On New Year’s Day, in the pre wee hours of the morning, 
I found myself sitting on my friend’s couch contemplating
on whether I should drive home or catch some sleep on the
couch I was sitting on.

As I sat there, one of the other people spending the night
came over to talk, we exchanged conversation about each
other for a few minutes.

I found out that he was an old rocker from the late 1980’s,
a middle aged local Hair Band drummer that played the shore
circuit with several local cover bands. It didn’t take long for
the subject to turn a little sour, he made the suggestion that
we share the morning together in the same bed.

I told him I wasn’t interested in him at all. I told him over
and over no, no, no.

He was very persistent and I eventually became nasty with
him and told him that I didn’t want to wake up in the morning
and the first thing I’d see was going to be his ugly face.
He wasn’t giving up, I listened to his babble about his glory
days and how great it would be to sleep with a local glam hero.
I asked him to leave me alone and to go away.

He wasn’t leaving and after what probably was 30 minutes of
going nowhere, I kicked him right in the balls from my seated
position with my pointy toed boots, the cute ankle high variety.
The ball of my foot just under my toes landed a direct hit to
the nuts.

I then pushed him up and away, pressing his balls up into his
pelvic area like I was pressing hard on my car brakes in order
to stop on a dime.

Initially he looked scared and shocked. His second move was
to grab his crotch and double over. He then ran frantically out
of the room doubled over with a pair of sore nuts in his hand.
What a shocker, it’s no longer 1989 (ha ha ha). I sat on the
couch with a big smile and I was able to chuckle my way to sleep.

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Comment by Sara on January 18, 2013 at 3:47pm

yes unsafe, you should take a cab home after that!

Comment by CC on January 18, 2013 at 1:57pm

You racked a guy and then went to sleep at the same party?

That sounds....unsafe.

Comment by giordy on January 18, 2013 at 1:01pm

A well deserved one! Do you think he dropped after he ran away?

Comment by MMC on January 18, 2013 at 10:33am

Nice story, thanks for sharing


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