This chapter’s new characters are played by (in my mind's eye only, this is in no way endorsed by the performers mentioned here):
Skadi, the dwarven armorsmith = Isabelle Nanty.
Agapé, the barbarian amazon = Stefania Ferrario,
Manny, the dwarf artificer = Bill Bailey,
Lolo, the cat-girl burglar = Éléonore Costes
and Juloof, the gnome ranger = Julien Josselin.
In the main hall of Gravel Ford Inn, Aelith the sorcerer was using both her hands held together in a circle to examine the magic pendant around her thrall’s neck. From her point of view, she could see in a pale blue overlay how the pain scarab had extended its tendrils in Razasha’s neck, connecting itself to her nervous system. Using her middle fingers to adjust the magnification, she located the small spot on the carapace that needed to be pressed a certain way by the person that apposed the device, in order to access its settings. Using a small stylet usually devolved to applying kohl around her eyes, her pale dainty hands came near the orc girl’s throat and cautiously executed the maneuver, causing the living jewel to thrum thrice before unfurling its metallic antennae. “Alright, is this really what you want, my dear? I would only have to tap it once more in the same spot and it would fall off completely inert. What you asked for, on another note, is a little more complex.” said the diminutive sorcerer.
Razasha grabbed softly at her mistress wrists, and answered, “Without it, how would I know when you are in danger, mistress? How could I even conjure the power that took me when that bad man was hurting you? I want to keep it, but the pain it causes also hinders me at the worst moments.”
“As you wish, my dear Razasha, the Slay Belles owe you their lives, this is the least I can do for you.” said Aelith without any hint of mockery in her usually mischievous voice. Trying another sequence on the scarab, she managed to open its elytra, that revealed diaphane copper-framed crystal wings. Holding her stylet between her pouty lips, Aelith reformed the circle with both of her hands. It showed her various activation sequences entered by pressing specific crystals on the insect wings in a precise order, but failed to indicate their use. “M’fraid we’ll have to cycle through’em all, my dear” said the elf, still sucking on her stylet.
With each sequence, a new type of sensation was activated, that Razasha was trying to describe as best as she could.
“Hgnnn, that one causes a headache.”
“I’m now, errr hungry?”
“Whaaa, the room is spinning around me!”
“Haaa-a! Not that one, everything looks dark and scary, no!”
“I don’t know what this one is to tell the truth, who are you again little girl?”
Finally, the elf entered a sequence that seemed to suit Razasha. “Ooooh, that one is just like a shiver, but it feels nice? Very nice in fact, even if it’s quite brief. Can we keep it please, mistress?”
Aelith smirked, “How typical of you! I think this is the pleasure nerves sequence, for rewarding “rough” recreational thralls. You really want to feel this each time I’m in trouble?”
“It sure must be an upgrade, compared to a major pain in da cooch!” jested Frigg, seated with a rag in hand at the next table, oiling their weapons and armor, while her sister Frigg and their host Delilah were clanking pots in the kitchen.
Razasha nodded, “Miss Frigg is right, I don’t mind being teased a bit. People have teased me all my life, I’m used to it.” The honesty of Razasha disarmed them both. Since she was coerced into joining their party, never once did the towering green vixen complain about her lot, nor tried to wrong them in any way. In fact, Razasha managed to earn their collective respect with her courage and kindness, when all they did for her amounted to being a giant pain in the cooch. Even Freya, who had the most doubts about her, had started to call her by her actual name when she was in a good mood. Few of the party members that joined and left the Slay Belles over the years, by choice or because of their demise, had experienced the same privilege. Freya always had a nickname for everybody, that was her way to stay focused on the job, and avoid the terrible consequences that came with actually caring for a fellow adventurer.
Frigg gave Aelith an insistent look, before confessing, “Razasha, I think we all owe ye an apology. Without yer intervention, those bandits would have-”
“They would have hurt all my friends, instead of just my poor mistress. I’m glad I was of help, and I wish I could have done more.” interrupted the orc vixen with that strange assertive voice she seldom used, before giving Frigg one of her warm goofy smiles that made her look like an overgrown innocent child. Yes, she really deserved what they were about to grant her.
The dwarven berserker never felt so humbled. “Still Razasha, since yer Greenfolk, me sister and I didn’t exactly accept ye with open arms, when you showed nothing but kindness towards us. Freya is too proud to admit it, but she still isn’t over the loss of her boyfriend Danny, last year. She lashed out on you more than any rookie we ever had.”
“There, that should do it!” interjected Aelith, as the scarab pendant on Razasha’s throat thrummed while closing back its elytra, while the segmented tattoo around the orc girl’s neck shifted to adopt a new configuration, looking now more like the scales of a snake.
“It tingles a bit,” said Razasha with a hand on her neck. Then with a cheeky look in her eyes, she lowered her palm and gave Aelith’s still swollen left breast a tentative squeeze.
“Aoutch! You pinched me, you big oaf! How dare you - oh, you were testing the device, of course.” said the surprised elf, as the expression of her thrall became decidedly lewd, when her scarab started to glow red. Protecting her sore apple-sized boobs with her crossed arms, she added quite flustered, “Oh no, I feel like I’m going to regret messing with your trigger.”
The sculptural orc vixen leaned next to Aelith’s face, and slipped seductively in her elven ear, “Don’t worry mistress, I promise to be gentle.” Before she nibbled on her sensitive lobe, making the sorcerer weak in the knees.
“Oi, you two! Ye still have a room upstairs for that!” said Frigg mockingly, as Freya and Delilah returned from the kitchen with a platter of beverages and a scroll case.
Looking at Razasha intently, Freya took two crystal glasses on the beverage platter and after popping the cork of a fancy flask, she poured a generous dose of a clear liquid that smelled like oil lamp to the curious orc girl. “That’s apple brandy, Razasha my big girl! Ye better drink it bottoms up, or else I might change my mind about what I’m about to offer you.” said Freya, while slamming Razasha’s stiff drink on the table right in front of her.
Up close, the clear liquid smelled really bad to the orc girl’s sensitive nostrils. Freya downed her glass in one swig, before miming pulling down on a rope, wheezing “Ye gotta admit, it’s pretty brutal for a human drink!” Reassured that it wasn’t poison, Razasha downed her glass and immediately regretted it, coughing what she didn’t swallow yet through her nose.
“Bleaargh, cough-cough, no way there’s only apple in this! How come you like drinking that, miss Freya?” said Razasha with her eyes watering, as the dwarven shield maiden slapped her amicably in the back.
“Better get used ta it, colleague! That’s how we celebrate among adventurers! I’m going to ask ye one time, and one time only Razasha. Do you wish ta join the Slay Belles, not as a thrall, but as an equal and sister, this time?” asked Freya, with a dead serious tone. Asking that question to an orc costed her more than she would care to admit, but refusing full rights to someone who just saved your life was even uglier than that, according to the code.
Still holding her drink propped up in front of her as she tried to make sense of what was happening, the already misty eyes of Razasha started to well up and wet her round cheeks. “Does this mean we’re like a clan, now? Am I like one of you girls now, an adventurer?” she said while sobbing.
“Yes, you big green goober, and a phenomenal one at that, haha!” managed to say Freya while holding the rookie member by her shoulders, before Razasha locked her into a sudden bear hug that caused the dwarf’s freckled face to disappear between her colossal pair of tits. “I’m sorry I called you meee-eeaaaaan, miss Freya!” bawled Razasha like a little girl, while the shield maiden was gasping for air between her soft green mounds, before she finally patted her awkwardly in her broad green back.
Frigg finally decided to help her twin by distracting the orc girl, after considering the two had “bonded” enough. She unrolled a red-trimmed parchment on the table, that looked like it went through various administrations judging by all the stamps and seals scattered on the vellum. Under a big blob of text she could not understand, Razasha noticed a list with some entries struck out, and next to each of them different thumbprints in violet ink. “Are those the names of all the sisters that joined before me, on there? Does the magic hurt when you swear an oath on that thing?” asked Razasha a bit inebriated, while letting go of a very bashful Freya.
Impressed, Freya raised an eyebrow, “Hurt? No, this is just a legal formality. But ye’re right on both counts, these are the names of all da sisters to ever join the Slay Belles, and even some unfortunate brothers as well. The guild parchment is indeed imbued with magic, the people who rule this land will know yer name and yer face as soon as da ink will set. After that, yer will be entitled to a share of everything we earn together, and every other adventurer out there will have to treat ye according to our code of honor. No more name-calling. If ye accept, ye become one of us.”
Razasha wiped away her tears with the back of her big hands, before declaring with pride, “My name is Razasha the Horny and I accept to join the Slay Belles. You will have to write it down for me, I don’t know the letters.”
Stopping the tip of her quill an inch above the parchment, Frigg pointed an accusative finger towards Aelith and Freya, who were about to burst out laughing. “Now what did I just say, you two! No more name-calling!”
“It’s alright miss Frigg, my former clan gave me that name to make fun of me. But it’s the only one I have and it rings true, I will not be a liar just to invent a new one.” said Razasha with her disarming honesty that immediately made them feel bad about making fun of her. They didn’t even think to ask her about her past until now, and just assumed she was a wandering orc.
Aelith placed her little pale hand on Razasha’s big green arm, and professed, “Well to me, you are Razasha the Beautiful, the only orc I ever loved.” Making her blush bright teal.
“And ta me, yer Razasha the Strong, breaker of bandit balls!” cheered on Freya, to the acclaim of Delilah the innkeeper.
“Ha! I guess ta me ye’re Razasha the Kind-hearted, that managed to reconcile me with me pigheaded sister!” concluded Frigg, while play-punching her twin in the shoulder.
Razasha was about to well up again, when she felt the hands and bosom of the innkeeper hugging her softly from behind, “And if I may add, Razasha the Brave, who saved me and my baby without any fear.” forcing the orc girl to bite down on her lip to hold back the tears.
“Right, Razasha the Horny it is, said Frigg while finishing to note down her name in that strange violet ink. Now, I said this didn’t hurt, but we do need to prick yer finger for this ta register with da Guild, let me get a clean knife.”
“There’s no need, I can do it myself.” said Razasha, while pressing her thumb down on one of her tusks, drawing a droplet of blood that colored her lip red. When she pressed her finger onto the parchment, the ink started to shimmer and a few seconds later, a stamp appeared next to her name. She was now a registered adventurer and full member of the Slay Belles. “Does this mean I have to drink that nasty stuff again?” asked Razasha, earning the laughs of her party.
Many miles to the east, over the forest and hills of Quercus and high above the outer walls of Doripolis, Meenah the court mage looked at a strange bulletin board, in the lavish visitor hall of the Tedoran Guild of Adventurers. Between the etched portrait of a Dwarf sapper named Tungdil and the long list of exploits attributed to a dashing elf archer named Enoriel, the freshly painted green face of an orc girl with the ridiculous moniker of Razasha the Horny had just appeared out of thin air, indicating her affiliation with a party called the Slay Belles. “Are you positive this is how it went down?” she asked, to a shady man in red leather jerkins. “Yes, that green bitch and her midget friends wiped my entire party. She’s using some sort of pain magic, even our druid was no match for her. They’re maniacs, I was already their prisoner when they ruined my last - I mean when they mutilated me. You need to have them killed!” said the man with a nasal high-pitched voice.
Meenah turned around to face the neutered thief, her curvy silhouette hugged by a black leather dress that would have made any intact male painfully erect in her presence. “Killed? Why would I waste such talent? You were supposed to bring me that alpha minotaur’s gonads for my research, and instead you lost yours to a group of little girls. Maybe I should recruit them instead, they look promising.” she said, taunting the sole survivor of the unfortunate monster hunt.
“You can’t be serious, that thing is a rabid monster and the dwarves are just as bad, they had no right doing this to me! If you don’t help me, I’ll avenge myself! The Guild will hear about this, those bitches will pay for what they did!” said the ugly man, with snot running down his hooked nose.
Meenah sighed, “You leave me no choice then. Guards, please escort this man to the nearest Rectified office. He just volunteered to become one of our esteemed eunuch public servants. A year or ten filing papers in the archives will help him adjust to his new life.”
The eyes of the thief widened, as two royal guards in plate armor seized him. “No please, don’t let them brand me down there! What use is it anyway, I’m already neutered for Radiant’s sake! Please don’t take my freedom too! I swear, I’ll leave them alone!” pleaded the thief, in his pathetic high-pitched voice.
“That you will, thief. Enjoy your rectification, it’s your country’s best invention, after all.” said Meenah, already oblivious to the lamentations of the thief, her dark eyes scrutinizing the strange orc girl portrait. “Who the hell calls herself 'Horny' on a magic contract?” she wondered, truly puzzled.
Razasha was waving goodbye to Delilah and her baby, as the Slay Belles were leaving Gravel Ford inn behind, continuing their journey to the east. She looked rather strange, in that old stitched up floral dress the innkeeper had bequeathed her. Hopefully, the woman assured her she’ll be able to find something more suitable to her physique, once they’d reach the shop of her friend Skadi, a bit further down the road. Razasha’s load was now much lighter, as the other Slay Belles carried their fair share of the kit, now that she was a full-fledged sister of adventure among them.
Aelith was quick to teach Razasha the gist of adventuring, now that her green girlfriend had a stake in the party. “...And so, when you’re done with whatever your quest was about, in our case bringing back a trophy proving that we neutered that troublesome minotaur, you just reach the nearest guild outpost and earn your reward. Then you can buy whatever you like with the money, including better gear for your next quest, that you’ll be able to select at the outpost. You can also save your money for rainy days on your guild account, instead of carrying all your gold in your pockets, like a greedy dwarf!”
“Paper money is fer fools, and I can always bludgeon a stupid elf with me purse full of coins!” jested Freya. “Ye only own dat money as long as they don’t change their mind about hiring ye, so its best to fill yer pockets while yer still can!”
In the empty banquet hall of the castle, the smarmy counselor Kohlver started to lose patience. “Late, as always.” he said to himself while drinking his third chalice of Garrusan wine. He thought he heard a soft rustling behind his back, and almost spilled his drink when he saw Meenah sitting seductively on a window sill less than a pace away, watching the great dynastic fresco adorning the opposite wall in complete silence. He hated when the dark elf sneaked on him like that.
Without even looking at Kohlver, she commented harshly on the masterpiece of Tedoran arts, “Did it ever occur to you how unfortunate that coat of arms looks? A wilted tree with branches that cross each other, and all around it puny little acorns. Does that really evoke majesty and strength to you? I’d wager even those senile fools that founded the Academy of Heraldry had the secret in mind, when they designed that ugly thing. The queens certainly knew about it, look at them painted on the day after their marriage, each one of them somber at the prospect of spending the rest of their life locked away in a carmel, after pushing out an heir. That blonde cow of Fidelia must really have more tits than brains to pursue Dorian out of love.
Panicked, counselor Kohlver looked all around him to make sure no guard was eavesdropping. “Court mage Meenah, I will not let you make such crass insinuations against the crown! Must I remind you of our very strict outrage laws?” reassured that he had manifested enough patriotism to avoid troubles if someone spied on them, the pudgy counsellor readjusted his green robes before addressing more urgent matters. “I think you’ll be thrilled to know our dear princess Fidelia has agreed to take her leave for Campania as soon as Dorian accepts her betrothal ring. That should leave you at least six months to conclude your research before their marriage, and defuse the situation at the border with king Spirus.”
Six months only, Meenah needed to act quick. “Did the council sign the edict granting my unlimited fundings already? The health of our king is at stake, here.” asked Meenah, faking her concern to the disdain of Kohlver.
“Yes, the guards almost had to put a knife against their ribs before they conceded. I don’t know how you convinced our majesty of accepting such a bargain, but he must be desperate to see you succeed. The peasants of Garrus will have to rely on a gracious donation of Campanian wheat to survive winter. I don’t need to tell you how popular our future queen Fidelia already is among them, I’ve heard them singing of her bountiful nursing bosom. We could very well lose the whole province to Campania, if you dare to cross her again.”
Meenah smirked greedily, “Don’t worry Kohlver, I do intend to see her portrait frowning on that wall, just like all of her predecessors. In the end, even the most fortunate humans are still miserable creatures.”
Naked as the day she was born, Razasha was being measured and prodded all around by the calloused hands of a middle-aged dwarven lady, while her mistress Aelith was admiring the show, from the booth sit in the cosy backroom of “The Dashing Adventurer,” an armorsmith boutique located in the logging town of Cerris. Their arrival caused quite a bit of a stir. Despite her floral dress and meek behavior, a group of local woodworkers tried to coerce the Slay Belles into roping down Razasha until they left, refusing to accept that she could be anything else than a prisoner. The twins had to stay outside the shop and dissuade the locals to bother Skadi for accepting their business.
“So what do you think, my good madam Skadi, how are we to outfit this dummy thick orc maiden? I must say my sensitive elven ears are often troubled by the sound of her asscheeks clapping down the trail.” said Aelith playfully, revelling in the embarrassment of her towering green girlfriend.
The rotund blonde dwarf lady gave her a disapproving look, and fetched a wooden measuring rod that she used to prop up Razasha’s enormous rack. “If ye really care about this lass, why did you insist on putting all yer kit on her already overburdened shoulders? Ye want her back ta snap like a snow-laden roof, or something? She needs to wear a special corset just to lug those boulders around. And give her proper footwear, if ye want people ta stop thinking she’s a savage!”
“Well, of course madam, anything for my dear Razasha. By the way, do you accept bills of credit from the Tedoran Guild of Adventurers?”
When Skadi was done outfitting her, Razasha finally looked like a proper adventurer. Her heavy green bosom was now alluringly lifted by a strange novelty leather corset, full of adjustable gussets and ingenious spring straps that dampened the bouncing of her assets and helped her posture, thanks to cushioned shoulder pads. It felt amazing, compared to her old leather top that dug groves into her sore shoulders. “They feel almost weightless now! Is this magic, madam Skadi?”
The dwarven armorsmith chuckled, “Even better, me lass. It’s dwarven lingerie, all craftsmanship is of the highest quality! What about your battle dress, is it ample enough for ye?”
Razasha considered her round bottom, now comfortably covered by a knee-length rock lizard leather dress with a double split front, that looked amazing on her muscular thighs. She tested the flexibility of her new outfit by crouching with her legs apart, her back arched and hands on her knees. “It’s perfect, I was afraid it would tear when I move, but it’s really sturdy.”
“I’ll have to teach you how to dance for me like this, my dear.” said Aelith with a flirtatious voice. After their comfortable stay at Gravel Ford Inn, the two had gotten used to waking up in the same bed every morning. Unfortunately, life on the road didn’t always offer the same level of intimacy, and for once Razasha was not the horniest of the group. Being ogled by a pent-up lover was new and exciting for the sculptural orc vixen, but she was a fast learner.
Seizing the opportunity of Skadi leaving them to craft sandals at her size in her workshop, Razasha decided to play along. “You mean like this, mistress?” she said, while rhythmically contracting her buttcheeks and rotating her hips provocatively, as she smiled innocently over her shoulder.
Totally caught by surprise, Aelith gasped, “Why, you big green harlot! I’m going to teach you a good lesson tonight, you just wait.” as she pinched hard on her nipples to activate her girlfriend’s pleasure scarab.
Skaldi walked in on them both panting and about to diddle themselves, and with the droning voice of somebody used to repeat the same thing all the time, just said, “Please refrain from doing this in me shop, or I’ll charge ye extra for da clean-up.” to the bashful lovers.
After getting fitted with studded sandals and a pair of bronze greaves, Razasha was finally allowed to select her own adventuring gear. Aelith told her to keep things simple, as her expenses were reaching the end of her budget. The weapon racks were full of implements she knew nothing about, but among the strange blades and studded maces, she recognized a simple spear. “This I know how to use, that’s a boar spear.” said Razasha while picking up her new weapon by its formidable iron shaft.
“Alright, one more item and you’re dry until our next quest, my dear.” said Aelith while shaking her empty purse.
“This one please, madam Skadi.” said Razasha while pointing at an iron helm painted with the heraldic tinctures of Tedora.
“Good choice, me lass. At least those peasants will know the king sent you from a mile away!”
“I’m not sure about the design, though. It’s a bit too on the nose, maybe?” commented Aelith.
“No, mistress. I think it is just right for me.” said Razasha, as she fastened the chin strap of her bright yellow horned helm and posed proudly with her spear right outside the shop.
“Took ye long enough!” said Freya, before doing a double take at the sight of battle-ready Razasha.
“I’d say it was worth the wait, honestly.” added Frigg, while biting her lips to avoid laughing out loud.
Noticing the snickering twins, Aelith sermoned them, “Come on, now. That’s her first run, don’t be mean.”
“At least, ye’re not going ta lose her in a crowd, elf!” quipped Freya, causing the hilarity of her twin.
Before the Slay Belles had the chance to leave town on a cheerful note, the group of angry woodworkers was back and ready to cause them troubles. Armed with axe handles and threshing flail, they didn’t pose much of a threat for seasoned adventurers, but they were numerous enough to block the path and their leader had such a big mouth he came with the terrible idea to get right under Razasha’s nose. Poking an accusative finger in her soft chest, the young man yelled, “You think you’re fooling anybody with that disguise, you green bitch? Take that helmet off right now, you don’t deserve to wear our country-” -THUD-
Razasha started to know that sound all too well. Someone’s crotch had been kicked, and judging by the contorted face of the woodworker, it was his walnuts that took the hit. Between his legs, a booted foot was literally lifting him up an inch off the ground. The poor guy tried to regain his footing in vain, his feet paddling in the air. As he was about to fall aside, a gloved hand held him by the shoulder and the boot lifted him even higher, until he slid back along an incredibly muscular leg, like a kid sliding down on a railing. The strong leg folded at the knee and started to juggle, causing the poor guy to bounce painfully on his aching nuts with muffled thuds, while a feminine voice with a strong foreign accent spoke up in his back, “Aw, that is no way to talk to a lady, little man. Why don’t you apologize to her, and maybe I’ll let you go?” The other guys surrounding them suddenly didn’t look so brave.
For the first time since she had left her clan, Razasha was facing a bigger and more muscular woman than her. The colossal human girl was strangely beautiful and feminine, for someone of that giant build. Her angelic face betrayed no exasperation or fear, as if she was simply dealing with an unruly child. The expression of her sweet hazel eyes and heart-shaped lips almost looked compassionate towards the puny male bouncing atop of her knee, as she waited for his answer. The titanesque stranger had platinum dyed blonde hair tousled up in a mohawk, with temples that were almost shaved, while her toned body was only covered in a scale mail bikini and adorned with red tattoos swirling around her incredibly muscular legs.
“Hi, my name is Razasha, and these are my friends, the Slay Belles. I like your hair a lot!” said the orc girl with a smile, while taking advantage of the distraction to whack the iron shaft of her spear in the crotch of a second guy, and punt kick a third one in the nuts before any of them could react. Both of them immediately fell to the floor wheezing.
“Nice to meet you, my name is Agapé and I just came to buy a new pair of boots. I just love your corset, by the way. Did you get it here?” she said nonchalantly, with the poor guy still bouncing on her knee, unable to produce a coherent sentence, as his balls were rapidly turning to mush.
“Yes, madam Skadi created it just for me! Now my titties don’t bounce as much when I walk.” said Razasha, while holding a woodworker under her arm in a headlock. His head looked comically small next to her huge green melons, and he already had difficulty breathing, before being violently punched in the nuts by Freya made him go limp.
“Wonderful, I was planning on shopping alone, but maybe my party should join us? Dungeon Blasters! Ahoy!” yelled Agapé, right before heaps of woodworkers started to hit the floor all around. A small agile silhouette darted between the men, like a flash of black and white clawing at their faces, biting at their neck. One of the workers dropped his flail to hold his bloodied cheek, two of them wacked each other in the head trying to hit an opponent way too fast for them, a third yelped when the front of his pants were shredded to bits. The flash huddled against Agapé’s strong back, hissing at them with needle-like fangs, her sapphire eyes looking terrifying on her feline face covered in black and white fur. Wearing only a leather vest and striped capri pants, the cat-girl was fighting bare-handed, the razor sharp claws on her hands and feet already dripping with blood.
The man with the ripped pants started screaming, as he pointed a shaky finger towards the beast girl, having just realized what was skewered on one of her claws. “My ball, ahhhh, she stole one of my balls!” The cat-girl propped up the mangled organ between two of her claws, and ripped it open with a slice of her index finger, before licking the oozing content very much like a cat lapping milk.
Agapé had enough waiting for the woodworker apology, and unceremoniously juggled him towards the tip of her boot, before launching him in the air like a ragdoll. “Those puny men really have no manners, Razasha my friend you need to teach them a lesson!” as the poor guy fell back unconscious on top of two of his mates, knocking them to the floor in his fall.
“You mean like this?” asked Razasha, as she dug the iron ball at the butt of her spear right in the crotch of one of the pinned down workers, causing him to let out a high-pitch yelp. “Oi, I think yer new friend means like that!” said Frigg, while obliterating the balls of the second one with a punt kick, as he tried to crawl away.
On the backline, Aelith now had enough time to cast a complex spell. Both of her hands were engulfed in churning green tendrils that coalesced in front of her into oversized versions of her hands, after she said “Forceful Mage Hands!” Guiding her ghostly mittens about, she proceeded to punch, slap and flick between the legs most of the stragglers that were trying to hide from the fight.
The few members of the mob still able to walk tried to run away from where they came from, but right at the corner of the next shop, a big clay ball lit with a fuse rolled right in the middle of the street, followed by a raspy voice yelling “Hot potato fer ye, lads!” right before a blinding explosion dazzled the men in the front. As they were stumbling while covering their eyes, a small silhouette pitter-pattered on an awning, and after aiming the group with a strange crossbow, captured them all by shooting bolas linked with a sinew cord that entangled their feet.
When the mob of woodworkers started to wake up, they were all aligned against the back wall of Skadi’s shop, The Dashing Adventurer. Most of them had terribly aching testicles that they couldn’t reach because of their binds. Skadi, the rotund dwarven armorsmith, was working a bellow linked to the small farrier forge usually devolved to shoe her pony. “Stupid lads, thinking ye were a match against two parties of Tedoran adventurers.” she said, while taking a pair of hot irons out of the coals. “That should do it fer the bleeders!” she added with a vicious smile, before applying the red hot pokers flat against the crotch and the cheek of the unfortunate workers that had faced the cat-girl. The other tied-up workers wiggled like worms when she cauterized them, the most horrendous screams combined with the smell of burnt flesh being enough to make most of them sick. “I should thank ye all fer making me entire month in bounty, before da Rectified officer comes collecting ye. Don’t ya know causing troubles ta adventurers appointed by da king is enough ta make ya all volunteers for the vice?” Hearing that, some of the less stupid workers started to struggle even more against their restraints. “Oi, don’t fight it! There’s no use, they’re all gone now! Soon enough, they’re going ta empty yer sacks, and fill me purse!” jested Skadi, while patting the velvet purse dangling at her belt with one hand, and miming scissors with the other.
A few miles down the road, the Slay Belles and the Dungeon Blasters were walking together, exchanging adventuring anecdotes and already making plans to help each other out. Agapé was walking in the front with Razasha, that was fascinated by the tall amazon, to the point of completely neglecting her mistress Aelith, who trailed behind them, pouting like a little brat.
“So, there’s only strong women like you in your village?” asked the starry-eyed Razasha.
“Not exactly, we keep some foreign men as servants too. If they are wise and useful, they can keep their male berries intact. If not, they are sent back without them. Some weak men come on their own just to serve us, but we only have babies with the strongest.” answered the colossal warrior woman, her large muscular hips swaying gracefully as she walked, an enormous double-bitted axe in hand.
“I’m sorry to be so curious, but your fuzzy friend, is she a beast or a person, and can I pet her please?” inquired Razasha, pointing at the small cat-girl that travelled lazily and half-asleep, wrapped around the amazon’s shoulders.
“Her name is Lolo, and she is both.” said Agapé while giving her scritches under the chin. “However, you should refrain from touching her, she tends to be quite exclusive with me. Just like your elf, it seems.” said Agapé, suddenly reminding Razasha of her increasingly jealous mistress.
“Mistress Aelith! Come here, I want to try that with you!” shouted Razasha excitedly, to the dismay of her diminutive girlfriend, still miffed at being ignored for most of the trip.
“Waaaa, what are you doing? Let me go, you big oaf! Enough, I’m not a child you need to carry!” despite Aelith’s vehement protestations, the diminutive sorcerer soon ended up seven feet in the air, her small pale thighs spread around her green girlfriend’s neck, with Razasha holding her by the ankles. She could hear the dwarf twins and their new friends laugh in her back, as she tried in vain to cover her legs with her bunched up robes.
“Little ones always complain about being picked up, until you actually put them up there.” said Agapé with a motherly tone, not realizing that Aelith had stopped protesting because her naked intimacy was sensually rubbing against the back of her girlfriend’s neck. Grabbing Razasha’s tusks firmly with her little pale fists, she buried her reddened face into the orc girl’s curly mane, and tried to muffle her orgasmic moans as best as she could. When she was finally done enjoying her first orgasm since they left the inn, Aelith was devastated to notice the strange cat-girl had watched her the entire time, licking her blood-stained fingers with a creepy stare that sent chills down her spine.
Lolo the cat-girl stretched languidly on the broad shoulders of Agapé the amazon, before kneading at her large breasts with her white-socked paws. “Yawn! They’re like us, love. I saw the little one take her pleasure up there, and the big green is still moist between her legs, I can smell it.” Razasha instinctively put her hand flat against her pleasure scarab, she didn’t notice it glowing red in the afternoon light and mistook her state of arousal for excitement at meeting the glamourous amazon. Her mistress had left a sticky souvenir down her neck that was already dripping down her spine, and Razasha felt totally naughty for being so oblivious to it.
A few paces behind them, the dwarven twins Freya and Frigg were walking next to their new friends, Manny the dwarf artificer that was smoking pipe leaf, and Juloof the gnome ranger riding on his goat mount.
“Ye ever feel like only having a supporting role, in yer party full of sluts?” asked the gruff artificer, with his raspy voice.
“All da fookin time!” answered the twins in unison.
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