As i've previously mentioned I was very lucky in my teens, my town seemed to be packed full of cute girls that found it hilarious to go for the balls.. Even luckier for me I seemed to be one of their favourite targets.

A lot of these busts happened at house parties, where the alcohol was flowing and everyone became a little bit more.. 'playful' I need to share more of these experiences with you so i thought i'd start with one of my favourites.  

There was a girl named Alex who went to the private school in the same town as the public school that me and the majority of my friends attended, she was a friend of a friend and gradually attended more and more of our parties and became more involved in our friendship group.  She was a real girl next door type, really cute and quite nerdy, standing at around 5'4, shoulder length blonde hair, an amazing bum and as she was a track runner she had some of the best legs i'd ever seen.. made even cuter by some nerdy glasses that made her look unbelievably innocent,  I had the biggest crush on her for quite a while..

After a few months of us all knowing her my best friend Chris started to date her, so she was around us all even more.. I couldn't help but notice that at a few of the parties she would give Chris some unexpected nut taps, nothing special.. just the odd backhand here and there when he was getting on her nerves.. but they were usually enough to double him over and sometimes even floor him.  

This leads me to a night I won't forget in a hurry.. it was one of my friends 18th and he threw a big party at his house while is parents were away, we were all quite drunk and having a great time.  About halfway through the night I found myself in one of the living rooms upstairs with just Chris and Alex, they were softly playfighting on one sofa and I was just sat on the other sofa texting of my friends giving him directions to the party.. There were screams and groans coming from their direction as they tried to get control of one another but to be honest i wasn't paying much attention. 

Suddenly, my concentration on my phone was broken by a loud 'ooooph' noise followed by a crash onto the floor, I looked up to see Chris curled up on the floor holding his groin with Alex Stood over him laughing uncontrollably.. "What the hell happened there?" I asked inquisitively.. knowing full well what she had done to him.  "He wouldn't give up so I kicked him in the balls" Alex giggled as she confidently walked towards the door into the hallway.. I just laughed and went 'C'mon Chris stop being a pussy"... 

Now, even up until this point I had not expected or even dreamt about what was to happen next.. Alex stopped in her  tracks and spun round in my direction.  "Pussy? My boyfriend isn't a pussy, you'd be rolling around on the floor too if I did that to you!"  she growled.  I twinged and laughed back arrogantly " I mean, I definitely wouldn't.. I bet it doesn't even hurt that much"   

"Okay then, if you're so sure why don't you stand up and see for yourself"  I didn't want to blow my cover of actually loving it so at first I hesitated but after some goading from here I jumped out of my seat and said 'fine then, go for it" 

Chris at this point is still lying on the floor, I don't think he'd moved at all while this conversation was happening.. I stood up and she told me to spread my legs, as I towered over her I looked her up and down in anticipation.. Her navy blue spotted dress stopped half way down her thigh, I could see about an inch of her powerful looking legs that were then covered by some incredibly cute white knee high socks.. It is as I was admiring them that her foot became a blur and suddenly crashed up between my legs and smashed into my testicles.  It was a perfect shot, she got both balls perfectly and I couldn't believe the force she had generated.. I had fully intended on trying to stay standing but before I knew what had happened I too, was rolling around on the floor in agony holding my throbbing balls..  She let out a real laugh and skipped out of the door and mockingly said 'told ya!'  

After about 30 seconds of me and my friend both lying helplessly on the carpet, Chris managed to climb up onto the sofa and just muttered 'Why would you test her like that you idiot'  I just mumbled a groan in response..  A couple of minutes later Alex returned to the room with a fresh drink in hand and seemed genuinely delighted I was still floored.. 'Oooh Joey did that hurt? Did Chris not mention I'm a pretty good kickboxer?'  She teased in such a cute playful voice.. I didn't respond. "Here, i'll help you up I feel bad now" she offered and took my hand, she pulled me up but as I went to stand back up straight I saw one foot shoot back as she released an even more powerful snap kick into my balls, made even worse by the fact I had no idea it was coming.. I immediately crashed back down to the ground and rolled around uncontrollably... the pain was genuinely like nothing I had ever experienced before and it was all I could concentrate on as Alex just stood over me laughing and laughing with this evil grin on her face.  'That one was for not believing me, I don't think you'll be as cocky next time will you?'  Alex's tone was half angry and half amused as she mocked me.. She grabbed Chris hand and led him out of the room exclaiming she wanted to go and enjoy the party. 

I was left broken in the middle of the room laid out for at least 15 minutes.. What I would learn soon enough this is that I had just made her my new plaything, there were plenty more busts to come from this gorgeous girl next door... 


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Comment by Allen Witts on December 23, 2019 at 11:10pm

This is amazing!  It sounds like a hell of an experience, and you write well.  I'd love to see some more!

Comment by Ted on December 23, 2019 at 3:45am
Great story. Loved it.
Comment by Joe on December 23, 2019 at 12:20am

That's a good story.  It sounds very fun.

Comment by Alan S on December 21, 2019 at 3:23pm

Great story.  I'm sure you have a bunch of good stories with her


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