Tequila, Testicles vs Toes!!! (My 60 yard field goal)

Last summer (2009), one of my good friends, Ashley and I paid a relaxing visit to a local pub after a nice day at the beach. It was a Wednesday so the pub wasn’t crowded at all, just the Bartender, three other guys at the end of the bar and the two of us. Ashley and I decided to go out on the dance floor and do a little innocent dirty dancing. While we were on the floor one of the three guys at the end of the bar walked over, the one that was in the worst shape sober wise. He worked his way onto the dance floor, he was so inebriated (*_-) and stunk of booze, he muscled his way in between the two of us. He then started rubbing his ass in my crotch and then walked over and started rubbing his crotch on Ashley’s butt. Ashley turned to me and said "this one is yours; if you don't take it I'll do it." The guy had no clue what that was about, he turned to me like I wanted him. I looked at him blankly then I swung my foot up like i was kicking a 60 yard field goal. You know how the sac sticks out a bit in front of the crotch? Well my foot just hit that, HIS TESTICLES!!!!! The top of my toes connected with his balls and my foot went up through his balls and nearly to his chin. If I was another inch or two away (2 – 5 cm), I would have missed. All he was wearing were flimsy board shorts; he had very little protection against the Pumas i was wearing (similar to the ones pictured below).

The guy just dropped face first and then he curled up into a ball on the dance floor. The look on his face was priceless, he actually became quite sober instantly it seemed. Two seconds later he was in the middle of the floor and started to cough and spitting while in the fetal position, I thought he was going to puke on the dance floor. His friends gathered him up and brought him outside. About five minutes later one of his buddies came in and paid their tab and bought us a round of drinks and told the bartender that he was sorry for his friend’s actions, he said "my friend becomes an asshole when he gets drunk on Tequila." I notice the bartender became very friendly with me, I think I turned her on ;)

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Comment by Cami on October 17, 2011 at 8:22am
You know this is a good story when on your very first visit to the chat room and another member suggests this as the first thing to check out on the site. I can see why you left an impression.
Comment by Danielle on October 1, 2011 at 2:46pm

I enjoyed reading your story and I think that Ashley was very generous to you :)

Comment by Man Servant on June 9, 2011 at 6:25pm
Interesting story,  stories like this must make  guys think twice about messing with a girl,  you never know if you have a confident ball buster on your hands!  if the guy deserves it then its a victory for the ladies. I would be buying that girl drinks too, and i'd be very respectful, dont wanna piss her off hahaha.  Makes you realize how a guy can can lift weights all day long,  become the worlds strongest man,  but a girl doesnt even have to be very strong can hit those sensitive exposed fragile balls, that dangle in between our legs.  It gives  girls a huge advantage.  Good for them! its about time girls showed macho guys that there not so tough after all.
Comment by Lynna on June 9, 2011 at 4:30pm
the mark of a good story, i used this one as a reference today.
Comment by Persis on May 10, 2011 at 10:51am
Comment by Meegan on April 29, 2011 at 5:30am
wow, that was a wonderful story, i can see myself actually doing something similar. Thank you Giordy for pointing the stories out for me.
Comment by greeneyedsusan on March 27, 2011 at 9:10am
Thank you BB Goalie, Stiletto Ann, Persis, Dvhour and Emerson.
Comment by Emerson on March 25, 2011 at 1:38pm

I was going to throw my 2 cents into this discussion, but decided against it. I read the entire "argument", but only one thing really stuck out and i plan to respect it...." just know that having this kind of discussion puts a major strain on myself and Mallory to run this site and keep harmony in the community. "


Dvhour and Mallory, keep up the outstanding work.


Susan, keep writing your experiences, they're absolutely fantastic.

Comment by dvhour (Site Owner) on March 25, 2011 at 12:09pm

This post is directed to MICMAC and anyone else who shares his thinking on this topic. 


In general the rule in a court room is: if you have inflicted bodily harm on another person you can get into a lot of trouble even if the original attacker reverts to playing the victim. Its sad but true, but muggers, thugs and other vile predators have claimed victim and won cases after being defeated by the original victim. Depending on circumstances and the rules of a particular town, city, county, state, provence or country the outcome of a ruling can fluctuate and often be an unfair ruling. So yes it is possible in some jurisdictions that Susan's actions could get her in a lot of trouble with the law, but that isn't what this story is about nor what this site is about. 


The rule of life on the street is: If someone violates your space you MUST use whatever methods within your arsenal to back them away from your space however subtle or however violent. We as clear thinking people each have our own idea of how we would wish to handle a would be aggressor but on the street in real life anything goes and sometimes you have to use any means necessary to protect yourself because we only have one life after all. And lets be real... its especially touchy and urgent for women when they are in uncompromising situations seeing how they are substantially smaller and substantially less aggressive than men... I'm not saying that there were not other options for Susan in her situation but it was certainly discomforting for her and her friend and she used what she felt was necessary in her mind at that time to end that discomfort... so be it. 


With all that said... Lets be clear, I am not a lawyer, a cleric nor do I want this website to be a place that gives out legal or moral instruction on the topic of BB or CB... this is not the purpose of the site nor do we want to bog down the culture with legalese and morality constraints... I personally created this site because I LOVE Ballbusting... sometimes I do not agree with all ballbusts but its not my place to cast judgement nor do I wish to drag down the discussion of someones real-life BB or CB experience... Its cool to inquire why a buster does what they do or the inner mechanics of their thinking but it defeats the purpose to chastise them for their actions and it will surly start to make people not want to contribute their personal experiences, ideas and feelings... and the purpose of this site is to be social and share our personal experiences, ideas and feelings with one another. LOOK we have to deal with legal, social and religious groups who judge and condemn us already... Let those people who do not share this fetish criticise and cast judgment upon us... but we certainly do not need to be doing that here cause we are all brothers and sisters who share this fetish. 


So here's a thought... I'm not going to pretend that there isn't a major difference between men and women physical and social stature's or that we live in a fair and equal society – but its a FACT of life that we live in a dangerous man eat man kind of world... so let me be clear, we do not endorse sexist predatory behavior of men using their aggression or strength to force unwanted bodily touching/invasions/rape or other disturbing violence upon women... we do not endorse these behaviors nor do we wish to protect the men who commit these acts.  If you do not agree with Susan's story or any other busters actions for that matter, its ok to state your view but we really do not want to encourage long drawn out analysis of the rights or wrongs of a buster's actions because we are not equipped to be the authority on such matters nor do we ever want to on this site. So in the future, if you are terribly uncomfortable or hostile with one of our busters actions don't respond to that thread in a combative or authoritative way, ignore it, there is plenty of other content and topics on this site to fulfill all of us.


For the record I am not trying to call you out mr Micmac, i honestly appreciate your earnest and sincere thoughts, but just know that having this kind of discussion puts a major strain on myself and Mallory to keep harmony in the community, so don't make our jobs more difficult. Thanks.  


- Dvhour (site admin)

Comment by Persis on March 25, 2011 at 9:05am



Wow Micmac, your displeasure with what happened that day makes this story so much more sexy and hot.


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