Kneeing for Success: A Beginner's Guide

I've gotten a few questions from people about how effective I think knees are, how to knee in the most effective way, etc., so I thought I'd share my experiences on how to properly introduce some guy's unsuspecting balls to your friendly knee.

In short, kneeing is tricky. It's a lot harder to get the right angle with a knee than it is with a kick or a punch, and your room for error is smaller. If you connect with your thigh instead of your kneecap, it won't hurt much. If he's leaning back, there's no real way for a knee to be effective either as you're just pushing his nuts up against his butt, not his pelvic bone. And then to get the angle right, you need some idea of where his balls are hanging, which can be a little tricky if he's wearing clothes and in various states of arousal. If they're all drawn up close to him, kneeing the front of his pelvis does amazing things, but that can miss completely if they're hanging loose. The basic solution is to pull his shoulders so he's leaning forward, which gives you the angle of kneeing the front of his pelvis, but hopefully helps his balls shift into the position you want. If you're trying to cause pain, make sure you connect with the hard part of your knee.

But for willing partners entrusting their balls to your mercy, there's a better option! If you hold his balls in place with one hand, you can nail those wonderful targets directly and give them no way to escape the full force of your knee. Wrap your thumb and index finger around the top of his scrotum and keep the rest of your fingers out of the way - you don't want to knee your own hand here. Basically you're kneeing into your own palm, but with his poor, soon-to-be-traumatized balls pinned in between. You can do this with one hand while using the other to sweetly stroke his cheek, grab hold of his hair, stroke him off, whatever you want to be doing while you're crushing his balls.

Something to be aware of with a romantic partner, though: with his balls trapped like this, if you knee him as hard as you may be used to doing, you will absolutely devastate him. My first time doing this with a guy, I was accustomed to kneeing pretty hard to get a reliable reaction because of how hard the angle is and how easily those balls can escape... so I used that same force. The poor guy did not know what he was in for, though to be fair neither did I. He spent the next several minutes clinging to me while I held him up, moaning and begging for me to just let him fall and curl up into a ball, and that was from just one knee. I've gone easier on guys since, but one of the nice things about holding his balls in place is that you know you'll be hitting them the same way every time, so you have a LOT of control over how much it hurts. It's almost as much control of the force as when squeezing. You can keep them light for as long as you want and know he'll be feeling every one, and when you want a really hard surprise shot, you can guarantee it will have that satisfyingly climactic response. And anytime you want to drop him to the floor, you can guarantee it will be a perfect hit to make it happen.

Now go forth, and make those men in your life regret being born with balls!

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Comment by Bret on February 17, 2015 at 6:43pm

Yeah great post and advice that I hope more women will follow.  I really wish some of the girls that sell bb clips would read this, some of them have no idea.  Nothing like paying for a clip just to see them miss the target 20 times.

Comment by zarko on February 17, 2015 at 9:07am

wow is right. amazing guide.

Comment by Mallory {The Boss} on February 17, 2015 at 8:20am

I would LOVE to see the logistics of you grasping balls between 

your index finger and thumb with one hand, smashing said balls 

with your knee AND stroking him off with the other hand, haha :D

Comment by Need 2 B Kneed on February 17, 2015 at 5:55am

Wow Olivia, i'm in love too :o) 

If you ever need a volunteer for kneeing practice with you or your girlfriends, my balls would be happy to meet your knees...!

Comment by Foo Bar on February 16, 2015 at 8:18pm

I think I'm in love.  <3  Excellent writing, a guide all young women should read.

Comment by Bronson on February 16, 2015 at 4:13pm
you mentioned the hardest part of the knee I just wanted to add that, that would be the very tip of the knee. Perfect targeting is just as important as the power behind the knee. And when you grab the shoulders pull him into the knee. Or even better knee him against a wall so he has to absorb the full blow.
Comment by Buckled on February 16, 2015 at 3:36pm

As a devout 'knee man' i really appreciate this post !   Thank You Olivia !!! 

Few other thoughts if i may:)   I find the more aroused the male is i.e. full erection, with shaft out of the way....the better shot you're likely to get in on his exposed scrotum, especially with the target's legs SPREAD.  Lot of guys, myself included, will cheat and try to squeeze our legs and dull the effect of a lethal kneeing woman.   

If you can get the target in tight can really scramble the eggs because they become a more compact, vulnerable target as opposed to wearing pants or being naked.   That's my experience at least.  

Also, the standard method for a woman to get leverage is to grab the man's shoulders and drive through the testicles and that way is both effective and the sexiest to me.   However, the woman can also grab the man's pants or undies, planting her hands on the side of his legs and then drill him that way too.   Very effective way to get a man's testicles to orbit his tonsils.   


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