I was at a pub with one of my college girlfriends. It was a cool late winter or early spring evening; I was wearing my college hoody, jeans and my Darcie style Doc Marten boots. I happened to be sitting near an open seat at the end of the bar. A very scary looking guy sat next to me in the open stool, he had his hood over his head, very odd and mysterious. When he spoke to me, he didn’t make much sense because of his accent and his high level of intoxication, it was very garbled and slurred. When he talked to me I just nodded in agreement with everything and anything he said. This was probably a big mistake on my part. About 30 minutes later my friend and I settled our bill, paid our tip and went our merry way out on the street.  We stopped to figure out our next establishment to visit when all of a sudden the scary hooded guy came out of the bar looking very angry and confused. He spotted us and walk towards my friend and I. I assume he wanted to know where we were going or why we left him so quickly, I’m not exactly sure what the hell he was trying to say, but he sure was angry. He aggressively slammed his fist into his hand as he yelled at us; all I could understand was the word “Puta”. I looked at my friend and I could see she was terrified, I was too, totally stunned and full of fear. He took two very quick steps towards me, but I didn’t think twice… in one swift instinctual reflex, I kicked up and sent my boot EXTREMELY hard into his nuts and it made such a loud punching THUMP sound on contact with his groin. The look on his face was of total surprise, shock; he was stunned I did such a thing, almost a how dare you look. He let out a weak groan that seemed to come deep from within his diaphragm, he then dropped like a boneless rag doll to the sidewalk crying. My friend and I didn’t stick around long. In my mind this guy was completely TKO’d, (just throw in the towel). Out of shot nerves and disgust we decided to head back closer to college where it was deemed safer. As we were driving it started sinking in that I just booted some unknown guy in the balls really, really hard and made him cry. It was at that split moment my friend and I both just started laughing hysterically. I literally had to pull the car over I was laughing that much.


I'm going to try the same trick Susan did and insert the boots i had on that day.


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Comment by greeneyedsusan on November 7, 2011 at 8:06am
I love this story, I'm glad you finally posted it.
Comment by Goalie on November 6, 2011 at 4:21pm

Making an older man cry via nut shot, wow. And these boots don't look ball friendly at all :)


Thanks for sharing.

Comment by Wynne on November 6, 2011 at 4:17pm
I hope you really messed him up.
Comment by giordy on November 6, 2011 at 3:21pm
Nice story...I have always thought Doc Martens would make great kicking shoes.
Comment by Weak dude on November 6, 2011 at 2:07pm

I really agree that he deserved that hard kick! He seemd like a big ashole,


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