Havent been on here much lately, and I've got a few stories to share! I'm going to start with a solo adventure from Julie, and try to get the other ones posted soon too.

Julie had been talking to a guy from Tinder for a while, but they hadn't met up yet. They are both pretty open about sexuality, and had been talking about porn when Julie brought up ballbusting to him. He said he had seen some ballbusting stuff online and admitted to being somewhat curious, but not really into it. Julie told him that she loved it, and they talked about all the stuff she has done with me and Chris, although she toned it down quite a bit haha. He was intrigued but not sure if he would ever try it. 

They finally went on a date. It went ok, but she said she really wasnt that interested in him in person. But she decided he was pretty good one night stand material, and that she might as well try to convince him to take a kick in the balls. She brought it up over dinner, and he wasnt thrilled about the idea, but he did agree to letting her have one shot at his balls.

They went back to her place, had a couple more drinks, and then she told him to undress. He began to strip, and she asked him if he knew what it was time for. "You want to kick me in the balls don't you?" Julie said he kinda laughed nervously when he asked her. "Oh yeah! If you're still down," she said. He said yeah one kick is all though.

By the time he got naked he was rock hard. She had him spread his legs and hold his dick up out of the way. She asked him if he was still sure, and when he said yes, told him to close his eyes.

She told me she was planning on holding back, but in the moment she just couldnt help herself. As soon as his eyes were closed she kicked him square in the balls as hard as she could. He let out a yelp and crumbled to the floor. She said he was rolling around, holding his balls and moaning for several minutes. She laughed at him and playfully mocked him, while she insincerely tried to console him. After he recovered and calmed down a bit she said she would make it up to him. His dick had gone soft and she started to stroke it, but after a while it was clear he wasnt going to get hard again. He said he needed to go, and got his things and left in a hurry.

She said she was impressed by his dick, and was disappointing she didnt get to fuck him, but still found it amazingly satisfying to completely destroy a guy with one kick like that. She tried to get in touch with him the next day but he never responded and she still hasnt talked to him again. So no long term busting buddy for Julie, but she said it was totally worth it. Although she did say she should probably go easy on the next guy, if there is one.

If anyone has any question for Julie I can ask her for you. Gonna be posting some more of my adventures soon as well!

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Comment by Weak dude on November 18, 2018 at 4:06pm

Awesome girl... wow, dream Wife

Comment by Dustin on November 1, 2018 at 8:48am

Wish I matched ladies like that. Let Julie know she's a badass

Comment by Missy Gero on October 23, 2018 at 12:33am

If I could Like this 100 times, I would!

These Eliza and Julie stories are some of the best I've ever read!

Looks like you created quite the little devil. >:)

Julie told him that she loved it, and they talked about all the stuff she has done with me and Chris, although she toned it down quite a bit haha.

How did she explain that one exactly?

Comment by Foo Bar on October 22, 2018 at 2:29am

Great story!  If she did that to me, after I recovered I'd be rock hard and kissing her from foot to head.   =)

Maybe with her next boytoy she can try starting with a lighter kick.  It doesn't take a lot of power to bust a pair of balls!  Most guys aren't like the "balls of steel" porno actor guys who can take 20 kicks standing up.  My ex used to give me "very light" (her words) kicks.. and she always had me on the ground defeated and writhing in pain with just one or two kicks. 

Comment by Eliza D. on October 20, 2018 at 5:49pm
Yes volcan, she said she caught both his balls perfectly with the top of her foot. She was barefoot, wearing jeans and a black tank top.
Comment by volcan51 on October 17, 2018 at 12:22pm
Instep kick?
What she was wearing?


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