My Ballbusting Memoirs: Part 2 of 4

Last blog post, I told you how I first got interested in being busted. Following getting kneed by Miranda, I started trying to get girls to bust me. For the most part, this just included being a bit of a jerk to girls, not enough to make them hate me, just enough to bust me, and only being mean a third of the time. This plan didn't work well, though, and It was another year before I was hit in my "special place".

It was in P.E., third period I believe. It was a cloudy day, but we were still going out to play soccer anyway. I looked up at the sky, then at the white T-shirts all the girls wore (it was our P.E. uniform), and jokingly said to me friend "Sure hope it rains today". Just then, a girl, let's say Soñia, shoved her way by me, and she is pretty strong (for a thirteen year old, that is). Soñia was 5'3", has light brown hair, green eyes, and her skin is just a shade lighter's than Natalie's. She was wearing a white T-shirt, and blue basketball shorts that stop at the top of her knee (like I said, everybody was wearing that exact outfit). I couldn't see her face, but I got the feeling she was pissed at me for saying that.

A half hour after that, I'd forgotten about the incident. We were deep into the game, and I had possession of the ball. Soñia was on the opposing team, and was rushing towards me. Since she was much better than me (my game is basketball, not soccer), I decided to pass the ball to a teammate. That didn't stop her, though. She kept running, and swung her foot full force to where the ball was, but because the ball wasn't there anymore, it continued into my balls.

Her shoes had both flown off prior to this (or maybe she took them off, I don't know), so all that was on her feet was her socks. Nobody but me, her, and another girl (we'll talk about her later) saw, so I managed to spare myself embarrassment. After class, Soñia came up to me, and told me in no uncertain terms that if I said anything like that ever again, it would hurt a lot more. The other girl that saw, who I'm naming Ashely, also came up to me, but with a much less threatening message. I'm not gonna tell you what she said, but we started dating shortly thereafter.

A short 14 months later, it was the summer following my Freshman year of high school. I was on a summer vacation to a family reunion in Canada (Yes, I'm a British kid who moved to America, and we have our family reunion in Canada). Anyway, while there, I spent most of the time with my cousins Michelle and Henry. And by cousin, I mean our grandparents are siblings. One time, Henry had to leave for a few hours, leaving just me and my hot cousin. I would describe her, but instead, I'll just link to her page, where she has a photo of herself.

Me and her were sitting alone together on a couch (she was in a tight shirt, accentuating her figure, and some jeans), playing some PS2 (this was 7 years ago, mind you). I kept calling her something, which I won't repeat out of respect for her. She, getting fed up, asked me to get a game from the top shelf. While my back was turned, she ran up, and brought her foot right up into my no-no square. My hands immediately went down, and grabbed her foot. She must have done something wrong, though, because I barely even felt anything. While still holding her foot, I walked backwards, pushed her onto a cough, and pinned her down. Being family, I restrained myself to simply tickling the hell out of her, but I could tell we were both excited about this turn of events. If you want more details about it, ask her, because I'm not answering any questions.

This wraps up the second half of the first half of my memoirs. Next time, I'll tell you about some of my favorite busts. Toodalu.

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Comment by Joe Metal on August 27, 2011 at 4:04pm

I am still around, I just never find the time to type up the third part of this.

Comment by bbandstuff on August 27, 2011 at 12:05am
yo are you still around??


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