Hey guys!

So I've been busted quite a few times in my life. By multiple girlfriends, a dom, and even my cousin (that story is on my profile.) But to me, nothing is hotter than being busted by a stranger. The idea of meeting a girl in a bar, letting her kick me in the nuts, and then falling down to her feet just really turns me on. So basically my question to all of you is; What are some success stories you've had with getting busted by girls who aren't girlfriends or doms? What did you say? How did it play out? For the ladies in the house... What would a stranger have to say for you you hit their nuts?

I'll start... Recently I started putting "I'll smoke you up if you kick me in the balls." On the top of my tinder profile. Immediately girls started having conversations with me about kicking me in the balls. For a while it went nowhere, but eventually I found a girl who was nearby and seemed down. I invited her to hang out and I provided wine of course. And as we were hanging out she said "So do you want me to kick you in the balls?" To which I obliged. We did a bb sesh and had sex. It was great. I could go into more detail but I'm more interested in whats worked for you guys!

Essentially, if I want to get hit in the nuts, but I don't want the commitment of a girlfriend or the cost of a dom, what should I do? I hope y'all have enough experiences to compile some good tactics for ballbusting fun. 

<3 Nelly

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Comment by Katie Hoffman on March 19, 2017 at 4:19am
You could put "I bet you a kick in the balls that you'll have a great date with me". Win/win :)
Comment by Destin on March 18, 2017 at 6:56am

Another tactic is telling them its for YouTube, but then they will ask for your YouTube channel... you don't want them to look it up.. so that tactic can be kinda tricky, I stopped using it but it worked.

Comment by Destin on March 18, 2017 at 6:55am

Smile, don't be creepy. What I do, is I look for a group of girls or a girl who is acompanied by a guy. I tell them I lost a bet and need to be kicked in the nuts by a girl. Then I will ask the guy if he wants to video it with my phone. That way the guy gets a role in all of this, and 9 out of 10 times they will edge the girl on.

It never becomes creepy, girls look weirded out half of the time but the male friend always makes it more relaxed. This worked many many times, It never ended with a no.

Comment by Katie Hoffman on March 18, 2017 at 4:35am
Good idea. Maybe I should put "behave or I'll kick you in the balls" on mine.
I bet that'll get a couple of comments!


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