It was one of these days when the urge for a good KITG was too great to resist. What to do? Being in a foreign South American country helped the anonymity. At least I spoke the language fluently. Browsing the classifieds in the local paper, about 150 ads in the "massagem e acompanhantes" session for something promising. Called a few girls, most were unavailable (voice message). Until I called Vivianne. Description read sort of ok. New to the industry and willing to please the discerning gentleman, 20, brown eyes, cute and friendly. Most likely meant 28 yo and chubby. Didn't matter, she was available and sounded friendly enough on the phone. She gave the street address and the flat number would be given when I arrived in the neighbourhood. Most girls rent apartments in large building blocks in low income areas. They share with one or two others to keep expenses down and added security. I get to the address, quick phone call and buzzed into the building.
A youngish girl opens the door, big smile, she was 5.5ft tall, wearing a short dress and pink top. Strong and promising legs. Gave her the agreed fee, about U$35 for the hour or so.
- Would like to have a shower?
- Yes, please.
She gave me fresh towels, grabbed and took me to the bathroom which was surprisingly clean. I told her:
- Wait for me as you are, I want to undress you slowly. She smiled and grabbed my chin and said:
- Anything you wish, handsome.
Shower finished I go straight to the bedroom with a double bed and quite dark. She waited in bed. Slowly started to kiss her whole body, teasing and kissing. Stopped at her legs and feet.
- Hmmm, you have strong legs! And beautiful feet, can do some damage I imagine.
- What do you mean?
- I am embarrassed to say...
- Come on! Don't be shy!
- I will tell a secret, may sound weird but it is a fetish of mine since I was very young. No... don't think I can tell you.
That raised her curiosity. She noticed I was quite excited.
- I am open minded and have seen a lot of things.
- Well, I like to be kicked in the balls...
- Whaaat? Are you serious? And started laughing...
- I knew I shouldn't have told you...
- No, don't take me wrong, I didn't mean to offend. But doesn't it hurt like hell?
- Well, sort of but it is also sexy and dominating. I like that.
Look, I haven't done this before and don't want to injure you...
- Don't worry, I can show you what to do.
I love this moment of anticipation when you know it's gonna happen, the adrenaline, the sexiness... hard to explain. I positioned myself in front of her and explained what to do. She was starting to warm up to the occasion and I sensed she was enjoying it too.
- Are you ready?
- Go for it...
Smaaaack! The first kick wasn't too strong and she was waiting to see whether I would collapsed in agony like in the movies. I felt this time but remained in control.
- Can be harder.
- You sure?
- Go for it. I know you can do it.
The second one was much stronger and this time I almost went straight down.
- Getting warmer...
- Ok, you are in charge.
That moment I knew it would be a killer. The impact was great. This time I couldn't resist and went to the floor. She was concerned and came to check the damage.
- Are you ok? I told you it can be dangerous!
- I'm ok, will be fine in a few minutes.
She helped me to the bed and started massaging and caressing me. The rest I leave to your imagination...
I was sore for about two days. She said now she know what to do and could bring her friend in case she needed assistance. Overall a fantastic outcome.
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