I wrote a couple new longer stories specifically to send to Caligula in exchange for some originals he has not yet posted. He said he enjoyed them and encouraged me to share. Here is the first one, I'll post the other in a couple of days. Enjoy.

The Unwilling Kicker

My name is Bobby. I am 18 years old, and live with my dad and sister, Beth. She is 19 and attends Shaw Community College as a sophomore. Today is my first day there, as I completed my High School courses 1 semester early.

I suppose you could say I am a geek or a nerd or whatever term you use to describe a polite, intelligent, socially awkward guy with a physique that drew more laughs than praise. I am rather slender and not exactly strong. As the world becomes more automated and technologically advanced, I feel that the 
quarterbacks and point guards will be seeking help and advice from us geeks that are superior at the kinds of technology that will rule the future.

Beth is certainly more physically attractive than I am, but no more socially adept. She is an attractive blonde that could (with a quick makeover like the t.v. shows do) be very popular with the guys, but she hides her beauty behind bulky sweaters, loose jeans, and lots of hair, but very little makeup.

When I got to campus (about 25 miles from home) I found where my first class was and arrived about 10 minutes before class. As I perused the book about American Government I looked up to see a radiant redhead with a short skirt and wedge heels walk in. She smiled at me and, to my amazement, walked over to sit next to me.

“Hi, I’m Tiffany.” she said plainly.

“Hi, my name is uh, Bobby.” I stammered as I thought to myself maybe 
college will be different than High School. A beautiful girl can sit next to and converse with a nerd, like it was nothing.

“Hey, are you Beth’s little brother?” Tiffany asked.

“Umm, uh yeah Beth is my sister. How do you know her?” I said trying to eliminate the umms, and uhs that made me sound like the geek I was trying not to be.

“We have a couple classes together. I think some of the girls from Gamma Delta were trying to get her to rush. Sororities are very important around here and can help bring people out of their shells. Hey would you try and encourage her to try, we need more smart girls. Not everybody in a sorority is a party girl, I think it would be good for her and us. If you can encourage her I’ll be so grateful I’ll owe you a huge favor.”

“Uh okay I’ll talk to her about it.” I replied. I started thinking of ways to make this happen, anything that got Tiffany in our lives had to be good. I wonder if that huge favor could be turned into a date, one nice thing about not being overly social and getting good grades had done for me was to let me build up
what was a small fortune by college student standards. Having worked throughout high school and not having a girlfriend let me save up about $18,000. Most of my college was paid with scholarships, so I would have plenty of money to entertain any hot girl I found willing to keep me company.

Over the next week I tried everything to get Beth to rush Tiffany’s sorority. Finally she relented and agreed to try. Just from talking with the girls and spending time with them she had made some minor almost unnoticeable change in her style, dressing more provocatively and sexy. She had dropped the heavy sweaters and jeans and actually wore a skirt a few times. I thought Tiffany really was a good influence on her, even if she was a bad influence on me.

Tiffany had figured out I was fairly smart and nipped at her (beautiful & sexy) heels every time I encountered her. Somehow having known her only a week, and her “owing me a huge favor” for convincing Beth to try out for the sorority, I was doing her homework not only in American Government, a class we shared, but also in statistics, a class I was great at in high school, but didn’t even take this year. I had to keep up in the class just so Tiffany could spend her nights partying or whatever she did at night that didn’t involve me.

“Hi, Bobby” Tiffany’s soft voice that seemed to command my compliance with her every wish said. “Are you available Friday night I need your help with something, if you don’t mind helping me out yet again.”

“Uhh, sure you know, whatever you want me to do, haha it’ll probably be better than what I had planned.” I replied, as if I had anything planned. “You just name it and I’ll do it for you.”

“Are you sure? It’s really important to me but it might not be something you want to do.” She sounded like she doubted me.

“I’m absolutely positive I’d do anything for you.” Now I sounded confidant and sure, but what the hell was I agreeing to.

“Great, if all goes well you’ll be recovered by Monday. Thanks I really will owe you big time and so will Beth if she makes it through the final tests Friday & Saturday, with your help.”

“What? How is what I’m doing for you going to help Beth?” I asked, genuinely curious as to what I had so eagerly agreed to.

“You’ll see. I assure you it will be great for almost everyone involved.” 

It was Friday morning and I really wondered what was in store for me when Tiffany came in the classroom in the shortest legal skirt I had ever seen, with some worn flip-flops on. I was immediately impressed with the skirt but disappointed with the shoes as she usually wore heels of some kind.

“What’s with the flip-flops?” I asked hoping not to give away my foot fetish. 

“Don’t you wear heels most of the time?”

“Well, look who’s keeping an eye on my feet. Haha just kidding, my pretty little tootsies are sore from running a race in heels yesterday as one of our pranks for rush. Hey, since you seemed to pay attention to my feet, if I begged you could you pay some attention to them on our break? A 15 minute foot massage would really feel great. I’ll make sure to make you feel great later on tonight too.” She said, or at least I think she said it, it sounded like something I would say for her in a jerk-off fantasy. I guess if I played my cards right I could have a jerk-off memory.

“Sure, you know I’d do anything for you.”

“Just what I wanted to hear. I’ll hold you to that too. You’ll do anything for me.” She was teasing me now, but she had been since we met, and while I loved it I hoped that it would lead to something. That 15 minute break wasn’t coming fast enough for me.

When the break arrived I turned in my chair to face Tiffany. As the rest of the class wondered out of the room to smoke, or pee, or whatever, I anxiously awaited her feet in my lap. They arrived with a thud as she set them down a little to hard on my groin mashing my balls slightly.

“Ooops, I didn’t bust the balls did I?” She asked with a little giggle that a girl has when a guy gets hit in the balls. 

“No not at all. They are fairly resilient and can certainly take more than that.” I responded honestly, it had sent a little shiver through my nervous system but more as an alarm than actual pain.

“Well how about this?” She asked as she quickly raised and lowered both feet up and down smashing my balls 3 times. She ignored the signs of pain coming from me and slipped off her flip-flops. Her heels were now resting on my sore balls as her toes wiggled in want of attention. “Sorry, I was just playing since you said you could take much more. You’re not too sore to give me the foot massage you promised are you?”

“No, I am a man of honor. I will keep my word, but I’d like to keep my balls too. That wasn’t too bad but please no more tonight, you promise?”

“I promise that I, Tiffany Meyers, will not kick, knee, or punch your balls again tonight. If I lie, I will be your slave instead of you being mine, like now. Hahaha.” She was joking, but maybe not. Here I was rubbing her feet in class, in front of anyone who cared to look, and all I had ever gotten from Ms. Meyers was 3 or 4 kicks to the balls. And I had to negotiate to avoid receiving more.

“I don’t think I’m exactly your slave yet.”

“I like that you are smart Bobby, so instead of a flat denial you said yet, implying what you and I both know to be true, you are my slave if I want you. Keep rubbing my feet, SLAVE-TO-BE.” Wow she knew she had me. 
I continued to rub until the professor returned. Tiffany slowly removed her feet and put them under her desk. As they disappeared I lifted my hands to my face as discreetly as possible. The scent of her feet was strong as she had walked around in the flip-flops getting the feet dirty. It was not unpleasant at all. I think she caught me smelling my hands and put them down to look over at her, only to see a smug smile.

“Bobby, come to the sorority house at 7:00. We need to get ready for Beth’s trial, and you’ll be there to help, if she doesn’t make it we can’t talk to her or see her at all, and certainly couldn’t date in her family.” What she was saying is if I don’t help my sister make the sorority, my best experience so far with a woman (sad but true) would fade as the scent on my hands did. 

When I arrived at 7:00 the girls were running around like crazy getting ready. I was taken to a small room, that was more like a dungeon. The room had a small weird half-wall, weird in the sense that it went from the ceiling to about 3 feet off the floor. Tiffany handed me a pillow and said I would kneel on it with my forehead against the wall, I would be given a gag so I couldn’t let the girls know who I was. There were other rooms and lots of different tests for the 10 girls trying out. 

I had surmised by listening carefully that each of the members had to bring a male to help with the test, most just brought their boyfriends, maybe Tiffany liked me and wasn’t just using me. For a moment I was afraid what if they made the girl blow me, which I would be happy to help as long as it wasn’t Beth. Then I calmed down there were 10 girls and they had brought in 10 boys (actually I heard some other guys, and heard the girls talk about them but I didn’t know how many there were) so it was unlikely they would pair up family members for anything sexual.

Finally, there was movement on the other side of the wall. As I looked down I saw two tiny pink reeboks, and their owner sat down to remove them. Since I was kneeling I was close enough to smell the sweat when she removed them. Then she removed her socks they were soaking wet.

“Lady, and gentleman,” a voice came over an intercom system “ please refrain from talking to preserve everyone’s anonymity. The lady will have her mouth taped shut, and the gentleman shall use the sock provided as a gag.”

“Wha-” was all the sound that escaped me in complaint when I was struck with a stick on the back of my calf.

“Please do not make me do that again. As I was saying the lady shall replace the reeboks that she has alredy run 4 miles in as the gentleman graciously accepts the sweaty sock as a gag then has it taped in place.” SNAP SNAP “ The handcuffs will also keep the gentleman still as it is attached to the ceiling by chain.

What I didn’t know was that the young lady on the other side of the wall wanted no part of this. Not the ball kicking that would soon commence, nor membership in this group of sadistic women, who drank partied and used men far more than they attended class or learned anything useful. She had been talked into this and had been told that the man on the other side had to take the most kicks from the girls trying out, would be admitted to a fraternity full of jocks and assholes who had it coming. She had been told the girls that get their guys to quit first got in sorority and the guys who could take the most kicks would get in fraternity. She wanted to get in for only one reason, to make her brother Bobby happy. Yes, the same brother whose balls she was about to start kicking unknowingly, and unwillingly, but Bobby had explained how he felt about Tiffany and this was his only chance. So she had agreed to give it her all. She had no idea where or when the others were being tested, but she thought getting in the sorority meant him not making the fraternity, which was probably better. So she was convinced, for the welfare of Bobby (and his love-life) and the poor jerk wanting in the frat, she would kick as hard as possible to end this as soon as possible.

“You may begin, remember you are being judged on the number of kicks not the time so you may take 10-15 seconds between kicks. Remember the gentleman wants to take as many kicks as possible and the lady wants him to opt out after as few kicks as possible.” 

Bobby was in trouble, he had no way to opt out. The lady voice on the intercom had set him up. He was tied up suspended from the ceiling, and he had that sweaty sock in his mouth to prevent him from quitting. He also just noticed upon looking around that there appeared to be video cameras strewn about to capture his testicular destruction from many different viewpoints.

“You may commence.” The voice instructed.

WHAP. A devastating start. The toe of her right shoe connected solidly with Bobby’s groin. His left nut and penis took the brunt of it. Where was this opt out button he thought (although he knew it didn‘t exist). 

WHAM. Just a solid front kick the top part of her shoe where the laces were connected underneath catching both testicles cleanly without the more resilient penis deflecting any of the force. Bobby was shaking now, part in pain and part in fear of more to come. He had only been kicked in the balls by his sister by accident 3 or 4 times growing up, and the quick stomps from Tiff this afternoon. His balls had never had it so bad.

He found himself recalling the first time he had been kicked when he dressed up as Frankenstein and jumped out at Beth on Halloween. She had been dressed as a Fairy and as such she had pointy clear shoes. She acted so quickly no one knew what happened until Bobby lay there in a crying pile as the rest of the family rolled in laughter. He was only 10, why did they laugh instead of checking on him? Why was it so funny to see a guys balls injured…..

WHAM. He was snapped back to reality by another front snap kick. There it was he could hear laughing again. WHY, WHY, WHY?

“Please feel free to do a back kick or anything to add variety. Let’s make it fun for everyone, this isn’t accounting class, these aren’t just numbers, these are somebody’s baby makers you’re smashing. Maybe he’s an only child and you alone can stop the family name from living beyond him.”

Bobby knew now that the barely audible voice was Tiffany, but why did she want to have some girl who didn‘t know him ruin his balls? He wondered if Beth was out there kicking some poor guy thinking he wanted it to prove he was a drunken idiot, no She wouldn’t do it, not for anything. She didn’t even want in the sorority, she was just doing him a favor.

BANG BANG. Bobby felt renewed pain searing through his groin into his stomach, and wrenching it’s way through his entire body. He heard muffled noises from the other side of the wall. Then those pretty pink reeboks flying into his nutsack, once, twice, three times. It seems the young lady had hit her knee on the bottom part of the wall. In her frustration the only thing there to take it out on was his poor balls. He now hung from the ceiling chain alone, he had no will to stand up.

“Please let’s stop for a break. Karen please check on our frat pledge, haha, while I talk to our pledge.”

“Beth, how’s it going? Did you hurt your knee on the wall?” Tiff asked.

“Yeah, sorry about that, I got a little carried away. I actually fell down and did like a stomp kick motion three or four times quick.” Beth answered with a little laugh. “I did not want to do this, but I guess either this guy likes it or is a tough freak like those jack-ass guys.”

“I don’t know why he does it, but I am glad he does. I want you to join us and I like your Brother so do it for him. If this guy wants out all he has to do is press a button. Maybe you don’t kick as hard as you think.”

“Well, I’ll tell you something I never told anyone before. I kicked my brother in the balls 4 times growing up the first was a quick reaction from being scared, but the other three were on purpose. Once we were playing on a jungle gym and as I crawled I saw Bobby slightly below and behind on another bar and he had pushed me earlier, I remembered how funny it was when I kicked him before, so I jumped back and my right foot landed right on one of his balls on the bar. I was barefoot and stood there for a while as he screamed as if I didn’t know I was mashing a nut. I could actually feel it like a squishy toy ball. I lifted my other foot in the air first then jumped to the ground using his flattened nut as a launching pad.”

“Oh my God, that’s hilarious. He never knew you did it on purpose.”

“No, but that’s not the best part my feet were black and filthy running around the park barefoot. When he stopped crying, and rolled over he had white shorts on, and there was a perfect imprint of my size 6 barefoot right on his groin. I said I was sorry, but stepped all over him while he recovered leaving black footprints all over his shirt and legs and arms, even got a pretty clear footprint on the side of his face before he got up.”

“Well if we let you step on his face, we’ll give you both a blindfold to protect everbody’s anonymity.” Tiffany laughed, as she alone knew she had tricked my sister into kicking my balls, and tricked me into taking it. Each thinking we are doing for the other.

“Back to the room, now.” Tiff called out as if a coffee break in the office was over, instead of making sure the ball kicking dummy was still conscious.
This time they had me lie down. I was given a hood and the other (fresh) sweaty sock was placed in my mouth and taped in place my legs were splayed out at 45 degrees and attached to something with chains again. I heard the girl brought in the room stumbling, she must be blindfolded too. I did not know what was coming, but I knew it would be bad, but most likely no permanent damage would be incurred as they would have had lawsuits and such as hazed students that didn’t make frats or sorority would be litigious if they had any evidence of being harmed.

I heard Tiffany talking, not on the intercom thing but in the room.

“Take off your shoes and step barefoot on his groin, he may become aroused which would allow you to move the penis up on his belly so you get a clear shot at the family jewels.” As she said this Tiffany’s pretty foot stepped on my balls and she slowly shifted her full weight to that foot then stepped off. She leaned down and whispered to me “ I promise that I, Tiffany Meyers, will not kick, knee, or punch your balls again tonight. Sorry I forgot to say I wouldn’t step on them. That must have been an oversight. Let’s hope the young lady can step on them and not cause too much damage.”

“Part 2 of the test how long can the young man take the young lady standing on the, uh FAMILY JEWELS. It’s funny but we spend so much time talking about them one day a year, we only have so many ways to say the same thing, kick in the balls, knee to the nuts, stomp on the groin, stand on the family jewels, maybe jump on the boys, hey that’s somewhat new. HEY pledge you wanna jump on the boys? Just kidding, maybe later, right now time to stand on the family jewels. You are barefoot so you should be able to find them even blindfolded. LET’S GO!”

She stepped forward and found pay dirt right away. Her right foot was running the length of his penis with her heel on his family jewel, as it were, her left foot didn’t get any part of the penis, but the heel was on his other ball. Strangely, as Tiffany had said the perverted dork was becoming aroused. She moved her right foot so now she was on the tender underside of his penis with both heels resting on both balls. She giggled to herself as she thought of the family jewels and how her brother’s had been hers to step on once, and now she stepped on this stranger’s balls, just as she had once her brother’s when she was younger and less mature. Now all she wanted was to stop hurting this man even though he seemed fine with it. Even though she thought he enjoyed it she would stop this sadistic game if not for her brother. He wanted Tiff so bad and wanted what was best for Beth.
Beth found herself flashing back to another time she had kicked Bobby’s family jewels, as she marched in place on this poor guy. Bobby had been tickling her, even though she was not that ticklish it was annoying. She was 16 at that time and he,15. Obnoxious younger brother. He tickled her feet she kicked out, then he reached up and got behind her knee. She looked into his eyes and flashed her right leg out as hard and fast as possible. She kicked hard enough to hit the ceiling but her foot was stopped well short of that as Bobby’s body slowly rose 6 inches then collapsed in a pile on the floor at her feet. She tried not to giggle as she rubbed her foot along his face before getting up to walk away. “I guess I am ticklish in one spot anyway, sorry but you shouldn’t tickle me there.” She laughed to herself but with the duct tape over her mouth nobody but her was aware of her enjoyment as she continued to march on these nuts, Hell she’d had a brother for 18 years and only kicked or stepped on his balls 4 times. Now here she was marching on some guys balls, after having kicked them about 8 times. For someone unwilling to take part in this she seemed to be finding it tolerable to say the least.

“Alright sweety you’re probably tired of standing on this guys balls. Time for a rest bring in the chair.” They brought in a small padded chair and still with the blindfold on Beth sat down. “Now remember you are barefoot, so make sure when you thrust your feet into his nuts to use your heels so you don’t hurt your feet.”

Beth thought hard about quitting, but she couldn’t let her brother down, if she could kick his balls because he pushed or annoyed her, why couldn’t she ******** this creep if he was too stupid to ask her to stop. WHAM WHAM WHAM. Right foot, then left, then right and so on and so on.

Bobby felt each kick as a sharp pain then a sudden numbness. Either he was seriously hurt or was getting used to it. Whoever this girl was she definitely was trying to win a spot in this sorority. Bobby thought back to the last time Beth had kicked his balls, he was 16 she was 17. It was an accident he was laying on the couch and had fallen asleep. She sat at the other end of the couch and put her bare feet up on the head rest cushion in the middle of the couch. When Bobby woke up he saw Beth sleeping on the other end of the couch and didn’t want to wake her so he just turned the t.v. on and turned his head to the side. The noise must have startled Beth because she slammed her feet down, landing once again on Bobby’s tender nuts. He cried, she apologized, she laughed, she apologized again. He could only imagine ever having years between kicks to the balls, only simple accidents, as he took kicks that seemed to come every couple of seconds. 

He was thinking of Tiffany now. How bad had he wanted her, and yet she enjoyed watching him pummeled in his most sensitive parts. She had kicked them 3 times in school, then promised not to kick them again, then arranged for them to be kicked hard and often by a girl as a prank for fun, then she even stepped on them after all the abuse they had taken. He thought she was a Goddess but maybe he should settle for someone more his type, more like his sister, someone who only kicked balls accidentally and apologized, even if she did laugh. Beth was reasonably good looking and smart she doesn’t need these people to get ahead in life Bobby was regretting sending her into their lair almost more than he regretted the strange feet mashing his balls.

Beth couldn’t help the fact that she wanted this to stop. Kicking her brother in the balls had been funny and she didn’t hurt him too bad. But, this was something different entirely, kicking a stranger with people watching and not accidentally. Before the blindfold she thought she saw camcorders. Who on earth would want to watch this, an average looking blonde stepping on and kicking a strangers balls for hours on end?

Then it occurred to her that it might be funny to watch, some guy willingly letting little Beth play hacky sack with his most prized possessions, kicking, stomping, and standing on them. When this was over she had to ask for a copy even if she wasn’t a member. She was laughing in her gag again as she thought of the times she kicked Bobby, and even though they were supposedly accidents, how could she get him to agree to do them again so she could have them on video. Maybe she could say it was for a documentary of ball busting, since the funniest scenes in those video shows was always the ball kicks. She could get all her friends and he get all his and they could re-enact all their real life kicks, or stomps and maybe have a second audio track where the guy describes the pain.

“Okay we are going to remove the masks, could the young lady please return to standing on the family jewels please.”

Beth complied standing and finding the swollen orbs rather easily, mashing her feet in so she could stand still as they removed her mask, simultaneously with the guys. As her eyes adjusted to the light she removed the duct tape and screamed.

“You sick fucks, made me stomp on my brothers balls for hours. That’s disgusting you should have your charter revoked.” She was so mad she didn’t even step off Bobby’s family jewels.

“Bobby, are you okay?” Beth asked looking down on her brother.

“Yes, I’m sorry I encouraged you to do this, REALLY SORRY! Tiffany played us both. It’s all my fault I hope you are going to be alright.” Bobby said concerned for how his sister was taking this.

“I’m fine.” Beth giggled as the reality of the situation set in. “How are the family jewels? Haha. I guess they were trying to tell us something.

“I think they will be alright. Are you still standing on them?” He asked.

“Ha ha, yeah I kind of got used to it. I don’t wanna get my feet dirty. Can I just stand here until I get my socks and shoes back on, you don’t mind do you?” She asked as if she said do you want fries with that rather than can I continue to stand on the family jewels.

“Sure, sis. I don’t want your feet dirty, because then you leave a footprint on my shorts. Here are your socks back. Sorry I slobbered on them.”

“Well they were soaking wet when you got them, I guess it‘s only fair I get them back that way.” She replied as she balanced one foot on one ball while putting a sock on the other. Then she switched feet. Now the shoes. Balance on one then the other. 

“Hey guys, no hard feelings?” Tiffany asked as she approached.

“No, no hard feelings.” Beth swung her leg harder than any kicks I got right between Tiffany’s legs. No balls, still big problem. Tiffany collapsed.

Beth whispered to Tiffany out of earshot of Bobby “Alls forgiven, but I need a copy of the tapes. If you have any similar recordings I’d like those too.”

Bobby said to Tiffany on the way out “You are hot, and I could have been your slave, but you fucked with the real family jewel, Beth. I’d rather have her march on my balls for an hour than spend another minute with you.” Then a whisper out of earshot “But I would like a copy of the tapes, thanks.”

Somehow Beth thought she may be able to talk Bobby into re-doing their busts on video. Maybe he would even try a few new scenarios, if she had to she could pretend it’s an accident, but she would let her family jewels rest for a day or two.