Hey everyone, I thought it about time I started contributing around here...

I thought I'd share the experience of my most painful bust!

I've only had one proper "busting buddy", her and I experimented with a lot of different busting techniques and she's really the one who stoked the flames of busting for me (up until then it'd only been a fantasy).

We'd been experimenting for a while and gradually building up to harder busts and such.

One day I convinced her to try a full force kick... I was foolishly brave and moving a bit too fast but I didn't know that yet. She wasn't happy with the idea but with enough convincing she agreed.

She was topless only wearing underwear (as I always prefer in my busting sessions), I had boxers on. I got down on my knees, my legs spread and hung " my boys" out the front of my boxers. She stood in front of me and pressed her foot into my balls a few times and drawing her foot back to measure her kick. She checked to make sure I was ready, I told her I was. She lifted her foot back and counted down from 3... 3,2,1 then she swung her leg forward at full force connecting perfectly with my balls (slightly more the right one) at first I didn't feel much but then it hit me like a tidal wave, I slumped forward with my head on the floor groaning.

She immediately got down and asked if I was okay? I rolled over onto my back, she inspected me to make sure everything was still where it should be (lol) and I lay there for a few minutes to recover. My balls were swollen and extremely tender, they took about a day to return to normal. I bit off more than I could chew at that stage and doubt I'd try it again. I'm definitely more into the busting for foreplay, pleasurable erotic pain than I am the full on hard busting.

Well anyway that's my experience :)


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Comment by Scott Montgomery on July 15, 2014 at 6:05pm

Kneeling is definitely a harder kick,Tender Boy is right in his explanation but there is more. When your on your knees have her bring her foot up to your balls, look at the angle of the shin of her foot and it's contact with your balls. Then do the same standing, you will see the difference, how she will need to keep her shin as level as possible in order to make solid contact. There is also more of a possibility of her missing when your standing and if she is doing what I call pointy toe kicks and has sharp nails you could get cut, well if your naked anyway. The low to medium force kicks while kneeling I find the best.

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on June 5, 2014 at 9:12pm
I agree with tender, I love full force. And he is right about the kneeling part, think of it as the executing position.
Comment by Tender Boy on May 20, 2014 at 8:41am

Personally I'm a big fan of full-force kicks.  It's my favorite way to experience BB.

If you ever want to try it again, let me suggest that you stand up rather than kneel.  When you are kneeling, the force of her kick is magnified because it's lower in the arc of movement for her foot.  She can deliver more power down low than up "high" where your balls would be if you were standing.

So a standing-up full-force kick will likely hurt noticeably less than what you experienced.  It will still hurt, but you may find that you can manage it.  It works for me, for what that's worth.


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