My true Ballbusting life story/journey

I have been into ballbusting for as long as I can remember. I remember specifically where it started. My dad was on the internet (this was back in internet's infancy) I would say I was probably about 7-10 at the time. He gathered a couple of the family members over to watch this video that he thought was hilarious. The video depicted a woman kicking a man from behind in his balls. He was in briefs. so you could see everything go flying when the contact was made. My initial response to that is, I want a girl to do that to me.

Now, when my dad showed that video it was when we were having a family gathering. So not only was it me, it was a couple of my cousins who saw it too. They were all staying the night that night and I remember going up to my room. I asked my cousin to kick me like that. I think she did at the time but nothing had dropped yet at the time. so there wasn't too much pain. But I do remember in first grade at my birthday a girl kicked me in the balls with ice skates on. I don't think I was thinking about how great that was at the time, but if that happened now I would probably cum immediately. lol

But here is my first real sexual experience with ballbusting.

Around puberty I remember sitting in the car with my cousins. The one cousin went and pretended that she was going to punch me in the balls, and I said "do it." She was like "really?" and went ahead and did it. It was funny, so I came up with the idea that when we got into the hotel room (we were on vacation) that me and my other cousin should compete to see who could get kicked in the balls more. 

The "kicker" so to speak, was that if you went down, you got one really hard kick in the balls. As hard as she could. So there we were, standing there spread, I was as hard as a rock with my dick flipped up so she wouldn't miss. She's sitting on the bed, and both me and my cousin are standing there. She starts kicking us both at the same time. 

Now the rule for the really hard kick was a rule that I made up. I was going to fall down first on purpose so that I could get her to kick me in the balls as hard as she could. The problem was the kicks were light, and my cousin went down first. So he gets his one hard kick in the balls, I thought the competition was over after that. So I go "best of 3." We assume the position again, this time I fall after 1 or 2 so that I can get the hard kick this time. She rears back and gives me a good solid kick. I go down, But I recovered quickly. Get back up. At this point I am so fucking horny I feel like I could die. 

Now here comes round 3. I fake fall again because I want another really hard one. this time she's got a good form, and she does not hold back. You ever been kicked so fucking hard you can taste it? Yeah. It was one of those. The pain didn't creep, it shot and lingered. But at the same time it was highly erotic. So I was like okay, that one was bad, I need to go take a shower. Once I got in there I masturbated so hard my dick about fell off. 

From that day I knew I was hooked. There was no going back.

I never really told my first girlfriends about it because we never got more intimate than some feel-ups and fingerings. But the girl I lost my virginity to is the girl that I told about my fetish. I told her in an indirect way, but I still got it out. We were together for a couple of years, and honestly there's not a lot that we did. She was too afraid to go hard, so for most of the relationship it was her slapping my balls with an open hand while giving me a handjob/blowjob. She would have me suck her nipples while she jerked me off, and if I stopped she would "punish" me by slapping my balls. We were 15. We didn't really know what we were doing. 

Around that time I met my now wife, and we never slept together but we did mess around. I told her all my deepest darkest fantasies, she told me hers. Never really got further than some head and feelups. But she was kinky as fuck.  

We went our separate ways, and me and the girl I lost my virginity to ended up breaking up. (I was cheating on the first girlfriend, I was a scummy 16 year old, but we didn't break up until I was 17.)

I ended up dating one of the other girls I was cheating on her with after we broke up. This chick came from a high octane trailer trash family. But you wouldn't know it just by looking at her, because she looked like a 50's pinup. SMOKING HOT. Was a super slut, though I really didn't know that, and she cheated on my a handful of times. I know I get what I deserve. 

I told her about my fetish and whatnot, she'd candidly punch me in the balls here and there just to be cute, grab my balls during sex, but never really that hard. Until this one time she about ruined the fetish for me. So we are sitting on the couch. She starts rubbing my balls, going "look how cute my feet are, aren't they sexy." I'm like oh hell yeah, how about you kick me in the balls.  So she lays on the other side of the couch and gets a few kicks in, then she stops for a couple moments, looks me in the eye, and kicks me the hardest I have ever been kicked in the balls. We were laying on the couch so it was one of those kicks where she is laying on her back turned the opposite way of you and kicking into your balls but also into your pelvis. There was no where for my balls to go. 

I literally felt my right ball slide into my stomach and the top of the ball hit my pelvis. It wasn't even sexy anymore. It was excruciating. I'm sitting there going "oh my god, oh my god, You broke it this time. You really broke them this time." She laughs for a second then realizes I'm not playing. She starts to rub them thinking that would help, but they are tender to the touch. I'm like "stop seriously. I think you broke something that doesn't feel good."

I never ended up going to the doctor, but there was a dull pain lingered for at least a week. It scared me to the point that I told her not to do it anymore. We never really did ballbusting again in that relationship, we eventually went our separate ways, and then I met my now ex fiance. 

I told her about my foot fetish first, which is odd because I normally start with my ballbusting fetish, but I was still kind of turned off by the whole idea because of that serious kick. She was the first girl to give me a full on footjob. She thought it was so weird. She didn't give head either. She was really kind of a prude which is why I don't understand why I wanted to get married. Not sure, hindsight is 20/20.

I told her about my ballbusting fetish. She didn't understand it completely and asked to see some porn of it. So I showed her some videos of Roksana Ballbuster. One of my all time favorites. She laughed the whole time. But understood. She'd sometimes lightly hit my balls during sex, but we never really went further than that. Glad she left me for an ex. Dodged a bullet. 

Then that leads us to my now wife. We met back up again after being together for a while in high school. We already knew all each others fetishes for the most part. But damn she's a princess. She eats this shit up. I worship the ground she walks on. She makes me rub and kiss her feet every single day. Every ballbusting session is amazing. She's not afraid to go hard, but she's never went too hard.

Here are a couple of my favorite sessions.

1: The first time she tied me up in our marital bed.

We finally got some real rope. She ties me up and tells me she's not going to hold back. No safeword, nothing. First thing she does is scoop up my balls, hold them in her fist, and starts whaling on them with a open hand, just doesn't stop, in the middle of that I am able to mutter, "punch them." Immediately she closes her fist, and starts punching me, ruthlessly as hard as she could. I'm about 5 punches in and I get to that point where It's almost too much and like she has some sort of telekinesis she stops right there and starts sucking my dick like it's got the cure to every disease, and the only way to get it out is to suck it out. I get to the verge of cumming, and she stops, and starts squeezing my balls. To the point it was so painful that I couldn't even breathe. I start begging her to stop, but she keeps going for at least another 15 seconds. 

She finally stops, hops up on my cock and starts riding me. When this woman rides dick it's like she's riding on top of one of Poseidon's horses. So sexy. I am about 30 seconds from cumming, I think she can tell, because that's when she reaches back and starts punching me in the balls. The most perfect direct hits to both of my balls, just OVER and OVER and OVER. I could say this is the second hardest I have been hit in the balls next to the time that I thought they were broken from the pinup girlfriend. The thing is, She wasn't stopping and there was nothing I could do about it because I was tied and she was into it, there was nothing I could do or say to stop it, my legs were stuck spread. Then it happened, I got past the pain. She passed my pain threshold and would not stop, punching me at the same strength over and over, and like flicking a light switch, it went from one of the most painful things I've ever felt, to an uncontrollable, convulsing, full body orgasm. Both of us. There wasn't cum coming out of my body anymore, and this crazy bitch would not stop punching me in the balls and she kept riding. Like something out of a science fiction porn, I start cumming AGAIN. It's like 30 seconds apart. She finally stops. hops off, and leaves me tied there while she goes and cleans herself up. comes back, unties me, and then we lay  there spooning the rest of the night. 

2: Kick the cum out.

We had just started having me get on the ground on my hands and knees while she kicks my balls from behind over and over again. After about 2 minutes of nonstop kicks in the balls, I feel the pain just disappear, and felt myself go into a euphoric state. It didn't even feel like she was kicking me in the balls anymore, I can't even describe the feeling, it was something that I had never felt before. My body went numb like I was about to pass out, but I was fully cognitive, then I just came. Just like that, I was cumming all over the floor. No penile stimulation, just purely from repetitive kicks in the balls. That was the first time it had happened, and it was one of the greatest orgasms I have ever had. She was actually pretty suprised when I was like "I came." She was like "What the fuck, you didn't even start jerking off yet."

3:Suck em

My wife. She doesn't give head often (anymore) but when she does, it's like a god sent. Every once and a while she will just sit there and suck my balls. She sucks as hard as she can until I start to get that dull pain. then when I am getting close to cumming she will lightly rub my frenulum just enough to get me cumming, sometimes she will bite down lightly while I am cumming, sometimes she will stop rubbing me completely, take my balls out of her mouth, and punch me in the balls ruined orgasm style. 

4: Crushing/stomping

This is pretty recent a discovery. Now my wife has been giving me foot jobs for years. She was tired from kicking my balls, so she had me lay on my back for a footjob, But my balls are still tied off. So I am laying back and she starts crushing them with her feet since they are tied up and she can't really get to my dick. she is crushing and digging her toes in,starts going around in circles. She starts to get the hang of it and after about 2 minutes I am cumming without her touching my dick. 

Now I have been dying to have orgasms just from ballbusting again since the kicking experience. You want to know the best part? This is the only ballbusting method that I can consistently cum just from ballbusting I've noticed. we have done it 10 times in the past 3 weeks. It's amazing. 

I have plenty more stories. But I am getting sick of typing. Let me know if you want more. If you have suggestions on things for me and my wife to try let me know.


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Comment by Chefda on July 28, 2019 at 4:32am

Thank you for sharing, Alex!

Comment by playfight on July 26, 2019 at 3:57pm

Do you have kids ?

Comment by JLex on July 8, 2019 at 7:46am

Great reports, thank you.

After how many hits do you get into that flow state you describe? Could you describe it more? If you've ever tried meditation, did you remind you of it in some aspects?

Comment by Donovan Omar on September 16, 2018 at 9:40pm

God, can we swap lives? This was amazing to read

Comment by Alex whatever on August 26, 2018 at 2:02pm

Thanks guys!

Comment by Smack My Nuts on August 26, 2018 at 11:37am

That was fantastic, Alex.

Comment by Jared on August 26, 2018 at 8:22am

thanks for taking the time to share!


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