I am the older grandson of my family and the youngest daughter of my mom is 5 years older than me! Officially, she is my auntie, but she is a great friend of me! In my teenager's years I used to ask to her kick me in the balls... But she won't... Years later, in our adult life I had a chance to tell her that I always dreamed about her kicking me in the balls... So, after a lot of years asking for it, she gave me the so desired kick in the nuts...
She did not understand how can I love that kind of thing, but she kicked square in the balls! So, I can say that I was kicked in the balls by an auntie!

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Comment by balzac on July 16, 2018 at 11:06am

I've been kneed in the nuts by an aunt - similar situation to yours, except Jessica was (they're now divorced) the wife of my uncle who is only 4 years older than me. Jessica is only 2 or 3 years older and really quite hot. Even now, 30 years later with us both in our early 50s she is very fit and attractive (I still see her once is a while). I don't remember all of the details, but I was doing some work with her & my uncle outdoors - we were all supervising a tree-planting operation my uncle ran. I had said something teasingly mean to Jessica and she mockingly asked me if I was trying to get her to kick me in the balls. Note- she was wearing steel-toed work boots, we all were because of the work. I "jokingly" told her I'd love it but that it wasn't a good idea since her boots could do some real damage...before I knew what was happening, she'd grabbed my shoulders and gave me a light knee to the nuts. Light, but hard enough to feel it in my gut. She laughed at me as I went pigeon-toed...must say that back then I went through a lot of tissues recalling this episode.

Comment by none66666 on June 19, 2018 at 9:07pm

Damn, you and your balls are lucky. I have a non - blood aunt that I've being infatuated with for decades now. She looks like a brown Gillian Anderson, and has always been gorgeous. It started with us sitting around watching a Sinbad movie where he says "I got kicked in the pepperonis."  She repeated it in this cute way that had me obsessed with the incident,.  It was just me, her,  and a girl around, so I think she was joking with me  She'd always giggle when it came to the matter of men getting kicked between the legs.  She's in her 50s now, but she keeps herself in awesome shape.  She works out to keep her figure, keeps her butt tight, and even has a space between her legs that you can see when she's wearing jeans. She's sweet on me in a way that's borderline flirty nowadays. One time, some guy tried to get borderline touchy with her at a gas pump, and she came back with this really worried look on her face. I didn't know the reason why she was upset at the time, but I would have so secretly giving her the opportunity to practice knee me in the balls in private under the guise of making her feel better/giving her a impromptu self-defense lesson.   there would have been a 60 or 70% chance of her doing it too if I framed it right, it would have indulged her need to feel younger than she is.

Comment by Antony Junior on June 5, 2018 at 2:21pm

No pictures... Casual wear, nothing special... Daily clothes... 
She was 34 and I was 29 in that time...

Comment by Nikolai Zvezda on June 4, 2018 at 9:26pm

That's a shame. At least you finally got to experience it.

Comment by Antony Junior on June 4, 2018 at 9:24pm

To be honest, I guess not! She did it for me only! 

Comment by Nikolai Zvezda on June 4, 2018 at 9:16pm

Did she enjoy it too?

Comment by Antony Junior on June 4, 2018 at 9:11pm

It was very hard to talk about ballbusting with her... In the most part of the time, I felt embarassed... So, one day I decided to talk about it in a clear way... She understand and accepted to do it with me because her kick was a dream to me... 

Comment by Nikolai Zvezda on June 4, 2018 at 9:07pm

I'm happy for you, and somewhat jealous. You're so lucky :)

Comment by Antony Junior on June 4, 2018 at 9:04pm

I feel great, because I always desire to be kicked by her! I felt like I had fulfilled a mission!

Comment by Nikolai Zvezda on June 4, 2018 at 7:53pm

How did you feel afterwards?


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