A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
It was a Thursday afternoon around 4:00pm on my way home from work. There would be no work on Friday so I had a 3 day weekend. I have this habit of getting myself a pizza and a couple of movies for the night. I went to the shopping center that I always go to since the take and bake pizza place is located there. I park my car near the pizza place and order my pizza. I then go to the grocery store and pick up other items I need and a couple of Red-box movies, by the time I am done shopping my pizza is made and ready to be picked up. On this day I parked the car and when I started walking to the pizza place I was approached by a woman in purple scrub's. She was a bit older than me and very attractive holding flyers, she handed me on and asked if I would be interested. The flyer was for a 90 minute massage that cost $39.99. I have had several massages before and the price is well to good to be true in my mind and there must be some catch or something. With this going through my mind I knew how to end this conversation and get on my way. I told her that the deal looks good but I don't get massages in establishments such as this. She asked what do you mean? I told her that I spent time in Europe and prefer not to be draped during my massage and places like this have rules. She said yes they do but there are options like covering just your private area with a towel, she didn't have to use the drape, she then smiled and said, besides you really don't want me seeing all of you do you. I didn't realize she was the massage therapist until now, I thought she was just someone hired to pass out the flyers. I told her it wouldn't bother me if she did and that I prefer to be naked and of course for her not to be if she were to give me a massage. She looked down and then back up at me and said, so you would be completely naked on my massage table and you wouldn't expect anything else besides a massage, I don't do sensual or any else for that matter. I replied saying that to be completely honest, I wouldn't ask for or expect anything but the massage, I know it's hard to believe, but it's true and that's why I used to have a masseuse come to my place a massage me there and not in a place like yours here, and no, I didn't get any extra favors when she gave me the massages. She looked me straight in the eyes and said, in your house or apartment, The atmosphere would be totally wrong, do you have a few minutes? I looked at the pizza shop and then looked back to her and said yea I suppose, why? She said she would like to give me a tour of her massage parlor. I said sure.
We then walked to her shop and I was surprised I hadn't noticed it before, it had very dark like black glass you couldn't really see through unless you put your face right up to it with your hands blocking the glare from the outside light. She told me that it was too bright with the direction her place faced, after her clients had their massage and would leave, the bright sunlight would be uncomfortable as they returned to the front of the store so she had the glass replaced. We then entered and the first thing I noticed was a very attractive, hot blond sitting behind a desk. She walked me over and introduced me to her, at this point she realized she didn't tell me her name either or know mine. I'm not going to use their real names here in this story. She introduced me to Jenny her receptionist and herself as Sharon the owner. The front of the massage parlor/store, as I see it, was very nice, the light was so dim from the outside that the soft lighting used on the inside was very easy on the eyes. There were items to purchase, massage supply's, priced as I would expect a small shop would price. Jenny's desk had the register, computer and video monitor which showed all of us on camera, I thought the camera was odd but I'll explain more later. In the middle of the front room are black curtains. Sharon took me through them explaining that when I would arrive for my appointment Jenny would escort me through here, the black curtains,and take me to the dressing room. Behind the curtains was a soft lit hallway and the dressing room was the first door on the left. We entered the dressing room, nice small room with a bench and lockers. Sharon then said Jenny would give me a key to one of the lockers to put my cloths and personal belongings in. She then showed me a robe would be provided and disposable slippers, for an additional $2.00 if I didn't bring my own slippers. The door could be locked from the inside for privacy and they had a key if they needed to enter in an emergency. Sharon then led me down the hallway to a room on the right, a sitting and relaxing room, which had a couch and a couple of recliners, a very soft relaxing decor. Sharon then told me that Jenny would then come in and offer me a Mamoso or how ever it's spelled, a orange juice, pineapple champagne and vodka drink as I found out. I would then relax and have my drink until Jenny came back to escort me to one of the massage rooms. We entered one of the massage room, at this point there were only 2 with 2 more being put together. The room was very nice, great smell, soft light, soft ocean sound playing, very nice. Sharon then showed me some of the lotions and oils she would use and that I could smell them and pick the ones I prefer. She then showed me the massage table which had the hole for your face when you lied on your stomach, it was also heated so the client would be very comfortable. she showed me the nice felt like cover and sheet/drape and then pulled out a small hand towel and said for those who don't like the drape while smiling and saying, you really don't want me to see you naked do you? I said, yea, it really doesn't bother me, it actually helps me to relax, you know like full dis-closer, nothing to hide or keep covered up. I then said, trust me, I have nothing to show off or to hide, it just doesn't bother me if you see my man-parts. She then started laughing and repeated man-parts. She then looked me in the eye and said, personally I would love to see you naked on my table, I like looking at men the way I'm sure you like to look at woman, if there was a way for you to prove to me that your not a problem and what happens in here remains in here I would have no problem with you completely naked on my table. I didn't know what to say except, I have know idea how I could prove that to you, only that I'm telling you the truth. She then said, the truth about you not bothered by me seeing you naked? I said all of it, I have not lied to you. She replied, come with me. We went to her office in the back, one of the rooms in the hallway, it was a nicely lit room, not set up with the relaxing decor, but very nice with a desk, couple of chairs and a couch. She sat behind her desk and said, I have an idea on how you could prove to me that your not going to be a problem for me. She brought something up on her computer and told me come around and take a look. She had a page up titled, SIG Program, She then said she has been looking at ways to increase client's and offer something in exchange. She told me to think of SIG as VIP, and that SIG stood for Special Invited Guest, she said VIP is used everywhere and she wanted something different. She then went onto the benefits of the SIG program, $90.00 for 90 minute massage, no tips flat price, arrive 30 minutes before appointment and have 2 Mamoso's to relax and priority when it comes to schedule appointments. Nobody is in this program yet, I haven't launched it but I'm ready to. In your case I'm willing to launch it and include the $39.99 90 minute massage which would be a total of 4 massages paid for in advance. If your willing to do this I think that would be proof that your not going to be a problem, and of course it means no drape and if it's only you back here, no other client's here, you can forgo the robe and walk around naked if you want, I won't mind and neither would Jenny, think about it. She then called Jenny, Jenny came in the room with 2 Mamoso's for us. Sharon told Jenny to go ahead and start locking up for the night. I now understood the video system, Sharon brought up the front of the store in her office. I inquired about it and she told me that Jenny is not always in the front so she had video surveillance installed and assured me that no camera's were in the massage rooms, I just looked at her and said, do you think I would care, she laughed. She showed me one of the other rooms on camera, a hot tub room or Spa as she called it, she said she was hesitant to have one due to the nasty things some people do in hot tubs. The video surveillance helps with recording and live feed of what goes on in there, all clients will be told of the camera and if they decide to hot tub naked, they will know that it's on camera and recorded, no privacy, but it's there choice and of course if they do something they shouldn't they will be responsible for the cost of cleaning it up. As Sharon picks up her drink and Jenny walks in Sharon asks me if I like the deal she offered? I said sure, it sounds like a good deal. Jenny then asks, what deal? Sharon then tells her that I will be the first of the SIG program. Jenny then asks, oh were doing that? Sharon then tells her that their going to start it up with me and why it would be good proof that I wouldn't be a problem having un-draped massages. Sharon then went on saying that I didn't care if they saw me naked and she told me I could walk around here naked if I wanted to, as long as no other clients were around of course. Jenny got this big smile and just said really. Sharon said, of course, just not in the front of the store, that would be a problem. Sharon then looked at me and got this big smile, she said, so you like the deal, I nodded, she then said, so one more thing that would prove your word to me would be for you to take your cloths off, right now, in front of both me and Jenny. Jenny then spouted out, really, oh my god, I'll be right back. I sat there dumbfounded, didn't say anything, Sharon smiling at me. Jenny came back in quickly and sat on the couch with a drink of her own, I had finished mine and so did Sharon. Sharon told Jenny to go get 2 more drinks for us, she did and then both Sharon and Jenny sat on the couch. Sharon said, anytime, the store locked up, it's just us. So I then stood in front of them and asked, do you really want me to strip, right now, in front of both of you? Sharon said, you said it didn't bother you if I or Jenny saw you naked, we both like looking at naked men so take it all off, prove your word. Jenny then did this sitting running in place move on the couch, so excited, she then asked me if I could do a dance and strip show. I told her, are you kidding, besides I don't dance, she gave me this sad face look and then smiled and said, OK then lets go. I then started taking my clothes off thinking Sharon would stop me at anytime, not happening. I got down to just my underwear, stood there if front of them and they just said, go on. I then took off my underwear and stood in front of both of them, fully exposed. Sharon smile got bigger and she looked up at me and said, I won't mind looking at you at all, I like that you shave your dick and balls, looks clean and smooth. I then replied to her, yea and as I told you, nothing to show off or to hide just average. Jenny then said, you guys are always worried about size, personally I like average, think I want a foot long ramming inside me, no way. Both Sharon and Jenny started uncontrolled laughter. Jenny then got herself together and went over to Sharon desk, Sharon asked her what she was doing? Jenny then pulled out a ruler and said, this. Sharon the replied, your not going to measure him are you, Jenny said, oh yea. I wasn't hard, just semi hard so it wouldn't be a good measure anyway. Jenny then asked me, what gets you hard? I stuttered and then said, really? She then said, I mean other than sex, and then took her hand and groped me, started stroking me, all the while Sharon was just looking. I was getting harder but not full on, this was weird to me, so when she noticed I wasn't getting a full on hard-on she asked me again, without taking her cloths off or sucking my dick what would get me hard? I told her to take her shoes off and put her foot between my legs. Both Sharon and Jenny got this look of surprise on their face and Jenny ripped off her shoes and socks. She had nice looking feet, I got on my knees and took her foot, put it between my legs with the top of her foot pressing against my balls, I was now a full on hard on. They both looked shocked but happy, Jenny then pulled her foot away and told me to stand up. Standing in front of her she measured me with the ruler. She said I lied, I was 6 1/4" a 1/4" above average. Sharon just laughed. We finished our drinks, both Sharon and Jenny looked at my dick and balls and both of them felt my balls, at one point each of them grabbed 1 ball and told me that they really have me by the balls now, I laughed but Sharron's grip on my right ball was tight, I told her I was OK with her giving me a testicle massage anytime. She let go of my testicle and said that I would really not want her to do that and if she was to do it it would not be in her massage room. I told her she could do it right now. She said, oh no, you haven't paid for the deal yet and if I were to massage your balls you may not pay, so why don't you and Jenny go out front make an appointment and take care of the SIG agreement. With that Sharon got up and gave Jenny the details. I went to put my cloths on and Sharon stopped me. She said, I'm sure Jenny would love to have our first member pay in the nude, the front door is locked, all you need is your wallet. I took my wallet and headed out front, once I went through the curtains I saw the people walking by the store through the window, I was standing there completely naked and they couldn't see me, it felt weird. I paid Jenny and then she went and got a camera to take a picture so she could put a name to a face as she puts it. She took a picture of my face and finished my page on her computer. Sharon then came up front and asked if everything was ok. Jenny said, yep all paid for and his first appointment is next week on Friday, your last appointment on that day. Sharon then said, great, look forward to having you as a client. Now obviously you don't mind us seeing you naked and since your my last appointment on Friday you can forgo the robe if you like but you must sit on a towel for sanitary reasons OK, I nodded yes. Sharon then said, good, now lets go back to my office, you can get dressed or I can give you that testicle massage, your choice, and she said it with a big smile. Nothing was said and we went back to her office. Once in her office she went to her desk, I went up to her lifted my dick and told her that they were all hers. Sharon smiled and asked me, you sure, it really is an intense massage? I said yea. She got a towel for me to sit on, had me sit on the couch, pulled over a chair, put it between my legs up against the couch and sat down, had me scoot forward so she had total access to my testicles. She took both of them one in each hand and started gently massaging them. I got a full on hard-on instantly. Jenny walked in and was upset she wasn't told. Sharon told her to take a seat and learn something. Sharron's pressure on my balls was growing more and more, she was squeezing and pulling more and more, I started squirming, Jenny just comforted me telling me everything would be ok. This went on for a minute or so and then, WHAM, I started cumming with Sharon pulling and squeezing my balls, all my cum on my stomach, Sharon kept going, squeezing and squeezing, now it really got to be unmanageable, I forced her hands off and cupped my balls. Sharon just laughed and said she loves feeling a mans balls in her hands. Sharon got a paper towel and Jenny cleaned me up. Sharon then stated that there was no charge for that, just three of us adults having some good old fun. With that being said I got dressed and we all went home. When I arrived for my appointment Jenny was smiling as ever and her eyes would constantly look at my man-parts since I didn't use the robe and went naked, it was only us 3. The massage was one of the best I had ever got, I was naked but there was no happy ending, nothing but a full body massage, the kind where when you leave all color's are brighter, sounds crisper and the world seems a different place. I've had over 6 massages now, all great, the only surprising accounts were when Sharon hired a temp, nice young attractive black women to handle receptionist responsibilities while Jenny was away, when she walked in to give me my Mamoso drink and I was naked, she took a few good looks but was totally professional, it was just odd not having Jenny look and tease me. The second was that Sharon had hired a part time masseuse, they basically rented the massage rooms, while Jenny was escorting me to my massage room, I was naked, one of them came out of one of the rooms, Jenny introduced me to her, her name was Julie, she just took a good look at me and said, you must be SIG 1, Jenny confirmed, Julie told me that anytime I wanted a massage and Sharon wasn't available she would be happy to give me a massage and I could put my junk out on display for her to look at, wouldn't be a problem for her, she then continued on her way. I'm sure I could get another testicle massage and am planning on asking but that hasn't happened yet.
Harvey B, Yes I always think about that first massage, but she was so rough. I think she was sending me a message like, She has me by the balls and would have no problem in destroying them.
amazing story, I don't know if Sharon was into bb, or just she was unconsciously programmed for squeezing your nuts for taking control and impress you
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