Dvhour's BB Memoirs #16 (Origin Story: KITG Meet Mallory)


Origin Story: KITG Meet Mallory???

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True story, I met Mallory on a social media music platform that no longer exists (back in Fall 2008). I used to write these hyper expressive visual descriptions about the aural landscape I was hearing. As a result I had a bunch of folks who gravitated to my profile due to my writing and music tastes and Mallory was among one of those peeps. Mal Mal and I both had/have very similar eccentric music tastes and we were  vibeN on each other's aura glow and soon exchanged email and cell numbers… Every day we would text each other about music, our great respective cities, life and we became inseparable  e-Pals!!!

{{{Pause for a second… Who is Mallory? Mallory is ½ co-owner of KITG. She is the 2nd woman in history to own a notable BB site, right behind Sharon on Femaledom. She is also among the very first women in our community to openly express her extensive views on the BB topic explicitly and one that is highly documented}}}


I’m a techie and so I used to alpha or beta test new tech or apps for fun… Around 2005 there was a new social network platform that I had been experimenting with for my personal work and after seeing how effective and extensive it was I decided to up the ante!!! In October 2009 KITG was born!!!


When I was starting KITG, I went to all the BB sites and BB email contacts to let everyone know we had a new website. For the most part the community was thrilled and happy to support. I remember all the emails that I had sent to past people regarding BB had questions and thoughts and one day I got an email from my vanilla music pal Mallory asking me “did you send me an email about Kicked in the Groin!” 

Holly s**t did I just send that to people in my vanilla world!!! My heart stopped… my whole body froze… I started to freak out… oh shit oh shit oh shit … what have I done !!! I frantically looked through all the emails I sent very carefully and saw that all was in order … 

[FUN FACT] on my computer I have a vanilla  profile and I have to log out of that to get to my kinky profile … so I was worried that I somehow crossed profiles and I thought my world would end … FORTUNATELY.. for some reason I crossed Mallory over into my kink profile even though we were not being kinky .. I guess maybe unconsciously I was interested in talking to her in that way … regardless … whew it’s not my vanilla world but oooh nooo it’s the cool gal who is my e-pal and music buddy this is soooo frickin awkward ooooh nooooo

I ignored Mallory’s text and didn’t deny or confirm. She asked again… “why did you send me this message about kicking guys in the nuts? What’s that about?” ….Oh no what am I gonna say to her this is embarrassing… What’s she going to tell our music community, oooh nooo  

Rather than deny it and move on, somthing in my gut was like fuck it … “Mallory, that was a mistake you were not supposed to get…. I’m so sorry and embarrassed…” 

she says “why are you embarrassed?” I said “...because it’s my world and I didn’t mean to bring you into that world and I’m sorry and please just ignore the email.” I can’t remember how we ended the convo but I felt dirty and stupid and very unnerved.

Anyway a day or two go by I’m spending less time chatting with Mallory and visiting the music site less and I’m spending a bunch of time setting up KITG … then I get a message from Mallory on the site asking how I was doing … ooooh no she actually joined oooh no … she says “I don’t get this site! Why would anyone want to have their balls kicked … I mean I see the humor in it for me but what does the guy get out of it?” Not word for word quote but something along those lines.

Oh man this sucks the gal I really like and building a great communication with is probing me on a kink I’m still learning to express myself this sucks… I don’t want anyone in my Vanilla realm to know my kink this is a complete disaster …  But Mallory was more open minded than I realized and she wasn’t judging me but wanted to grasp why I was into this “strange” interest… soon I stopped being defensive and started expressing my journey up to where I was now (in 2009). She was very helpful by listening and being patient and watched a few vids and looked at picts and was asking about various elements and soon she was giving me tips on how to improve and engage the site … She still didn’t get it… but thought the idea was funny cause hurting balls was funny and to her not sexy … This was the first time I was hearing a woman’s perspective… I didn’t know any woman who had interests… because frankly at that time it was only men discussing the kink .. and in my eyes other than Sharon from femaledom there wasn’t really another prominent female perspective out there.

Then one day magic happened… Mallory found this video online and told me I MUST WATCH IT!!! She said it’s so f**king sexy… it was a video of this gal who stomped on this guys balls and then kept stomp smashing and grinding his balls with her foot … that video won Mallory over to bb and shortly after Joe and Katkat popped onto the scene around that time and were the first beautiful/sexy BB COUPLE on the web and soon they joined the site then Mallory was 100% on board after seeing the Marching knees and that’s when KITG began to bloom and the Dvhour and Mallory joint co-ownership of KITG began. We started a new age in our BB culture as the first cozy and colorful bb and cb social network on the web. 


When I first met Mallory I lived in NYC and she lived in Chicago. We were worlds apart and I’m not going to divulge our personal and intimate past… but I will say we had an affectionate and caring attraction to one another. Say she was the first and to this day the only woman I talked extensively about BB with pretty much on a daily basis… a lot of it was KITG work but .. our conversations were epic … All this was new to her and sexy and wow who knew this kind of BB conversant relationship existed between male/female!


I moved to Chicago for work … wait Mallory lives in Chicago? Hey Mal Mal I’m moving to Chi town for work … No fucking way Dvhour …. Oh goodie I get to KICK and STOMP the fuck out of your NUTS!!!  Ummmmm To Be Continued…

-----------------------SEE MY LIST OF MEMOIRS BELOW------------------------

I have an evolving list of memoirs at the bottom of the page. ALL stories are true!!!

If you wish to hear a particular story submit a request below and I'll get to it. :)

  1. The time Damien, another KITG guy, myself and 3 women had a bb session in Chicago
  2. My "romantic" dinner date with ex pro-domme... BB where I hyperventilate
  3. The time 6 lifestyle dommes busted me and the non bb men were terrified
  4. My 6 foot marathon/martial arts ex-play partner (and her juicy thoughts)
  5. Recently my ex-play partner and I did a BB demo to the community (Funny)
  6. The times me and Kat Kat played (keeping it warm and happy)
  7. The time Mallory stomped my balls and I no longer let her do it again
  8. In university the gal who grabbed and wouldnt let go
  9. The hardest kickers from USBBonline
  10. My visit to Amsterdam & The pro-domme's purple platform boots
  11. My visit in the mid-west a 3 day + 3hr marathon of BB kicks and tramples
  12. My ex used BB to scare away her harassers (A Kink Party Busting)
  13. The time a hot gal approached me and my ex to do a 2 way BB session
  14. An ex lover who was into kissing and kneeing
  15. My current play partner loooooooves stepping on balls
  16. Origin Story: KITG Meets Mallory???
  17. Fall 2023 the wildest BB play date in my car
  18. The time 10 BB gals vs 2 BB guys was too much to handle (I quit)
  19. Why Meg hosts bi-annual Busting balls with Meg events
  20. The time a goth gal busted me with her platform Goth boots
  21. The first time a gal stood full weight on one testicle (my USBB Days)
  22. Domme kneed me multiple times at kink event & it made her ummm....
  23. The time the submissive gal got really aggressive with football like punts
  24. My childhood trauma stories bah humbug
  25. The time my ex fiance kneed me in my sleep
  26. Can't confirm but, i believe a hot gal stepped on my balls on the plane when I was sleep
  27. How I talked a hot NYC gal (who used to model) to join USBB
  28. SoccerGirl Confesses her BB Exploits?
  29. or others ask away if you are curious


I've been fortunate with being in the right places at the right time... having offbeat, adoring and unconventional relationships with amazing women over the years (and still continue to). I've also had the ability to form respectful, fun and responsible BB communities around me. I never demean the women of my past/present because I value each partner and I aim for my legacy to be thoughtful towards all women who've engaged and permitted me an opportunity to have these beautiful fond memorable experiences. I'm grateful.

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Comment by Dustin on July 1, 2024 at 11:54pm

Hey DV. I'm personally interested in 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 25

And... 24?

In a certainly unique way, I look up to you for all the adventures you've managed to have, and the community you've built... Would love to hear your stories. 

Comment by dvhour (Site Owner) on May 2, 2024 at 8:08am


I know what you mean, we have known each other for a long time and she has been my rock and anchor. I'm gonna send her a private cell or FB message or something

Comment by Liquid Metal on May 1, 2024 at 1:41pm
This is great! I am sad that we don't hear much from Mallory anymore. :(


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