 2017 at 8:37am
Thank you for sharing your female power in such an eloquent way. That was lovely.
Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on March 13, 2017 at 12:58pm

C’est parfait. I couldn't agree more. Knee is also up close and personal, a lot more intimate as well.

Comment by Need 2 B Kneed on March 13, 2017 at 11:22am

Wow, great description from the womans point of view...!

Comment by dave j on March 13, 2017 at 10:05am

  Very desciptive! Thank you for posting.

Comment by Buckled on March 13, 2017 at 9:45am

I always love to ask open-minded bb ladies this question.   There is an art to both.  The knee is more personal, more close up and can be more powerful, depending on the dexterity and talent of the KNEE'R.  The kick can also be devastating, especially if the woman is wearing pointy shoes.   Bottom line though, both are SEXY as hell, and if the lady is dressed in office attire, even SEXIER to my refined bb loving eye.  LOVE YOUR POST Lady A+++


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