This is a real account of a true story. Im not dressing this story up, or adding in any fantasy, this actually happened to me in the evening one day after work. It was a scary / satisfying experience, and so I will share it. So I was going to Walmart to get some groceries, this was around April of 2014. Im listening to music, singing in my car, my normal routine lol. I pull in the parking lot circle around a few times, and I am going the right way down the parking aisle. So this lady is backing out in a black Nissan pathfinder. Im like ok kewl I will wait. So Im waiting, being very patient. She leaves, so I creep up to turn in and this guy pulls in (from the wrong direction) and then he backs up into the parking spot. I'm sitting there, like stunned. There is a space behind me so I back up and park by the basket return thingy, Im super pissed. I literally get out of my car and powerwalk over so he can hear me as he is getting out. as he is getting out of his truck, and I am like "Hey, that was kinda rude! He responds with " What ?" Again I tell him that what he did was kinda rude! He blows me off, like the whole hand gesture, and starts walking. In my mind Im like "oh hell no". So Im like "Hey that was f--king rude, that was my spot! " So he turns around, and says "What the fuck! No I was waiting on her to pull out. I was there before you! " He sounded angry, and this guy was about 6'2 , small beer belly, not fat but not skinny, but kinda muscular. And not really that bad looking. So I start getting kinda apprehensive. Already thinking about worst case scenario. I respond, "No I saw you pull up, you were not waiting! Its not ok to do that, I was there first! Its very rude!" I was kinda raising my voice at this point. He responds with "Aw shut the f--k up its just a parking spot! Whatever....." As he turns again to go, I hear this d--khead mumble "stupid bitch". So I am like " What did you just say? F--k you! You are a piece of s--t! You have no manners! Guess your momma didn't raise you right!" I was shaking at this point, very upset. Especially because he turned around and gave me this look like he was gonna kill me! He came right over too me, and got in my face and started yelling! I remember just kinda like being in shock, but I was kinda scared at the same time, all kinds of thoughts go through your head! Im thinking this guy is psycho. Then ai remember feeling just a complete rage.....He is cussing me out, and I mean yelling, "You stupid bitch!" This and that, some of his spit was kinda flying on me, i felt little wet drops on my face. I don't even know what ge was about to call me, but I do know he had his finger kinda pointed, I looked over kinda to see if anyone else was seeing this asshole. That is when he also looked over.I very quickly and very angrily rammed my right knee into his nuts. Its amazing how surreal it is when it plays back in my memory. His face, the noise, its like everything up to that point was fast. But that was like, slow motion. He had this OMG face, it turned beet red, and he grabbed himself, made an awful sound, and just goes down to his knees, clutching his nuts, like his elbows are down in his crotch, like couldnt see his hands. He kinda rocks for a minute, and starts coughing real bad. Neck all bulged out, I swear you could see all his veins. Wonder why that happens? Any ways, I am just like shocked at myself, and start backing away like I didnt do it lol. Dont ask me why. Lol . He slumps over into the fetal position, making an awful wheezing noise. Its something I remember so well, because its just horrible, like wheeezzzzz, cough cough , wheezzzzz, kinda like a EeEEWwww noise, hard to describe. Im just kinda rhetorically talking like he can hear me, seriously Im almost crying Im so mad and scared too, "Dammit I didnt want to do that, you got in my face. Why did you have to be such an asshole? " Looking back, I should have taunted him, but you can't plan those situations. An older black lady comes up to me she says literally ( no bs, this is what happened) "Ma'am I saw him yelling, are you ok?" I almost laughed because Im thinking in my head Lol he is the one who is making noises on the ground cupping his balls, yes Im fine thanks lol.
She just kinda puts her hands on her hips, looks at the guy like she is seriously dissapointed in him, LMAO.
The security guard rolls up in his little golf cart and is like " Dont go anywhere, I already called the police!" Then Im thinking oh great Vanessa, way to go. By this time there is a few people around, the guy is still making awful noises, but he is up on his elbows and knees trying to breathe. This guy goes over to try and help, but he kinda mumbles, dont f--king touch me man. The cops show up, its embarrassing as hell, the guy ends up getting leaned up against a tire. He is still trying to breathe while they are asking him questions, asking me questions. The black lady and security guard both told the truth, what they saw, I said I felt like I was in imminent danger. He started recovering a little at a time, saying"I want to press charges on that bitch!" Anyways they wrote the report, I had to stand there another 15 -20 minutes, by this time I just want to go because its kinda embarrassing lol, and they walked me back to my car. They said nothing would probably come of it, unless I did permanent damage, but even then, the other witness statements and the fact that I felt threatened with him getting in my face would help. so I thanked them and, left. I have absolutely no idea what happened after that. I dont know if I crushed a ball, or what. I never heard or found out anything. I just remember it felt soft, and I remember kinda up into pelvic bone, that hard feeling. Didnt even get any groceries!
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