Alright, I think it's about time to try posting my first story. But first, to give a little bit of background. At my university, I have a female friend (we'll call her Jordan) who I have more or less known since first grade. She is about 5 ft tall, and I am over 6 ft. She is also partially blind. Although we don't spend too much time together, we are quite close and are quick to mess around with playful fighting. Which brings us to this story...

Jordan and I were hanging out at a friends room one evening, and we did the usual messing around. She made attempts at getting feisty at certain points,  including a few punches to the gut. Nothing extraodinary. However, it was getting late and we had class the next day, so it was time to head home. She lives on the same floor as my friend, so I usually walk her back to her room, for the sake of extra shenanigans. This time I had decided to be extra mean, and I took Jordan's phone and put it in my pocket. Despite her relative lack of vision, she knew I was up to no good. We started to scuffle around in the hallway, and she struggled to get her phone back. After a certain point I decided to cut her some slack and she managed to push me against the wall. To my surprise, she then raised her knee straight into my balls, and held it firmly in place. I knew for sure she could feel my package being flattened against my pelvic bone through my jeans. I flinched and held onto her, and her sly hand slipped into my pocket and pulled out the phone. Sticking her tongue out at me, Jordan walked away with a satisfied face. This, I knew, was not over yet. I quickly grabbed the phone and we twisted around, neither of us wanting to let go of it. Once she was right against my chest, she smirked and swiftly sent her knee (with a little bit of thigh) up into my groin twice, the second time harder than the first. Not a full force knee, but what seemed to be a "warning" if I continued. I flinched again, grunting and saying "Damnit Jordan," and she giggled a little bit and walked away victoriously. Recovering, I picked her up and carried her to her room, this time with no more messin around, since she knew exactly what to do if I started it again. 

Haven't seen Jordan in a while, I'm sure more interesting stuff will come around this upcoming semester. Obviously, this is nothing sensational, but I thought I might as well give it a shot and post it. 

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Comment by shirley on March 5, 2017 at 8:10pm

Was anything ever brought up after ? actually sounds like the start of a great relationship.

Comment by Maskedguy 1.7 on June 7, 2015 at 7:51pm

nice experience..

Comment by Jack the Lad on January 10, 2015 at 9:53am

Personally, i really like those kinds of busts, playful, flirty, fun. It's great if they're also painful, haha!


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