First off I'm not British, I'm just a sucker for alliteration.
So anyway my girlfriend and I were invited to a friends house warming party. I wore jeans and a t shirt as I almost always do. My girl asked me to wear briefs since that what she prefers to bust me in and she punched and squeezed me the entire 30 min ride to my friends place. She said that we would finish when we got home and I was happy to hear it.
When we got there I could tell she was nervous, she doesn't like a friend of mines girlfriend and they were already there. When I was leaning in the back seat she gave me a surprise (and fairly brutal) kick from behind and goes in the house without saying anything, leaving me sprawled out in the driveway.
The rest of the night went well, everyone was pretty drunk and so far the girls were getting along great. Then my friend shifted the party to his basement where he had some sparring equipment and people could smoke and still be indoors. Me and a friend put on the fist and head pads and started to box. It eventually became a king of the ring situation.
It was mostly the guys boxing it out, some being douches some just having a good time. I had already been knocked out but when I went back in I managed to stay in thru almost everyone, then my friends girlfriend (the one my girl doesn't seem to like) jumps in. Everyone was teasing her for being a girl and that she needed to sober up and take it easy. That pissed her off, she was an army girl and she wasn't gonna take shit from anyone.
So now I'm in the ring with a drunk (hot), army girl. She was feisty but I knocked her out of the ring a couple times. Each time I didshe would call do over and jump back in. Nobody protested since this game had been going a while and she already seemed like she was in a bitchy mood.
Finally I'm done too so I take it up a notch and hit a bit harder and yet again, decisively so, win by making her step out. I said ok I think we're done I'm the champion.
I looked past her and caught my girlfriends eyes. She was giving me her bedroom look. I was lost in her trance and started to take off my gloves. I notice that her gaze shifted and when I followed all I saw was a blur of the girl I was just boxing. Her face contorted with anger about halfway thru a very powerful kick. I was defenseless.
I thought I had taken hard kicks before. They had nothing on this. She was wearing vans and used a toe kick. On contact I felt that oh shit moment, she got lefty dead on and I was pretty sure she had ruined him. Time stopped and next thing I knew I was on the ground convulsing, a friend said I went cross eyed.
Everyone went "ohhhhh" and most of the girls died with laughter, after I went down the girl who kicked me said who's the champ now?
After about 15 mins I was able to get up. There was significant swelling and bruising. We hung out for another hour and took a friend home. My girl laughed during the incident but had been a bit standoffish.
After we dropped off my friend my girl went to hit me and I stopped her. I told her I was a bit worried and if in the morning it was still bad I might go to the doc. Once in the apartment I googled what to do. I decided to lay naked on the couch and roll up a towel to gingerly lay the bruised bits on. I asked my girl to bring me an ice pack. She got one and when she saw me layers out naked she got an evil glint in her eye. She walked over to me and when I reached for the ice pack she slammed it ( a hard plastic box of ice) hard squarely on my nuts. It was intense. She told me that she will ALWAYS get the last hit in. That night she rode me cowgirl style and every time she went down the pain was reignited but I loved it and I don't think she would have cared if I didn't.
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