A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Long before I knew just how much I could be into having my balls busted, I had an experience that probably planted the seeds of what would later become my obsession.
I went to college at a liberal arts school, and we had an semesterly requirement to take a P.E. credit if we weren't active on one of the school's sports teams. There were a variety of options and I liked mixing it up and trying new things. This led me to sign up for a self defense class. Being that this was a self defense course on a college campus, it should come as no surprise that there were only two men in the class and about 18 women. This could make things extremely awkward sometimes, especially because the instructor - a middle-aged man, seemed to like making jokes about how delicate a guys balls are, constantly reminding them to not just smash them, but to pull and twist whenever possible. The girls would always laugh at these comments, and I couldn't help but cringe. I would flush with embarrassment as they laughed at my weakness.
For the first few weeks it seemed like these open discussions about my vulnerable balls would be the worst part of the class, but then I was partnered with Lily. She was short - about 5'3", with dark curly hair, and fairly large breasts (maybe a D-cup) that she loved to show off. She would usually wear short running shorts and a t-shirt that she cut into a V-neck to show off her cleavage. In general she was a person who was a little more "handsy" than most people are comfortable with. She would often leave a hand on my arm for an awkwardly long time while making small talk, touch my thigh if we were sitting next to each other, things like that - and I was no one special in terms of that attention.
During the class, we would often learn a few moves and then pair up with someone standing close to us and go through some practice drills. The first night I was paired with Lily, the drill consisted of one person grabbing the other from behind - reaching their arms around and grabbing their own wrist with the other hand to encircle the person's torso. The victim was then supposed to drop to a lower stance, shift their hips, and swing a hand back to grab the attacker's nuts (twisting and pulling for maximum effect). We had done slight variations of this before, and usually we would go through the motions and end when we swung our hand back, tapping the attackers thigh and signaling them to let go. As you can probably guess from the build-up, Lily did things a bit differently.
The instructor showed us the general moves and then paired us up. I knew Lily a little bit from classes and seeing her around campus, and I greeted her with a friendly nod and smile, and she returned a big grin. Because of the side of the room I had been standing on, I was the partner instructed to try the technique first, so Lily wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. Even in this, there was a notable difference between Lily and my former partners in the class. Most of the girls were clearly uncomfortable with the physical contact that the class required, and they would barely touch me when simulating attacks. Lily wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in tight. She wasn't terribly strong, and nothing about her grip felt threatening, but there was something forceful about the way she committed to the role of attacker. She squeezed my arms so I couldn't easily raise them in defense (part of the concept behind this drill), and at the same time I felt her breasts pressing firmly against my back, something most of my classmates would have taken care to avoid. I dropped low and swung my hand back, hitting her thigh, just below her shorts. The feel of her breasts pressing against me had my mind on high alert, and I remember the feel of tapping my hand against her bare skin. She didn't let go at first, and I had to tap her a few more times before she finally stepped back. We went through this process a few more times, with me just slapping her thigh pretty hard by the end since she seemed to be pushing for that. Still, I didn't really think much of it other than the fact that she was more comfortable with physical stuff than most. Then, the instructor told us all to switch roles.
It was my turn to play the attacker. I was generally very careful in the class to avoid any unnecessary contact so as not to make the girls feel uncomfortable, thinking that many of them may have been hoping for an all-female class. With Lily, I felt a little less pressure in that regard, since she seemed so comfortable with the touching involved in the drill, so when it was time to begin the drill I wrapped my arms around her and locked her in my grip pretty firmly. I kept my hands out in front of her a bit, but I remember noticing that my forearms were squeezing in against the sides of her breasts. Once she made her move though, I soon had other things to focus on. Lily dropped low, just as we had been shown, and I was awaiting the execution of the move with the general boredom that takes over in a scenario that involves acting out pre-determined motions in a class. Instead, I was completely caught off guard when I felt Lily's hand slam full force into my nuts, and then her fingers try to close around them. Luckily for me, my balls slipped through her grip and she was left holding a fistful of gym shorts, but the initial hit still left me winded, and having been totally unprepared, I leaned over a bit and grunted. I felt immediate embarrassment at having been so easily hurt by such a small girl, but she looked back with a huge smile and just said, "missed."
I didn't have much time to process what had happened before we were told to repeat the move. Again I grabbed her, this time perhaps a bit more aggressively, squeezing her into my just had she had done when the roles were reversed. Again Lily dropped low and swung her hand back. Despite my attempts to shift my hips, this time Lily caught me by the balls. She gave a firm squeeze and a strong tug downward. I felt my stomach drop as pain and slight nausea shot up from my balls. I hunched over even more and groaned, and she turned with a huge grin and a look of pride. "I got you that time!" The pair of girls next to us noticed my uniquely male reaction and started laughing at my battered nuts. Lily smiled at them and said "Well, we're supposed to be going for the balls, right?" They seemed genuinely shocked at her response, and they laughed even more. I stood there trying to recover, feeling the throb in my balls and the hot flush of embarrassment washing over my face. The extra attention caught the eye of the instructor, and instead of introducing some maturity, true to form he just patted me on the back and said loud enough for the class to here, "and that's why it's a good idea for you gents to wear a cup."
The next two weeks I made sure to stand far away from Lily, and so I was paired with other women. There were still the jokes from the instructor and the giggles from my classmates, but after having my balls squeezed in front of the class, that seemed a bit more manageable, though I thought a few of the girls smiled at me when the instructor reminded "the guys" to wear a cup.
The following week, Lily came in late and made her way right over to me. We were already in a circle, stretching, so there wasn't really a way for me to move away without causing a bit of a scene. In retrospect, it probably would have been worth it. Today we would be working on blocks. This was a bit of a relief since they did not usually involve going for the nuts. We practiced blocking some punches and some head strikes, and then the instructor informed us that we would be learning how to block a knee. Partners would stand face-to-face, and one would bring their knee up for a strike, while the other would strike down with the heel of their palms, hitting the attackers knee with enough force to deflect the blow. We began the exercise, and Lily was surprisingly following the instructors guidance, so her knee was coming up pretty hard, but it wasn't actually aimed at my nuts. Instead, she was driving it up just in front of me, and she clearly wasn't putting her all into it. She did about twenty knees, then we switched. roles. I played it by the book, and soon we were told to switch back again.
By now I was in a bit of a rhythm. She brought her knee up, and I hit it down with my hands over and over... Suddenly, Lily leaned in close. It was just a few inches different, but it was enough. She brought her leg up much harder than she had been. My block came down, but it was expecting a lighter hit, and my hands hit her upper thigh, which meant the block did almost nothing. Her knee drove straight into my poor balls. I still remember the feeling of my left nut being slammed between her knee and my own body. I saw a flash of light as pain shot up through my stomach. I was stunned, but Lily kept going. Her knee drove up a second time, and this time I was still reeling from the first hit and didn't put up any kind of block at all. Again her knee drove into my balls and my body exploded with pain. I saw stars, and felt like I was going to vomit. My legs gave out from under me, which is probably the only reason she wasn't able to land a third hit.
I dropped like a stone and as I laid on the ground groaning I reached my hand into my gym shorts and cupped my tender, throbbing nuts. Through my pain I looked up and saw Lily standing over me, one hand on her hip and wearing the biggest smile I'd ever seen. I saw her large breasts bouncing with the shaking of silent laughter. It was then that I realized she was not the only one laughing. All of the girls had stopped their drills and were watching me roll on the floor, clutching my battered balls. Almost all of them were laughing. Some had their hands covering their mouths. Even the ones who seemed sympathetic had huge smiles as they shyly asked "are you okay?" I had never been more embarrassed in my life.
As I lay their rocking on the ground, holding my balls, the instructor came over and looked down at me. "Everything still there?" He asked, inciting more laughter from the women around me. I nodded as best I could, "You've gotta come down strong with that block." Then he looked at Lily, "I think you've got the idea."
After class I heard some of the girls laughing and whispering to each other, and caught a few looking at me. I may have just been paranoid, but I was sure they were all having a good laugh at the guy who got his balls crushed. That was not the last time I was paired with Lily, and while I never let my guard down after that, she usually landed at least a few glancing blows off my gonads. When she saw me around campus after that she would always just give me a huge smile and say nothing. I knew why she was smiling. For years, just thinking of Lily and the feeling of being on the ground in that class would make me flush and my adrenaline would spike. I never fully understood the mixture of emotions that the humiliation of having my balls busted so publicly evoked, but years later, once I began to appreciate how much ballbusting could excite me, I started looking back on that first experience often. My gf has heard the story, and she teases me with it fairly often. Where ever Lily is today, I like to think that she's still dropping guys to their knees when she gets the chance.
Well written, had me laughing and aroused.
Lily sounds AWESOME. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah, once paired up I was her partner for the entire class, and I took lots of hits or grabs to my nuts, though they weren't always solid hits and I was able to protect myself most of the time. Also, not every move we practiced was a "go for the balls" kind of move, so I there were only certain parts of the class where my nuts were on the line.
Trust me, if I could go back and relive that experience now, I'd probably not work so hard to keep my balls out of her grip.
Too bad this happened before you were into it. During the times you were paired up with her that you mentioned above, did you have to keep partnering with her the remainder of the class and get busted again? Like when she grabbed you, during the exercise there wasn't much you could do to block her, since you were supposed to grab her arms. Your balls were set up to get busted basically. If you stayed her partner she'd just do it again.
Hi, Allyn. Glad you enjoyed the story.
Lily busted the other guy too when they were partnered, which only happened once or twice as I recall. I was never close enough to have a good look at what she did to his nuts. She never managed to drop him to the ground the way she did to me, but I would guess that wasn't for a lack of trying.
Great story! Did Lily bust the other guy in the class? Or just you?
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