I was answering a message from "A..." here when she asked me about squeezing balls. I just remembered this time I was in the bus stop with my friend "L..." I'll just ctrl-v the story here then sorry for any english mistake (:

There was this time when I was with a friend of mine, L... and stuff, and I was texting some friends. He asked me to see my phone and I let him. Seconds later he said "Hey I'll read your messages" and showed me he was in the SMS Box. There was nothing confidential there but you know, you can't see the sms of someone, it's really personal haha Then I yelled "Nooo don't read it give my phone back" and he said "No" laughing, I was trying to take my phone back but he don't let. Then I realized there was no one arround and I knew what I had to do... I reached my hand "there", grabed, looked right into his eyes and squeeeeezed...... (it was nice cause I could feel the ballsack in my hands and stuff) I could see the pain in his face and he let out a "oooooouh..." and I just said slowly at the same time I twisted and applied more pressure slowly "give me back my phone..." and opened the other hand. He puted the phone there and how I wished to enjoy the moment I keep my hands there and said "don't do it again..." and let the eggs of the poor guy. He just felt to his knees with the hands there and I back to my sms.


If I am right it happened in march or something, we were in a bus stop going to school. I plan to post more stories here but "everything in its time" haha

Hope you people enjoy my first post here. And sorry if I don't use the site too often ):

Kisses, Sarah :*

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Comment by balzac on October 12, 2013 at 8:04pm

hey, Sarah, mind if I see your phone for a second?....

Comment by Level 4 on March 20, 2013 at 7:02am

That was hot!

Comment by MMC on December 18, 2012 at 5:26am

thank sarah, should'nt let go tho :)

Comment by James R. on December 14, 2012 at 6:29pm

My ex-girlfriend did something similar to me once. Great story! Thanks

Comment by Anthony on November 19, 2012 at 12:09am
That was great! Balls feel great when you're doing the squeezing! Not so much when yours are getting squeezed!!
Comment by Tender Boy on November 18, 2012 at 1:26pm


The funny thing about a squeeze (compared to a kick or knee) is that it hurts more while it's happening but the pain fades a little faster.  So it's actually possible that he recovered (a little!) by the time the bus came.

How long was he down on his knees?

Comment by Sarah Z. Kursk on November 17, 2012 at 11:19pm

Thanks ^^

The best was when the bus arrieved and he tried to go in like "It's okay, I'm alright it's not hurting like hell" haha

Comment by Othersider on November 17, 2012 at 10:57pm

Sarah, I really loved the story!!!!

Comment by Tender Boy on November 17, 2012 at 8:57pm

Sarah this is a really fun story.  I love how you are friends with the guy and you are playful with him but also serious about wanting your phone back and totally not afraid to take hold of his balls to show him you mean it. That's great.  Please share more of your experiences when you can!


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