Razasha the Horny, Chapter two, Like a Bitch on a Leash

Razasha was in a world of pain. Sure she had been kicked in the cunt before, on more than one occasion to be honest, but never this close to an orgasm. She felt like her delicate blooming flower had been crushed by the weight of an iron-rimmed chariot wheel loaded with anvils. All of the nerves endings in her still engorged crotch were furiously shooting sparks of a deep, gut-churning pain that made her atrociously nauseous. The steel-toed boot of Freya the dwarf shield maiden was now imprinting a rocking motion up and down her poor green slit, cruelly chafing the hood of her clitoris with the hard edge of her leather sole. Razasha begged, repressing a dry heave from her empty stomach, “Please, I… aoutch, you’re hurting me, I swear! I’m alone… huuurk, I wish you no haaaarm, hgnnn!” 

Still paralyzed by the spell of Aelith the elf, the poor orc girl laying flat on her back in the grass could barely swivel her neck to see her short tormentor, a brazen dwarven fury she witnessed robbing a monster thrice her size of his virility, only moments before. “Why should I believe ye, green skinned slut?” asked Freya, visibly enjoying the intimate discomfort she was causing to the towering orc vixen. Razasha was all too familiar with that sense of vulnerability. Weaker and less imposing than the rest of her orc clan, the weight of her enormous breasts also usually meant that she was done, when pinned on her back during a brawl. That and the fact her mind tended to immediately veer to sex, whenever she was horizontal, no matter the context.

Aelith the elf, a length of silk rope in hand, suddenly interrupted the interrogation, “Hey, find your own pet, dwarf! You’re going to damage her cunt with your muddy boots!” Freya the shield maiden, with a scornful sneer raising her lip, gave the elf a stone cold look, before punting Razasha’s poor cunt one last time with her heel, using her as a stepping stone on her way to the unconscious freshly neutered minotaur, bumping in the elf’s shoulder on her way out. “Fine, but yer better keep yer green bitch on a tight leash, elf.”

Massaging her sore shoulder with her pale little hand, Aelith stuck her tongue out behind her partner’s back, looking suddenly way more like a bratty little girl than a dignified elf sorcerer. Without even budging, the dwarf added harshly, “I saw that, ye knife-eared git.”

Behind Freya, her twin sister Frigg was using her battle axe like a lumberjack, hacking away at the minotaur’s wide horns, the left one already cleft from the beast, leaving a gory stump that leaked blood and marrow on the white fur of the sleeping monster’s temple. Turning around sweaty and out of breath in the forest fire light, she awkwardly tried to make small talk with her brooding twin sister, “Hard work to teach an elf a lesson, ain’t it?” Picking up the left horn to pass it under her belt, Freya eased down and showed a bit of courtesy, “Aye, harvesting his plums would have been easier, but she needs to stay weaned off until we get back to Tedora. That’ll teach ‘er to slack on the job.” Still on eggshell with her scorned sister, Frigg added tentatively “Both horns will suffice to claim the bounty. I reckon they’ll fetch a good price too.” Untying the minotaur’s legs, Freya simply nodded, “Aye.” Whatever happened between those two was still mending and would be sore for a while, just like the mangled gonads of that unlucky bull.

Oblivious to the twins reconciliation, Aelith was seductively massaging Razasha’s plump tummy with both of her hands, fondling the little cushion of fat that rose just below her hollow navel. “Awww, did the mean dwarf hurt my little slut’s coochy?” she said, with a feigned concern. Trying not to sound too blunt in her vulnerable position, the orc girl replied, “My… my name is Razasha.” Aelith’s juvenile face took an excessively delighted expression. “Yes, of course my dear, where are my manners! We weren’t properly introduced. So, you might have picked up that I’m Aelith, your arcane specialist, I’m sure you remember Freya, our shield maiden, and her sister Frigg, our berserker. All together, we are the Slay Belles!” She said, with a grandiose gesture of her hands only an elf would attempt with a straight face. Immediately becoming more sultry while straddling her captive, and bringing her face betwixt the fleshy mounds on her green chest, the diminutive elf added, “Sooo, you never answered. How did your titties get so big, my dear Razasha?” 

Before the befuddled orc girl could think of an answer, Frigg reminded the sorcerer of her duty. “Aelith, make yourself useful and scare away the beast, we are done with him, here.” Still slouched over the mid section of Razasha, the pale elf adopted a comical expression of annoyance, jutting her little jaw forward and chomping down on the braided leather strap that joined the two hefty cups of her lizard skin top. “Grrrrr, I’m coming right away!” even when she made silly faces, she remained painfully cute, and the horny orc girl had to refrain from trying to steal a kiss from her pouty lips. 

When the elf got off her tummy, Razasha noticed that the sharp pain in her lower abdomen helped the paralysis spell to dissipate faster. She could now prop herself up on her elbows, a feat already difficult in usual conditions, given the cart load of green titty meat that rolled from her armpits to rest on her belly, when she did so. She winced when her still paralyzed hands flopped around, but her ordeal was becoming less painful than experiencing the initial full-body cramp. From a short distance, she could observe how the frail elf approached the now almost untied minotaur. Only his arms remained firmly tied behind his back, but all of his other ties were undone, including the noose that caused his ballsack to turn black. One of the dwarf girls, probably Frigg, took the precaution to delicately lay his bruised gonads on a mat of freshly cut grass, where they were slowly regaining a healthier color. His mangled virility was irredeemably lost, but at least he would not die of gangrene. For some reason, the two sisters kept a respectful distance, standing outside the half-circle of fallen branches. Even with all the apprehension Razasha feeled towards Aelith, she could not believe they were about to let the little elf wake that beast alone. 

In fact, the more the little sorcerer approached the bull, the scarier she looked, as if a dark veil of terror was surrounding her, like ethereal wings of darkness. When her small pale hands touched the bloodied temples of the neutered minotaur, he woke up all of a sudden, his globulous red eyes rolling around in panic. Aelith was engulfed in a rippling aura of absolute fear, her delicate traits superimposed with dancing dark lights evoking snakes, skulls and malevolent spirits. Her melodious voice, amplified to terrifying notes, resonated in all the clearing, and it seemed to Razasha that it echoed in her own mind. “For trespassing in this forest, we have deprived you of your male essence! Run now beast, and never come back! For this land is cursed!” The terrified minotaur steer let out a coarse mooing that was now noticeably more high pitched. Scrambling to get to his feet without the help of his hands, he rolled around to end up tangled in the pile of dead branches to his side, thrashing in terror at the sight of this night witch that cursed his balls. In a cruel twist of fate, when he managed to get on one knee, his battered nuts now sagging even lower snagged on the fork of a log, causing him to mewl to the heavens from the pain. Nevertheless, his terror was such that he dragged the piece of dead wood behind him for a pace, like the most painful sled imaginable, before passing over a small rock jutting from the grass that sent his danglers whipping against his rump and cleared them from the log. Just like that, the once proud alpha minotaur disappeared behind the curtain of smoldering trees, to serve as a cautionary tale among his kind that they better stay clear of that accursed land.

When Aelith turned around, wisps of darkness faded around her beautiful face, and with her usual playful voice, she commented, “Well, at least he’s not going to keep tripping on them, once they shrivel up. Anyway...” letting her phrase unresolved, she looked at Razasha, still half-laying in the grass. “Where were we, oh yes, I needed to find a collar for my new pet.” Freya interjected, “Ye mean a leash for ye green bitch?” Aelith hand waved the dwarf’s attempt at humor “Same thing my dear, what to do, what to do, hmmm…” said the elf, foraging in a small leather bag attached to her belt. With a victorious smile, her hand emerged of it holding up what looked like one of those rose beetles with a metallic shine to them.

Kind-hearted and naive as she was, Razasha genuinely believed the bug to be a cure for her paralysis, and opened her mouth wide when the sorcerer brought it near to her face. “Close your mouth, you big oaf, this is not a treat!” said the condescending elf girl. Rebuffed, the orc girl pinched her lips over her small fangs, watching Aelith bring the scarab closer to her neck. “Yes, it will be perfect, just like a real collar.” When the elf apposed the metallic insect against her skin, right above the hollow of her jugular notch, Razasha felt its clawed legs come alive, before a painful pinch from its mandibles made her blood pearl up on her skin. “Aoutch, it bit me!” Now glowing so bright that it lit up Aelith’s green eyes with a sinister red glow, the scarab proceeded to start moving all around the orc girl’s neck, injecting some kind of venom while following his horizontal path. Having reached his starting point after painfully prickling the nape of her neck, the glowing bug firmly anchored itself to the front of her neck with its claws, like some kind of parasitic pendant, and stopped glowing. Teary eyed, Razasha touched the metallic carapace of the magic bug with the tip of her fingers, before exclaiming, “I can move again?! I’m free!” The mischievous elf corrected, “You can move, my dear, but free you are not.” The elf produced a small silver mirror from her bag, showing Razasha her reflection. Unfamiliar with the device, poor Razasha only vaguely knew what she looked like from looking down at herself in a pond. The orc girl couldn’t resist touching what looked to her like a magic vertical cup of water, saying naively “Is it really me in there? Am I... pretty?” The elf pinched her ruby lips to repress a laugh. “Yes, my dear, you’re... exquisite! Now look down your neck. No, not like that, in the mirror, you big oaf!” Finally getting the hang of what the elf meant, Razasha touched the freshly pricked skin of her neck, that swelled up quite a bit under the bug’s stinger. The mirror was showing her a choker of black runes tattooed on her skin, that looked like the segments of a jagged millipede.

Satisfied, Aelith stood up, packed up her mirror and pondered, thinking out loud, “Now, how am I to explain this to you?” Freya abruptly interrupted the elf by punching her straight in her small perky left breast, twisting her robes on impact. “Like that, ye twat!” Caught totally off guard, Aelith tumbled to her side, gasping for air, an expression of painful rage twisting her delicate traits, tears clouding her eyes. “Koff, koff, you dirty bitch! My tit! koff!” Freya taunted her, “What tit, ye breadboard?” Without having the time to understand what was going on, Razasha noticed her neck bug glowing bright red above her luscious tits, then was overwhelmed by the exact same pain she felt in her crotch a moment before, when the dwarf was cruelly stomping on her intimacy. She covered her aching slit with both of her hands, grinding her fangs in pain. How could it be, nobody kicked her this time! Freya, her fist still in the air, used the simplest words to be sure she came across the simple-minded orc girl. “It’s the scarab, ye slut. If the elf gets hurt, you get reminded the last hit you took before it marked ye. That’s me boot up yer cunt for ye. If ye get too far away, your cunt will start to hurt too. That’s yer leash, bitch. Do ye fookin’ understand?” With teary eyes that mimicked the bruised elf, Razasha could only nod silently, trying not to open her mouth in case she retched. “Good, now follow us around like the good bitch ye are, you’ll make a nice pack mule. Oh, and don’t think about hurtin’ me or me sister, love. Ye might get a lucky hit, but if ye do, the elf gets it!” Razasha nodded vigorously, ready to accept anything to get rid of the shooting pain in her lady parts.

Frigg, that didn’t intervene for fear of getting on the bad side of her sister again, waited for Freya to start packing the trap, before she walked up to the aching orc girl and asked “Sorry about that, Razasha is it? We needed to make sure you weren’t setting us up. Anyway, you must be hungry.” and with that, she dropped a portion of roasted pork ribs in the orc girl’s lap. The scarab clinging to Razasha’s neck stopped glowing, the magically-induced pain receded and she breathed a much needed sigh of relief. “Thank youuuu! Why are you so nice and your sister so mean? You do have the same face!” Taken aback by the orc girl’s touching honesty, Frigg answered, with a despondent tone, “Do not confuse us, orc. Of the pair, I am the nasty one.” From the corner of her eye, Razasha saw Aelith, still massaging her sore breast down on her knees, silently shaking her head to intimate the orc not to pry further. Frigg only added, “Get on the move as soon as you can, you two, this forest will soon be nothing but ashes.”

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