Kneeing for Success: A Beginner's Guide

I've gotten a few questions from people about how effective I think knees are, how to knee in the most effective way, etc., so I thought I'd share my experiences on how to properly introduce some guy's unsuspecting balls to your friendly knee.

In short, kneeing is tricky. It's a lot harder to get the right angle with a knee than it is with a kick or a punch, and your room for error is smaller. If you connect with your thigh instead of your kneecap, it won't hurt much. If he's leaning back, there's no real way for a knee to be effective either as you're just pushing his nuts up against his butt, not his pelvic bone. And then to get the angle right, you need some idea of where his balls are hanging, which can be a little tricky if he's wearing clothes and in various states of arousal. If they're all drawn up close to him, kneeing the front of his pelvis does amazing things, but that can miss completely if they're hanging loose. The basic solution is to pull his shoulders so he's leaning forward, which gives you the angle of kneeing the front of his pelvis, but hopefully helps his balls shift into the position you want. If you're trying to cause pain, make sure you connect with the hard part of your knee.

But for willing partners entrusting their balls to your mercy, there's a better option! If you hold his balls in place with one hand, you can nail those wonderful targets directly and give them no way to escape the full force of your knee. Wrap your thumb and index finger around the top of his scrotum and keep the rest of your fingers out of the way - you don't want to knee your own hand here. Basically you're kneeing into your own palm, but with his poor, soon-to-be-traumatized balls pinned in between. You can do this with one hand while using the other to sweetly stroke his cheek, grab hold of his hair, stroke him off, whatever you want to be doing while you're crushing his balls.

Something to be aware of with a romantic partner, though: with his balls trapped like this, if you knee him as hard as you may be used to doing, you will absolutely devastate him. My first time doing this with a guy, I was accustomed to kneeing pretty hard to get a reliable reaction because of how hard the angle is and how easily those balls can escape... so I used that same force. The poor guy did not know what he was in for, though to be fair neither did I. He spent the next several minutes clinging to me while I held him up, moaning and begging for me to just let him fall and curl up into a ball, and that was from just one knee. I've gone easier on guys since, but one of the nice things about holding his balls in place is that you know you'll be hitting them the same way every time, so you have a LOT of control over how much it hurts. It's almost as much control of the force as when squeezing. You can keep them light for as long as you want and know he'll be feeling every one, and when you want a really hard surprise shot, you can guarantee it will have that satisfyingly climactic response. And anytime you want to drop him to the floor, you can guarantee it will be a perfect hit to make it happen.

Now go forth, and make those men in your life regret being born with balls!

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Comment by Weak dude on January 21, 2022 at 3:44pm

Wow, i totally agree with you!

Comment by Thomas Jones on January 21, 2022 at 1:11pm

It's clear you have a martial arts background as well as a lot of experience. You are a ball striking expert, lol. 

Comment by Kokonutz on April 7, 2016 at 12:13am

I think that is the best post that i had read XD

Comment by Sac Lus on April 2, 2016 at 1:32pm

Very well written! It´s just like a instruction book. Can you not write about other ballbusting way too, like punches, squeezes and kicks? I, for sure, are going to show this then i meet a beginner girl, so it would be nice if it there more parts.

Comment by kneed by Mistress J on January 19, 2016 at 11:57am

You over analyze.    As far as girls kneeing guys in the balls goes - height rules.     For example, my mistress stood at 5' 4" in bare feet but she stood at 5' 10" when wearing her spiked fetish boots.   When she tried to knee me in the balls in bare feet she couldn't hurt me no matter how hard she tried.    However when she kneed me in the balls while wearing her high heal fetish boots her knees were so powerful that she nearly killed me.    I found that if your knee (and your lower thigh) catches his balls on the way up, before you're  thigh reaches a 90 degree angle from the floor, then you'll do serious damage.    Short girls can't do this.    They have to kick up using only the top of their kneecap and this usually doesn't work because the kneecap is too small of a striking surface.     You'll need to get taller so you have the necessary leverage to drive your upper knee and lower thigh into his balls using a large enough hitting aria to smash at least one of his testicles into his pelvic bone.    This will put him in pain every time.     For short women, high heals are a great equalizer. 

Comment by Andy Lee on October 27, 2015 at 2:10am

Hey Olivia, thanks for writing this up, it was a good read! Esp. seeing as knees are my favourites. I like how you know the power of the right angle, where the knee traps the testicles against their pelvic bone, and you don't need as much power to cause a lot of pain. The whole grabbing the balls is new to me, and I guess it is more for willing partners as opposed to self defense. Very interesting topic.

Btw, have you ever kicked a guy from behind? Or kneed? Due to the angle, and shape of the foot, you can get a pretty good "trapping" technique from that as well. Just curious if you knew about this/had tried it before, haha. Keep up the good work! :)

Comment by Johnny BB Goode on May 13, 2015 at 2:02am

Olivia; You definitely have the understanding of how our balls work when it comes to kneeing them and hurting them effectively.  I like that you've learned the difference between kneeing just any guy vs. kneeing a bf or significant other by putting the "O-ring" hold on his balls and smooshing them into your palm rather than his pubic bone.  Crushing the balls between the pubic bone and the hard area of a knee probably offers up the highest risk of damage to a ball and I would imagine that this is something you and other women don't want to do to a bf or significant other as opposed to some jerk on the street that may be causing your some danger or harmful intent.

Nice post!

Comment by Kinkeri on March 23, 2015 at 2:24pm

Required reading for every girl in the world!

Comment by Mz Jhoana on February 24, 2015 at 3:32pm

Excellent advise ma!! I have never done that exactly like you say here, but I have taken off one of my hair ties when my man and I was "playing" or when he "needed it" , and wrapped it tight two times around the base of his balls. When you do that there is no place for them to hide!! I will tease his situation when I do this so he is totally turned on, and then I let him have it. Knee or kick, even a little tap will make my man drop- So yeah I have to agree its very effective when you have them trapped like that cause there is nothing the guys can do to protect them.

Comment by Buckled on February 19, 2015 at 11:15pm

Agree with Bret...there's a gorgeous girl on BallBustingBombshells named Yana who is one of the best natural knee'rs i've ever seen...SEXY AF and great technique.   And that site has paired her a few times with a very attractive girl who likes bb, but couldn't hit nuts with a knee, foot or fist.  Terrible.   And yet she keeps appearing. 


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