A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
This chapter’s new and returning characters are played by (in my mind's eye only, this is in no way endorsed by the performers mentioned here):
Lucette, the butcher’s daughter = Lucy Laistner,
Amy the Gnome = Bunny Ayumi
Agapé, the barbarian amazon = Stefania Ferrario,
Manny, the dwarf artificer = Bill Bailey,
Lolo, the cat-girl burglar = Éleonore Costes,
and Juloof, the gnome ranger = Julien Josselin.
Razasha was dozing off on a log while listening to the old-time stories of Manny the dwarf artificer, surrounded by her friends the Slay Belles, by the dim light of a dying campfire. The party rested after a long day of walking, somewhere in the woods near the logging town of Cerris, where they had met the Dungeon Blasters an other party of adventurer that helped them resolve an altercation with a group of angry woodworkers.
Puffing on his long-stemmed pipe, the old dwarf was finishing the grand tale of his most glorious dungeon dive. “And thus, as the red dragon had just torched me poor buddy Zarakai to cinders, may his tankard be forever filled in da Great Hall, both our mages were about ta run out of spells ta contain the great worm. All I had left in me arsenal was one anti-magic grenade. I still don’t know to this day which god favoured me, cause in that moment I prayed to them all ta succeed, no matter da cost. Be careful what ye wish for, me lasses, cause dat’s exactly what I got. Blinded as it was in one eye, da beast misjudged and snapped its fangs right next ta me, allowing me ta shove a lit fuse right up its nostril. When I woke up three days later, they told me the explosion took half of its cranium off, slaying it on the spot, nearly killing me too. Anyway, dat’s how I got me dragon scale medal. It won’t bring me buddies back, but at least the Guild respects it enough.” opening his pouched tunic to reveal a scarred torso, Manny propped up a large triangular pendant at the end of a gold chain that gleamed in the fire light, an authentic red dragon scale was engraved with his name in runes, commemorating his exploit.
All this display of heroism had a strange effect on the dwarven twins. Frigg and Freya, usually so stern and callous were all of a sudden way more engaging. Both of them were only wearing their corsets and wrap skirts, having disassembled their plate armors for cleaning and oiling. Their freckled shoulders and opulent cleavage were glistening in the fire light, dripping with perfumed oil. Framing the old artificer as they listened to his tale, the scrubbing of their breast plates and polishing of their weapon handles were becoming more suggestive by the minute, clearly implying their growing arousal.
Frigg finally did the first move, while squirting oil on her breasts and massaging them so vigorously that her pink areolas started to peek over the cups of her strapless corset. “You know brave Manny, noble heroes that visit the Stonegrinder halls are never disappointed by our clan’s hospitality. Say a word and you’ll be tempering your iron in our forge, tonight.”
Aelith was sitting in lotus position near the fire, trying to compulse her grimoire despite the annoying wet sounds produced by the oily dwarves, her flaxen brow agitated with nervous tics betraying her irritation. To make matters worse, Juloof the gnome decided to scoot beside her, pretending to tweak the line of sight of his novelty crossbow to look inconspicuous.
“Would you look at that old baboon, still reaping rewards for a kill that happened twenty years ago. No offense to your party, elf sorcerer, but he usually has to ramble about his injury before getting a pity fuck.” said the miniature adventurer.
Aelith gave an intrigued look to the gnome ranger dressed in forest green, as her pale elven ears perked up. Juloof was almost half her size, with grotesque proportions that made him look like a ragdoll. His bulbous head was bobbing on a thin neck attached to an almost spherical torso, with limbs even shorter than a dwarf that ended with enlarged hands and feet. “What do you mean, ranger? The artificer didn’t complain about any injury, is he in need of a healer?”
With a wry smile on his thin lips, the gnome answered, “We’re talking about an old wound here, not the kind that prevents adventuring, but still seriously hampers its perks. Just listen to him, he makes no mystery of it.” Aelith looked reluctantly at the trio of enlaced dwarves, with Freya’s hand already foraging below the artificer’s belt.
Manny let out a ring of smoke that rose in the fire’s heat, before confessing, “Ye didn’t let me finish da story, lasses. Fer when I said da gods granted me success at any cost, they struck a hard bargain. Dat ball yer cupping right now is a titanium replacement, me beauty, I had it made ta neutralise those anti-magic shrapnels from da grenade dat sliced through me groin. ‘Tis da only reason yer sorcerer can cast spells near me.”
Freya was fascinated by what she just heard. The hefty dwarven testicle resting in her hand was indeed unnaturally heavy for its size. She gave it a tentative squeeze that would have caused any healthy dwarf to wince, only to earn an amused smile from the old artificer. “Oi, just don’t do dat with da remaining one me beauty, I’m all out of spare!”
Her sister Frigg dared to ask the question that everybody was thinking. “Sorry to ask Manny, but can ye still… I mean, can ye still work da forge with ye ingot?” said the oiled berserker, while pressing her ample bosom against his side.
Manny patted her round freckled cheek lovingly, before running his callous hand in her fiery red mane. “I will not say that me old iron is as strong and durable than in me glory days, but with two smith goddesses like ye, miracles can sometimes happen.” said the old artificer, with a hint of hope in his voice.
Freya reassured him, “No matter what gets smelted tonight, rest assured ye’ll get ta sleep on da softest pillows there is, dragon slayer.” and on those words, the hugging trio walked away to the sisters tent, without even thinking to salute their colleagues for the night.
Leaning into Aelith’s ear, the gnome whispered, “You should watch out for your girlfriend, sorcerer. The amazon and her cat can be very persuasive too.” sending a shiver of disgust down her spine. Juloof just had a way to make her skin crawl.
It was true that since the Slay Belles had joined up with the Dungeon Blaster to share the road leading to the closest outpost, her thrall-turned-girlfriend Razasha was not paying as much attention to her than usual. Was the naive orc girl getting back at her for their rocky start, or was she simply so horny any attractive adventurer could turn her green airhead? Probably the later, judging by the way she was currently all smiles, sitting next to the sculptural amazon. Looking timidly at Agapé with her pointy nose hidden between the pages of her grimoire, Aelith couldn’t help but feel insignificant. How could Razasha even prefer her small elven frame with demure charms to the colossal yet feminine musculature of the angel-faced amazon? Each one of Agapé’s thighs was probably larger than her own torso, just like both of Aelith’s modest breasts, that had returned to their usual flatness after a short magic inflation, were probably insufficient to even fill half the volume of a single one of the warrior’s cantaloupes. To make matters worse, Lolo the catgirl always seemed to know when Aelith was looking at her dear Agapé, her sapphire eyes gleaming like jewels in the penumbra, warning her not to come any closer, like a beastly mirror of her own jealousy.
Razasha was totally oblivious to the inner turmoils of her mistress. Agapé was currently teaching her how to flex her pecs in a way that made her huge boobies bounce, followed by pelvic thrusts exercises to reinforce her lower back and complex leg scissors she sweared would soon give her an amazonian thigh definition. The orc girl was rapidly working up a sweat and easing up all of her muscle stiffness, after a day of walking in the oak shade. She saw Lolo slip something in Agapé’s ear, like a shy little kitten refusing to speak out loud. Agapé smiled and scritched the small black and white catgirl under the chin. “Razasha, my lovely, what would you say to continuing your fitness lesson under our tent?” before the honest orc girl could ask her mistress about it, the amazon grabbed her wrist. “Just you, Lolo and me, nobody else. Razasha, I want you to take this decision alone, you are a free adventurer, remember?”
Razasha bit her lip in hesitation. Usually, she relied on Aelith to take the important decisions for her. Honest and simple as she was, she made no mystery about being a fish out of water in the human lands, since she had been banned from her clan. The amazon had spoken her proposal out loud, making sure the keen elven ears of the sorcerer would pick it up. Over the fire, the small silhouette of Aelith was awaiting her answer, hugging her grimoire against her chest. Knowing that she was potentially losing her green girlfriend, the elf found the strength to say, “Well, you heard Agapé, my dear. What’s your decision.”
Razasha was suddenly on the verge of tears. Agapé was still holding her by the wrist, her firm grip making her wet in a lower place. All she could do was to extend her other hand towards her girlfriend in vain, the catgirl huddled against the amazon repeating, “You, alone!” only to increase her distress. Then she closed her eyes, a couple of tears rolling down her green round cheeks.
Razasha stood up of all her height in the light of the dying fire. Her supple green skin lit by orange and red embers outlining the underside of her ample assets. Towering over the group, she spoke up with that strange assertive voice that only came out when she was totally in control of herself. “I am Razasha the Horny, and my quest is Love. I shall have no shame in who I lay with, for my heart is always open.” Her proclamation was so earnest that all its listeners, no matter their personal preferences, suddenly had a fire in their loins burning for the green vixen.
Lolo, still huddled against Agapé’s mid-section, looked at Razasha in awe, her cat ears drooping on her head. “Allright, you can fuck her brains out, that was insanely hot.”
Agapé stood up and grasped a very surprised Razasha around the waist, lifting the big orc girl on her shoulder in a way that made her rotund derriere stick out. “Way ahead of you, kitten!” said the amazon, before flattering Razasha’s bum with a nice rippling slap and taking her away to her tent in a stride.
Aelith was devastated. That big dyed blonde bitch and her mangy cat had stolen her girlfriend right in front of her! There was nothing she could do, since she loved that green orc slut too much to make her unhappy, but also because her speech made her sploosh her robes so bad she was unable to stand right now. Thank the gods, her travel grimoire was large enough to hide her erect nipples.
Juloof, not even hiding an impressive stiffy growing in his green pants, taunted her further. “Told you that would happen! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to, err… take the first watch up in a tree.”
Aelith was glad to be rid of him, and just added, “That’s right, go jerk off elsewhere gnome, I need to meditate.”
Despite her best efforts, Aelith’s meditation was doomed to fail. Not only the crass laughters of the frolicking dwarves nearby made it difficult to concentrate, but her mind couldn’t focus on anything else than Razasha’s supple body being the toy of someone else’s desires, as she sat there like a damn nerd in a puddle of her own frustration. She knew that Juloof had moved away, the rhythmic rustling of the leaves had stopped a moment after Razasha had left. Was that all the gnome needed to relieve himself? She didn’t care one bit about him knowing she sneaked away. So what? She was checking on her girlfriend, dammit! Trying to stand up in the most dignified manner possible for someone with moist robes sticking to her ass, the diminutive sorcerer took the direction of the Amazon tent with a pout and a comical clenched fist gait.
Inside Agapé’s tent, Razasha was laying nervously on the wolf pelts the amazon used as bedding. She really did it with her big fanged mouth this time, didn’t she? Sometimes, it was as if a completely different version of herself took control, a version that always knew what to say and how to fight, but was gone before dealing with the consequences of her choices, leaving behind a dim-witted slutty orc girl with confidence issues. Agapé was currently laying head to toes relative to her. Razasha was somewhat reassured that the amazon noticed her nervousness, and decided to take things slow. The sculptural warrior was currently being fed grapes from a silver platter, her head resting on Lolo’s lap, as the catgirl tousled her platinum blonde mohawk with her paws. From this angle, the amazon’s thighs and hips looked even more massive, jutting with thick muscles that made them look like centenarian oak trunks, but covered in a smooth rosy skin that invited caresses. Even her many white scars and swirly red tattoos looked like an open story book begging to be explored by adventuring hands. Agapé’s beauty was a radical change from the only partner she ever had until now, her soft and frail elven mistress, that was just as jealous as this strange feline girl that refused to be touched by anyone else, with her flexible and svelte body covered in black and white fur. Thinking about it, this was the perfect occasion to ask more about her and break the ice.
“So-ooo, how did you two meet again?” asked Razasha, while trying to find a comfortable position that would not involve her huge melons spilling in her armpits or her soft belly poking out in front of her. She finally settled on her side with a bunched up pelt to support her heavy assets, suddenly terribly envious of Agapé’s washboard abs and perky breasts.
Agapé placed her foot on Razasha’s knee, as casually as one would place a hand on a friend’s shoulder. “Awww, you hear that my Lolo, she wants to know more about you, little fuzzball!” said the amazon, while scratching her girlfriend’s belly.
“As you wish.” said the intense cat girl, her dilated pupils looking like bottomless pits in the dim light of a small oil lamp. “Agapé took me in and raised me, when the boat I was travelling on ran ashore on her island. Before that, I was pretty much feral. I had to hunt bilge rats to survive, and the sailors started to give me troubles as soon as my chest became round. I do not know where I lived before that, I have distant memories of my mother and siblings, so I know there is others like me somewhere, but never met anybody that could give me a clue about what I am. Most humans in this land think I suffer from some kind of curse. I don’t like most humans.” All the while, Agapé was stroking her girlfriend’s fur, and started to slowly unbutton her leather vest.
Just great, thought Razasha. I wanted a cute story and reminded her she’s alone in the world. Quick, try something else you blockhead. “In a way, you’re ah, you’re like Aelith and me. You were her pet and became her girlfriend, right?”
Agapé immediately flexed her impressive abs to get on her elbows and look at Razasha straight in the eyes, while pinning her green thigh under her foot. “Can’t you stop trying to justify what your elf did to you? Do you see a leash on Lolo’s neck? She would tear me to shreds if I tried to restraint her, and rightfully so. It’s true she was once my pet, but only because she was still small and young. We advance in life at different paces, like many folks in this world, but I never took her love for granted, it just changed over time.”
Razasha suddenly felt wounded in her pride, as attractive as that amazon was, she was still insulting her mistress, her lover. Once again, that strong voice came out from deep within herself to set the record straight. “Aelith is my lover and my mistress because I want it that way. There is nothing wrong with me consenting to be her plaything.” The orc girl suddenly realised she had grabbed onto the amazon’s ankle and pulled herself to her, both ending in scissors position with their voluptuous thighs intertwined. Lolo was now hiding behind the broad back of Agapé, her fur all puffed out in fear.
The amazon displayed an impressed smirk on her heart-shaped lips, “You’re like Lolo, alright. But not for the reason you think. Both of you share a double nature, and both of you are looking for answers, sometimes in the wrong place.” As she said that, Agapé placed the ball of her foot atop Razasha’s soft breast, and started to massage it in small circular motions.
The orc girl quickly returned to her meek and horny self, “Ha-a, sorry for shouting. It’s just that my mistress, I mean Aelith is not who you think she is. She can be sweet and ah, cari-ing, ohhh!” Razasha was quickly overwhelmed by the caresses of the amazon, that managed to pinch her sensitive nipple with her nimble toes, as she was starting to rub her inner thigh with her groin.
“Shhhh your elf is not here right now. Ease your mind and focus on yourself… and your pleasure.” said Agapé, as Lolo untied her scale mail bikini top to reveal lovely pink nipples adorned with steel barbells piercings.
Still in a furious mood, Aelith was approaching the amazon’s tent when her pointy ears picked up the familiar moans of her green girlfriend. Hearing Razasha take her pleasure with somebody else made her heart sink and stopped her dead in her tracks. If it was her choice to lay with this giant brute, could she really forbid her? The words of Agapé really got to the diminutive sorcerer. Did she really took all the decisions for her thrall? No, Razasha was her girlfriend now, or was she really? That fake blonde bitch really got to her head!
Suddenly, Aelith was startled by a voice behind her, “Psitt! Get out of the way elf, you’re blocking the view!” Juloof’s head was poking out from a bush nearby. That little shit was supposed to guard the camp, not jerk-off to her girlfriend’s moans, thought the sorcerer. Plus he’s going to alert them I’m coming, but was I really about to go in there and stop whatever was going on? “Make up your mind, sweet cheeks!” Oh fuck, couldn’t he just bugger off?
Aelith turned around, her ears and face visibly flushed, to join the gnome in the bushes as the sensual silhouettes of the enlaced trio were outlined on the tent fabric. “Aw, why did you get cold feet all of a sudden? Come on, there’s still room in there for you!” said the gnome, not even hiding he was masturbating perched on a low branch, working an impressive erect dong with both hands. The elf did a double take, taken aback by Juloof’s surprisingly impressive gnomehood.
Without a word, she shuffled in the black leather bag at her belt and produced an empty vial she handed to the gnome. “Just fill this for me and shut the hell up!” Juloof answered by a wry smile. “I’m afraid working my huge cock requires both of my hands, so if you want the juice, first you will have to taste the meat.” he said, while shaking his dong up and down, causing a dribble of glittery pre-cum to splatter the leaves in front of him, immediately altering their color to a rainbow sheen. “Besides, if I decide to raise the alarm, your girlfriend is going to find out what kind of sneaky little perv you are…” That little shit really needed to learn his lesson, thought Aelith.
The idea of blasting his nuts at point blank with magic missiles crossed the elf’s mind, before she opted for a more diplomatic solution, unwilling to let potent gnome spunk go to waste. “I have a better idea, jerky boy.” Aelith stepped around the bushes, trying to avoid paying too much attention to the moans of raw pleasure emanating from the tent, and found what she was looking for. One of the tent pegs was wrapped around a big stone on the forest floor, she grabbed onto it and tried to whisper as low as possible, “See Through Object” causing the tent canvas to start shimmering and slowly disappear, as Aelith came back around the bush, where Juloof was fapping furiously.
“Are you sure they can’t see us too?” asked the gnome while sweating profusely from his brow.
“The tent is still opaque from their point of view,” answered Aelith with a mournful tone, as she watched her Razasha clear as day, rubbing her naked cooch against the trimmed black bush of the amazon. “Keep your end of the bargain, gnome.” she added, while holding up the empty vial.
Juloof resisted cumming right now, by slowing down his rhythm, “Hggnnn, not so fast pretty face. Giving me a show is enough to avoid the alarm, but if you let me cum in my hands, there will be no magic juice for you! Oh shit, Lolo is sitting on her face, oh yeah!” said the gnome, while resuming his masturbation. In the now transparent tent, the catgirl suddenly started to ululate “Lolololololo!” when Agapé scratched the right spot in the small of her back, causing her tail to dart up all puffed out.
Aelith could not resist taking a peek, she knew that it would hurt her feelings, but their moans were raising up in unison to an explosive collective orgasm. Lolo was pushing the amazon’s mouth against her pink slit, as the muscular warrior was simultaneously fiddling the six nipples of the catgirl with her hands, and massaging one of Razasha’s breasts with her foot. Her mid-section was undulating with forceful hip thrusts that pushed her pink intimacy against the moist green labia of the orc girl, in an obscene sapphic kiss. Her green lover looked like she had lost her mind, her whole body was trembling with bliss, as she clutched onto wolf pelts with so much force she had ripped tufts of hair on one of them.
Aelith seriously doubted that Razasha ever felt that level of pleasure with her. Given their size difference, the orc girl always had to be careful around her, letting the sorcerer be on top and take her pleasure first. With a sour expression, she said, “Alright, but just the tip. You better not force this thing down my throat, you perv.” to the excited gnome.
Laying on her back with delicious things happening to her nether region, Razasha was bearing all her fangs in an eager smile. “I’m going to cum, oh yeah, ohhh, why is this so good? Ha! Haaaannn!” Before she noticed her pleasure scarab illuminated the inside of the tent with a deep crimson glow. Aelith was in troubles, and it radiated intense pleasure waves in her spine to alert her, right at the moment she was about to climax.
Aelith’s eyes were watering as her gag reflex was making her retch, her throat swollen by the girth of Juloof’s stupidly large cock. The gnome was pulling on her hair, his feet perched on her shoulders, with his member stuffed in the elf’s pouty mouth to the hilt. The gnome was now totally oblivious to his surroundings, and started to shout “Take it all in, you prissy bitch, here comes the gravy boat!” as Aelith’s right hand grabbed onto his pendulous balls that were slapping on her chin, to pinch and roll them around under her thumb, causing the gnome to interrupt his forceful irrumation. “Alright, alright! Just the tip, no need to get angry, ow, ow, stop it!”
Suddenly, the gnome was lifted by the scruff of his neck from behind the bushes, his manhood slipping out of Aelith’s throat and mouth with a wet hurk. Juloof raised in the air past Razasha’s dripping cunt, his head grazing her green melons, before he made eye contact with the enraged orc girl. “Is he bothering you, Aelith? Cause I can fix the problem right there.” said Razasha, as she grabbed onto his penis with a vice grip that caused his glans to turn dark purple. All the while, the sorcerer was still pulling on his balls, causing them to sag several inches below his paddling feet.
Retching and short of breath, Aelith still noticed that it was the first time Razasha was addressing her by her name only, having dropped the usual mistress. For now, she feigned that it was the least of her concerns. “Hurl, cough, cough! doN’t fREt RaZaSha mY deAR, I hAve hIM unDer cOnTrol!” she said with a croaking voice, while mashing her thumb in his aching nuts. “pLEase hELp me fILL tHIs up, WHIle yOU’re at It.” she added, while her left hand propped up the empty vial in front of his constricted member.
Razasha looked down at the gnome with a sneer, and just answered, “As you wish.” She then proceeded to power-jerk the gnome at an incredible speed, without any care for his health or pleasure. Her green hand was merely a blur on the bruised shaft, as her huge naked melons started to wobble from side to side from her vigorous handjob.
Juloof’s face was a mess of contradictory expressions. He was choking on his cape brooch, while his balls felt like apricots pits being cored out, inches below his bruised cock that was chaffed so brutally the only thing preventing his skin to peel off was Aelith’s quickly drying spit. Right when his gurgles betrayed he was over the edge, Aelith said “sToP!” causing Razasha’s hand to immobilize against the gnome’s belly, pulling his foreskin back so hard that his cock formed an arc. “gIVe it To mE!” said Aelith as she let go of his nutsack to immediately deliver a sharp uppercut to his nuts, causing Juloof to cum profusely from that perfectly ruined orgasm. Streams of a glittery goop escaped his urethra to be captured by the cold glass vial Aelith was pressing against his purplish glans. When the vial was finally full, Razasha simply let go of the gnome that fell with a thud in the grass, a dribble of gnome cum staining the front of his green pants with a multicolor stain.
Agapé and Lolo had come out of their tent, still naked under wolf pelts. The three dwarves had heard the commotion too, and were comically peeking their heads out of their tent, from the other side of the camp. The amazon exclaimed, “What the? Tell me you didn’t damage him too much, elf. I know he can be a pain, but Juloof’s still one of us!” Aelith played her cards right and pretended to faint, only to be caught by Razasha’s tender arms.
“OoOooH, wHerE am I? RaZaSha, plEAse tAKe me bAcK to OUr Tent, I don’T FeeL sO gOod…” said Aelith, before sticking her tongue out like a brat towards Agapé and Lolo, over the shoulder of her green girlfriend carrying her away for the night.
Laying on his back while nursing his painful nuts in his hands, Juloof whimpered to the amazon towering over him “Agapé, help me! Are you really going to let those crazy bitches get away with hurting me, one of your mates?”
Half-amused, the amazon answered, “Manny doesn’t need a full set of balls to be an adventurer. Maybe I should let Lolo eat yours, so you can stop getting in troubles each time you have an erection, gnome.” to the laughters of the other girls.
The three dwarves came around the campfire, half-decently covered by their beddings, to see what all the fuss was about. Juloof, still aching on the floor, turned to Manny to plead, “Old chap, do you see how these whores treat me? We’re the only guys in this party, you have to put your foot down!”
Manny shaked his head in disapproval and said, “Me gnome lad, ye should know better than insulting women and forcing yerself on’em. Ye’re on yer own here.” before turning returning to his tent with Frigg at his arm that already had her hand down the artificer’s pants.
Her twin Freya trailed behind them, covering her muff with her hand while completely naked under a plaid blanket. Looking down on the gnome, she kicked him viciously in his aching groin over his hands, then barked, “Ye heard him! Get back up numb nuts, ye still have three hours of watch ta do! And no peeking this time.”
The sun was already high in the clear sky the next morning, when the adventurers reached the edge of the woods. This time Juloof was riding his goat way in front of the group, laying back as much as possible with the fly of his pants undone, to avoid pressing on his still aching nuts. Each time his mount trotted in a ditch, he whined, “Easy now Petunia, aoutch, eaaasy girl.”
Way behind him among the rest of the group, Aelith still pretended to be extremely sick, making a whole tragedy of her mildly sore throat as she travelled comfortably on Razasha’s shoulders, her calves resting on her massive teats, while the orc girl massaged her dainty feet and poured her cups after cup of honey sweetened herbal tea. “tHaNK yOu, mY dEAr.” said the elf with exaggerated croaking voice to earn her pity and monopolize her attention, revelling in the distance she managed to create between her green girlfriend and Agapé, the amazon tempress.
Unfazed, Agapé decided to antagonize the bratty elf further by asking Razasha about her newfound familiarity with her former mistress. “So, my sweet Razasha. Now that you are a free adventurer answering to no master, how do you plan to get rid of that ugly thing around your neck? I’m talking about your scarab pendant, of course. No offense to you, little Aelith.” said the amazon with a cheeky smirk, causing Lolo and the dwarven twins to snort and snicker.
Razasha felt the obvious animosity towards her sorcerer girlfriend, but failed to understand how her magic pendant would cause problems in her new life. “Ha-a, magic is not my domain, you know. Aelith did manage to change its settings, I don’t mind keeping it since it doesn’t hurt anymore when it triggers. You saw how it warned me that she was in danger, it’s not all bad.” said the orc girl, while caressing the sorcerer’s pale little legs.
Lolo the catgirl spoke up in support of her amazon girlfriend. “It is not about what you want, big girl. For all their faults, the humans in this land don’t take it kindly to slave owners. Even if your arrangement is consensual, I don’t think their administration would consider it legal.”
Manny intervened to defuse the situation, “Hem, ladies please let’s remain civil, alright? Ta speak da truth, miss Razasha’s situation is a rather grey area of Tedoran law. This kingdom enforces a ban on slavery, that’s true, but it only applies ta their human subjects, and not even all of’em when ye look into it. According to their laws ‘No man, woman or child should be owned as slave by Tedoran subjects,’ which means dat it doesn’t apply to a foreign elf owning an orc thrall, ta say da least. Numerous categories, like humanoid creatures and even state-sanctioned eunuchs are not covered by this provision. However, men who lose their gonads by accident or disease are still considered full-fledged subjects.” said the dwarf, aptly adjusting his titanium testicle prosthetic in his pants.
Aelith finally addressed the cutting remarks aimed at her by the Dungeon Blasters, “What matters is that she is a licenced adventurer protected by the king, and you know it damn well, Manny the artificer. If it wasn’t for this law, those human peasants would rip us all strange folks to shreds. Beyond that, Razasha is brave and kind, so no one should speak down to her, including myself her lover.” the elf stared down defiantly at the catgirl, as an uneasy silence fell on the group.
Freya interrupted them bluntly, “Who cares, dat’s for this two blockheads ta sort out! Anyway, looks like we arrived ta the nutless house. Time ta cash in on our hunts.”
Razasha looked at Freya with a confused look, “I’m sorry, w-what did you say this house was? Nutless, h-how?”
Frigg answered for her boisterous twin, “Dis is one of the Rectified relays. These people work for da crown and hand us rewards for completing monster hunts on da border. Freya calls’em nutless cause, well… they’re all cut for da job, lifelong vocation y’a see.” she said hesitantly, embarrassed at mentioning castration next to an old dwarf that had lost part of his virility, while she mimed snipping scissors with her fingers.
Still not sure what to expect, Razasha observed the small outpost ahead, located near a fork in the road. On the side wall, a large symbol visible from a mile away reminded her of the tinctures on her new helmet. The arms of the Tedoran Rectified Regiment: Or, a crenelated T gules flanked by two R mirrored of the same.
Ahead of them, Juloof had reached the relay and was carefully dismounting from the back of his goat, wincing and babying his aching nuts before loosely lacing up his pants with care. After untying a dirty burlap bag from the back of Petunia, he reached for a step ladder that was conveniently stored next to a small opening in the wall, and after climbing it started to insistently ding a small brass bell on the counter. “Alright, alright, enough racket young man, I’m here!” said an old and decrepit man, whose face was partially obscured under a patchy yellow hood. “Whaddya want, what’s your party and moniker?” asked the toothless man, with a strange androgynous voice.
The gnome introduced himself, “Juloof Dead-Bolt, ranger for the Dungeon Blasters, we come to collect our bounty for slaying the goblins that infested a cave near Shallow Pond, we kept the ears as proof.”
“Please place the proofs in the deposit tray.” said the old eunuch, while opening a creaking metal drawer embedded in the wall. The gnome dropped a rotting pile of goblin ears in the drawer, that snapped shut right away.
The old Rectified officer shuffled around in his booth, “Mhh, the proof is valid. The reward for that quest was two hundred gold acorns. Please sign here and here, then leave your thumbprint on this document, testifying you collected the reward to share the gains with your party in accordance to the Adventuring Code.”
Juloof complied with the administrative formalities, before obtaining the small velvet pouch containing the reward, “Oh, and we met the Slay Belles along the way, they did huh, what was it, a centaur, I think? Let me check on that.” said the gnome, still adjusting his aching nutsack in his pants, while stacking his share of the coins over the counter.
“Hey, what was it you girls caught near Gravel Ford again? OOF!” right as Juloof had turned around on his step ladder, his already tender groin made contact with Aelith’s naked foot, that was dangling at exactly the right height, as she sat on Razasha’s shoulders.
“Oops, my bad! Anyway, it was a minotaur, that albino Alpha male with a nice bounty for its capture or neutering.” said Aelith mischievously, still dangling her dainty feet like a schoolgirl, as the gnome slouched against the wall, gasping for air.
“Herm, let me check on that, there’s been policy changes, lately.” mumbled the crotchety old eunuch, as he disappeared in the dark and musty recesses of his administrative alcove.
With tears in his eyes and his large hands firmly clamped around his abused gnomehood, Juloof pestered “What was that for? Your throat is not even sore anymore, you lying elf!”
“Razasha dear, please deal with this nuisance, I’m feeling faint all of a sudden.” said Aelith, while fanning herself with a theatrical hand gesture. The orc girl simply kicked the step ladder with the side of her heel, causing the gnome to tumble pitifully in the dirt. Juloof didn’t dare to peep another word, and scampered off to tie up his goat to a tree.
When the old man returned to the counter documents in hand, instead of the gnome he addressed a moment ago, his field of view was obscured by the jutting green melons of Razasha, topped with the delicate white thighs of Aelith, a sight that would have troubled anybody besides an eunuch. “Who am I talking to now?” inquired the old man, visibly losing patience.
“Here, let me deal with this.” said Frigg while fetching the step ladder. “Frigg Stonegrinder, berserker fer da Slay Belles, we’re here ta collect on the neutering of dat albino alpha minotaur from Gravel Ford.”
The old man consulted his bounty list, holding a magnifying glass near his hooked nose. “Mhhh, yes five hundred gold acorns for his gonads. Please place the proofs in the deposit tray.” he said, while opening the drawer in the wall.
Frigg placed the two chopped horns of the beast in the tray, that brutally closed off, before reopening immediately with the horns rattling about. “I said, place his GONADS in the tray. This proof is irregular according to the new memorandum. Do you wish to file a complaint or is it the proof for the beast slaughter? I don’t have all day.”
Frigg looked puzzled and stammered, “What do ye mean irregular, we have both of his horns! Ye think da bull gave’em up to avoid being neutered? We used a dwarven weapon vice, he got mangled bloodless, dat still counts!”
The old eunuch snapped, “No gonads, no bounty! Direct memo from the crown. Next!” he said categorically, while patting down an official parchment.
Freya called out her twin, “Oi, Frigg! Let me deal with him.” said the shield maiden, while swapping place with her sister. “Ye don’t want da horns, how ‘bout this as proof of neutering, old man?” asked the equally stout and fiery dwarf girl, while loading the swiveling drawer.
“Let me see, I just told you nothing but the gonaAAAAAAHHHH!” yelled the old eunuch, as Freya viciously pulled on the drawer handle, painfully trapping his arthritic fingers that creaked against the casing.
“Now, what were ye saying, old wretch? Ye do have five hundred fer me?” said Freya menacingly, leaning on the counter until her heavy freckled bosom dinged the call bell, as she grabbed the old man by the front of his robes.
On the other side of the outpost, Juloof was totally oblivious to the brutal negotiation going on at the counter. While tying down his goat Petunia to a small oak, he noticed a horse wagon coming up the road. Even from a distance, it was obvious the team was driven by one of the Rectified in red and yellow robes. The bound and gagged men aligned in the wagon bed had to be some of the woodworkers they had fought the day before, back in Cerris. When the wagon driver whistled between his fingers, the barn door closing half the length of the outpost started to slide open. Before he knew it, Juloof had a raging boner in his pants, made painful by the low blow he just took from Aelith. Pushing the heavy door panel was a young curvy girl, whose ample bosom swayed seductively in her lace-front shirt. She was the kind of healthy countryside lass that could make any adventurer go wild, with long chestnut hair falling in front of her hazel eyes, a soft blissful expression on her sultry lips, and most notably opulent curves all around that made her look incredibly delicious, in her simple pastel blue peasant dress.
With the sun in her eyes and her attention turned to the approaching wagon, she didn’t notice Juloof and his goat right away. She was opening a room occupied by a strange machine with rows of cleft iron seats, next to what looked like a small branding forge. Juloof tried to hide his obvious emotion by stepping behind his worried goat, as the girl waved hello to the driver, before fanning herself in the hot midday sun and tying up her hair in a bun. She was already leaning over a water trough, splashing her neck and ample cleavage, when she finally noticed the gnome.
“Well hello there, little sir! If you’re looking for the Rectified officer, his desk is on the far side of the house. Please excuse my manners, I wasn’t expecting visitors in the workshop. My name’s Lucy by the way, but you can call me Lucette.” said the country girl with a bright innocent smile, unaware her wet shirt clinging to her skin revealed the pink outline of her large nipples.
“Cover yer wet tits, Lucette me lass! That little pervert was already jerking his sausage at the sight of yer nips.” said Freya bluntly, as she was counting the coins in a big velvet purse, preceding the rest of the group around the corner. Without waiting for the curvy farm girl to readjust her dress, she nodded at the incoming wagon, “Would ye look at dat! Our friends da wood wankers are back! Ready for the big cut, you fookers?”
Hearing the voice of the dwarf and recognizing the rest of the party, the poor tied up men thrashed and tossed around helplessly in the wagon, their voices muffled by leather gags. As the driver stopped the draught horse, he asked to Lucette, “Where is officer Claudius? I’m bringing new volunteers for the vice. Troublemakers from Cerris.”
Before the busty lass could check on the old eunuch, Freya held her by the arm, “Don’t wait fer him me girl, he hurt his hand while tending ta our bounties, nothing bad, just a scratch.” said the dwarf with a vicious smile.
“Oh right, errr what is your friend doing exactly?” asked the confused farm girl, at the sight of Aelith hopping down from Razasha’s shoulders, to walk up to the wagon and lift her purple robes to moon the poor men with her pale little ass, going as far as to spread her cheeks and reveal her perfectly hairless pink slit.
“Come on girls, nothing brings good luck like giving his last boner to a future Rectified! Razasha my dear, tits out for the boys!” said Aelith, while wiggling her naked rump to the full attention of the prisoners in the wagon, who started to show obvious signs of arousal.
“I had my doubts about her, but I can see why you love that elf.” said Agapé with a cheeky smile, before removing her scale mail bikini and standing triumphant next to the diminutive sorcerer, striking strongwoman poses and flexing the huge quadriceps in her muscular thighs. A bit confused, Razasha joined them and plopped her huge green tits over her new corset, juggling them up and down like a pair of watermelons. The dwarven twins and even Lolo the catgirl also started to make lewd jerk-off gesture and grabbed at their crotch while laughing provocatively.
“Enough of this! These men are already condemned to serve the state for the rest of their life, they do not need to be tormented about what awaits them.” shouted the wagon driver. “Lucette, ready the machine! If Claudius doesn’t show up, I will supervise the procedure myself.”
Startled to hear her name, the farm girl jiggled her ample assets, to the dismay of the already throbbing prisoners, before running about to operate levers and cranks on the cruel-looking iron stope. “Yes, right away officer Gaius, ready when you are.” blabbered Lucette.
Officer Gaius stood up on the driver seat, and turned to face the tied up woodworkers, that all displayed painful erections in their pants. Waving his arms at them, he shouted “Mass Dominate Person” causing sparkles to appear around each of their heads. After hopping off the wagon and giving the adventurers a heinous look, he grabbed onto a leather strap and commanded the men “Hear and obey! Arise and follow me orderly!” The men stood up with automaton-like movements, each of them bound to the next by a thin leather strap tied around their battered scrotums, to follow the robed eunuch up the stairs of the iron machine. “Hear and obey, each of you take a seat and wait!” and each men sat on the cleft iron seats, with terrified looks on their faces, yet unable to resist the Rectified’s orders.
Gaius took place in front of the small forge, where he started to assemble strange numbered lead pegs on what looked like mechanical T-shaped iron brands, producing unique combinations of digits that he then struck out on a leather-bound ledger. Each completed brand was then placed on red hot coals. Meanwhile, Lucette had put on a stained butcher’s apron with sharp paring knives sheathed on a broad leather belt. Passing in front of each of the men sat above her, she skillfully undid their flies and pulled gently on their leather straps until each of them had his scrotum hanging freely beneath his cleft seat. Her gentleness was in stark contrast of the barbaric aspect of the apparatus, that looked like a giant black iron insect ready to devour their testicles. Lucette noticed how all the men had swollen red balls and some of them were already half neutered or badly mangled. Her kind nature led her to hum quietly as she handled their manhood, often saying “Shush, this will be over soon, my poor boy.” and “There you go, hanging freely.” while she prepared them for the inevitable. Finally, she turned to Gaius and announced proudly “All the volunteers are ready to be mangled, officer!”
With his back still turned to the girl, Gaius said absentmindedly, “Good job, Lucette. You can crank up the vice, I’m not ready with all their matriculates, Claudius misplaced the zeros again.”
Aelith leaned towards Razasha, and while hugging her waist, whispered to her lover, “You’re going to love this my dear, one second twelve whole men are facing you, the next they are changed forever.”
Lucette put on thick leather gloves and started to turn a large crank with both her hands, her soft tits bulging between her arms as she cycled up and down, causing pairs of cruel iron jaws to slowly close down on the paralysed men ballsacks. Both Manny the dwarf and Juloof the gnome expressed discomfort and started wincing, when the curvy girl struggled to operate the last crank turns, before Agapé added the strength of her muscular right arm to her efforts. In the most horrible harmony of crushed sinew, the testicular chords of the twelve men sitting on the Tedoran vice caved in at the same time -S-S-SCRUNTCH- immediately causing their testicles to sag lower under the closed metal jaws, now only held by the skin of their scrotums. While paralysed, the twelve men felt every second of their supplice, their eyes rolling back in their heads in absolute agony, only able to twitch and shiver.
“Ho no, not again!” said Lucette, while running up to the third man from the right. One of his testicles had snagged on the metal jaw, preventing them to close fully, and instead pinching the poor nut halfway. “That stupid jaw always bends out of line, my poor boy, let me help you.” as she slid a small crowbar in the gap, prying just enough to manage and pull on the mangled gonad with her gloved fingers, before removing her tool and earning a satisfactory -CRUSH- Sweat pearling at her bushy brow, Lucette removed her gloves and checked each of their scrotums, asserting each time “Hanging loose, hanging loose, hanging loose” with a nice tug and roll of their now useless nuts between her fingers. Like before, she announced proudly to Gaius “All the volunteers are now fully mangled, officer! Ready for the branding when you are!”
“Perfect, help me with the six on the left, Lucette, and don’t swap the matriculates like last time, I don’t want to do this twice ever again!” said the eunuch to the blushing farm girl. Putting her gloves back on and grabbing the brands by their long handles, the curvy girl snapped open the red hot T like pliers, that now formed an X shape she placed right above the taught flaps of scrotum skin still trapping the men on the vices.
“Oi, Razasha, ye love pork bacon, right? Trust me, yer never going ta forget dat smell!” said Freya with a sadistic smile.
Gaius, standing right behind Lucette, was declaming a sacred oath with his ledger in hand, “Brothers, you are about to become aspirant Rectified, your body and soul now belong to the crown of Tedora. You will live only to serve the realm, and the realm will prosper from your noble sacrifice. Proceed.” Immediately, Lucette flicked off the safety holding the brand open, the T to snapping close to sear off the first man’s nutsack, before she pushed it into his crotch. An acrid cloud of smoke raised up as his personal regimental number was branded on his crotch, in the image of the crenelated T adorning the relay. Gaius spoke up when each of them got branded “Brother 202583, your new name is Flavius, I bid you welcome.” and so forth.
When the twelfth man was branded and renamed, Gaius closed his ledger and commanded the twelve newly Rectified to follow him back onboard his wagon. Each of them including the few that were passed out stood up mechanically to leave their balls still hanging on the vice, like freshly plucked man-fruits. Gaius hurried the horse after saying to Lucette, “I trust you with the rest, butcher girl. Get the machine cleaned and ready, I need to complete two other trips to Cerris before nightfall. Giddy up!” Without knowing, Gaius passed right by his brother Claudius, his hand still stuck in the drawer by a large stone, laying face down against his counter after being knocked out by Freya.
Lucette let out a sigh of relief at having her superior out of her hair, and she started to hum quietly again, while fetching a large glass jar that she placed near a tray at the end of a steel gutter on the machine.
Still shocked by what she just witnessed and her nostrils tingling with the scent of burnt human flesh, Razasha asked haphazardly, “Did he, did he just call you butcher?”
The farm girl smiled, “Oh yeah, I’m the daughter of a butcher. I know everything about carving a pig without wasting meat and making blood sausages with the right spices!” Then a shadow passed over her sweet face. “The Rectified, they took in my papa when I was still little. He could not pay his debts, that year all the cattle died out from the flu. So he took the vice, on the condition that they would at least help his little girl. I haven’t seen him since, he’s got a new name somewhere in the realm, like the rest of’em.” She wiped her tears and smiled once more, before sharpening two of her knives together. “Hard to find a good lad to marry, when all the boys know you work the vice! Lucy the Nipper, they call me, when they don’t run away holding their nuts. I don’t care, the job pays well and I always do them justice, when we cross paths again. By the way, I think I had a crush on that third one as a girl. Ha! Get it? A crush!” she said, while nodding at one of the nutsacks hanging on the machine. “Anyway, time to pickle their shnickles.” and after wetting the steel gutter with white vinegar, she pulled on a lever that opened the metal jaws still holding the severed testicles, causing them to fall in a concert of wet splotches before they slid down and collected on a wet tray. The butcher girl quickly degloved and deveined the male organs, delicately removing the tunica albuginea around the still warm gonads without damaging the inner layers, until she had a neat pile of pink orbs topped with wrinkly epididymis at one end of her tray. After rinsing the gonads one last time, she placed them delicately in the jar, and filled it to the brim with clear alcohol before sealing it with a cork. “There, one more batch ready to be send to Doripolis.”
Aelith raised a curious eyebrow, “The capital? Why do they need all those gonads? There’s plenty of fresh nuts available there!”
Cleaning one of her knives with her apron, Lucette shrugged, “They eat them for dinner at the castle, what do I know? Besides, your little friend looks like she wants a bite too, isn’t that right, kitty-kitty?” Lolo didn’t miss a beat of the testicle carving demonstration, her white-socked paws propped up at the end of the tray, eying the wet pile of discarded offals with envy. “Let me mince that for you real quick.” said the butcher girl, while chopping the discarded scrotums and chords into a fine hash. Fetching a small iron pan, she used the still hot forge to sauté her improvised tripes. Adding a bit of vinegar to correct the bitterness and letting it simmer, she then served it flambé on a slate with rye bread toasts on the side, to the amazed catgirl that immediately gobbled it down, purring with joy.
Proud of the honor did to her cuisine, Lucette jested, “What an appetite! If I knew you were coming, I would have saved the previous batch. I’m sure these can keep as delicious terrines, too!” Only to have Lolo brush her whiskered face against her side affectuously, her pink cat nose nuzzling against Lucette’s voluptuous breasts, to the amazement of her amazon.
“Lolo! You little trollop! If all it takes for you to show some love is to fill your stomach, I have what you need right there!” said Agapé as she picked up a terrified Juloof from his hiding spot, and proceeded to pull down his pants despite his vehement protestations. The amazon locked his head under her armpit, and grabbed his long floppy penis from under him, exposing his ass and balls while preventing him to kick with her other hand. “This little piglet has been causing troubles around the farm, lately! I think his neutering is long overdue!” said Agapé while addressing a smile and a wink to Lucette the butcher.
Juloof was indeed squealing like a terrified piglet. “What? Nooooo! Please, let me go! Agapé I swear, this is not funny, cut it out!”
Playing along, Lucette scrapped two of her knives together to produce an ominous sound, “Cut it out, you say? Right away, my little porker!” The farm girl unsheathed her dullest knife, and after putting a finger in front of her mouth in a silent shush, she placed the cold metal against Juloof’s shrivelled ballsack, causing his nuts to retract even more. Lucette’s tongue poked at the corner of her lips, the farm girl enjoying this hands-on prank a little more than she cared to admit, before she gasped audibly while sliding the dull spine of her knife against the underside of the terrified gnome’s testicles. At the same moment, Lolo dropped a wet rag on the metal tray, furthering the illusion that Juloof’s virility had been sliced off. The poor ranger swallowed it hook and line, and let out a pitiful high-pitched squeal that only stopped a few seconds after the roaring female laughters around him made him realise it was all a joke.
Agapé dropped him ass first on the cold wet tray, where he scrambled to pull his pants back up, while all the girls pointed their finger at him and his shrivelled dick, laughing out loud. Lucette had a twinge of remorse in her voice when she said, “Aww, don’t be mad little sir, see? they’re still there intact!” before the gnome hopped down and ran away in the woods, his face a mess of tears and snot.
Manny the artificer scratched his balding head. “I think ye went too far dis time, me lasses. Gnomes have their pride too. What the ranger did last night was wrong, alright. But Juloof didn’t deserve more than a couple’o’kicks in da goolies!”
Frigg pressed against him and grabbed his groin gently. “Yer just too kind, dragon slayer! Not every male is noble enough ta deserve the delights ye enjoyed last night. Some need ta be reminded dat keeping their danglers is a privilege, in this world.” said the berserker, before laying a kiss on his bearded cheek.
The amazon picked up her giant axe and laid it on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, he’ll be back soon and I should hope a bit wiser. If only to get his goat Petunia, his usual girlfriend.” She said, watching the edge of the woods where a great raven was flying in circles. “But before that, I think our very generous gnome is also going to apologize to Lucette, by losing what hurts the most for an adventurer.” And with a kind smile, the towering amazon slipped a small velvet purse in Lucette’s ample cleavage.
The butcher girl opened it between her boobs with two of her fingers, before exclaiming, “By Radiant’s balls, that’s more than I earn in a year! I can’t possibly accept!” Lucette was so shocked that her flushed bosom swelled rhythmically over the décolletage of her dress, on the verge of spilling out.
Lolo crossed her arms on her supple furred chest, the white plume at the end of her tail swatting from side to side, “You can and you will. That was the share of that little shit, but it will be better employed helping you getting a nice husband. Miss Lucette, you have amazing cooking talents and it’s a shame to keep them to yourself. I ask you, nay I demand, that you leave at once for the capital to open your own deli meat shop. Any lad with brains and balls should be happy to marry a young lass like you with, errrr, huge trades of lambs! Besides, if he doesn’t behave, you have the right skills to correct his behavior!” said the catgirl, miming a swift cut over her own groin.
Lucette thanked and hugged them a million time, before insisting to cook them something for the road, keeping her “special ingredients” for Lolo’s bowl only, of course. She locked herself up in the relay’s kitchen right when laments started to be heard, coming from the other side of the house. Officer Claudius was starting to wake up and call for help.
After Freya removed the rock that jammed the deposit drawer, Claudius started to insult them copiously, while holding his swollen hand. “What were you thinking, you delinquants! Violence on a Rectified is condemned by a heavy fine. I hope you can pay upfront or this means losing your adventurer’s license! I have all your names and I just have to signal…” The old eunuch had stopped yapping, left speechless by the triangular token that Manny had slammed casually on his oak wood counter. “My apologies, Manny the Dragon Slayer. I didn’t expect a legend to travel with such a ragtag party of gutter rats.”
Manny took his dragon scale pendant and started to etch the first rune of his name in the grain of the Rectified’s counter. “Ye will hold yer tongue if ye don’t want me ta dissolve it in acid, old wretch. This is me party and friends yer talking about, here. Now be a good drone, and fetch me dat list of prestige quest ye keep in da back, eh?” Officer Claudius knew better than to cross a high-ranking adventurer, and used his valid hand to open a double-bottom cabinet, where red-trimmed parchments were hidden.
During the hour that followed, the Slay Belles and most of the Dungeon Blasters decided upon their next quest around the delicious travel meal cooked by Lucette, that raided the relay’s pantry on her last day occupying that dreadful job. After putting their next quest to vote by show of hands (with Petunia voting as proxy for Juloof) it was decided that they would head north to the town of Suber, where a trio of ogres were reported to kidnap locals and hold them hostage in a ruined citadel against frequent deliveries of food. The kind of quest that could make you the local hero of a whole district.
As they were about to go on their merry way, Claudius threw a parchment at them from his booth, while ranting, “Don’t forget you riff-raffs, the new crown memo insists that from now on, only gonad proofs will be accepted by the TRR. By direct order of the ministry of magic!” before he barricaded his counter with a sliding shutter.
Lucette could see Gaius’s wagon coming back from his trip to Cerris with a new batch of man fruits to pluck. She turned to Lolo with a smile, and said, “What do you say kitty? One last batch for the road? You know, I was thinking about which name I could give to my future shop. ‘The Replete Cat, Deli and Catering’ sounds good, doesn’t it?
The only answer of the catgirl consisted into licking her lips with a ravenous look in her sapphire eyes.
As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.
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