Since 2009, KITG has been a free membership based site. Its secure from outsiders viewing our content. For years a person or people from this site have taken content made exclusively for this site and uploaded it to other sites. Currently there are about 4000 members on this site, someone(s) among us has been uploading this content spanning from my old site USBBONLINE, WU, Joe, AW and now Eric & Chaiyles. This really does have to stop!!!! Content that has been uploaded exclusively to KITG is meant for this site for a reason. We pride ourselves for respecting all paid BB and CB content by not allowing picts, videos or other content on this site without express permission form the owner of that content. Additionally we have amateur free content that is only meant for this site. We need to protect and support the wishes of all content providers and fight every single chance we get to prevent this from happening. Granted it will happen regardless but if we fight this and report it here, to the content owners and the owners of the offending websites who allow all this to be posted. When you see KITG content being posted on Pornhub, Ballbustingtube or other video sharing sites please report it here and let the content owners know. I'm going to make a plea to other site owners that we should all band together to fight the Pornhub, Ballbustingtube and other sharing sites because this problem hurts this entire community. Voice your thoughts below. 

Views: 812


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Comment by Karen Jackson on June 26, 2017 at 6:04am

Theft; pathetic; 

Comment by Allen Witts on June 25, 2017 at 10:40pm

Agreed.  People don't seem to get it... for fuck's sake, this is basic privacy.  Even if we ignore that factor- IT'S NOT IN YOUR SELF-INTEREST TO POST CONTENT ELSEWHERE.  IF YOU VALUE CONTENT ON THIS SITE, THEN DON'T DO SOMETHING LIKELY TO STOP PEOPLE POSTING CONTENT. PLEASE.

...yes, this is a hideous breach of privacy.  But maybe people don't care about that, so I figure I should point out it's not even in their own self-interest.

Comment by John Ashton on June 25, 2017 at 7:42pm

You automatically get copyright protection when you create works such as video or photos. You don't even need to mark it. I think it's yours for minimum of life plus 50 years.

Comment by Eric on June 25, 2017 at 6:10pm

Damn dv, thanks for batting for us and everyone else who's had their content stolen.

When our video was first posted I contacted pornhub myself to try and get the video removed but they redirected me to a copyright address where they said if I wanted it taken down I needed to file an official copyright breach claim and appeal to pornhub directly, which I couldn't exactly do as we have no legitimate copyright claim to the content we make (other than the fact that it's created by us containing our likeness). I dunno man, to be honest I'm not exactly sure how to proceed with the collective theft of content from this site, but at least it's good to know we have you and now others here on board.

This shit has been going on for far too long and it's gotta stop.

Comment by dvhour (Site Owner) on June 25, 2017 at 12:08pm

Some things I suggest!!!

  1. Join all those known sites and write a comment voicing your anger at this theft and ask that the site owner takes it down. If enough people do this it will be obvious that there is a problem and if the site owner of Pornhub or Ballbustingtube gets enough anger messages they might act. It will also highlight that the poster of the content is not to be trusted!!!! 
  2. We want the person who posted to be on edge and uncomfortable. At the very least we can attack the hell out of the posters of KITG content rather than take on other sites our site matters we have to protect it and if we flood our support and anger it will cause the owner of the site or the poster to either concede or get removed by the site owner. The key thing is we want to make this poster think twice before posting Exclusive KITG content.
  3. I personally don't care of you download content from this site I do however argue against people sharing amongst others form other forum sites because this is probably what has caused the problem. DO NOT SHARE anything that is on this site, keep it for yourself only you can't possibly vouch for the mentality or good will of others.  
  4. Join and flag it and write a quick message to the owner of the site!


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