I've been asked over and over again to post this story from my past from one of the dear members on this site. I'm finally capitulating and posting it.

One hot summer day about 5 or 6 years ago, my bf (now husband) and I were BBQing on his back deck. His busybody/nosey next door neighbors were spying on us, leering through the privet hedges; it was so obvious they were looking at the two of us. His old neighbors were an older couple that had to know every ones business. As I walked past my bf, I reached down and grabbed his balls, they were hanging quite low because of the summer heat and were very easy to roll in my fingers and play with. I played with them for a good 10 to 15 seconds. It didn't take him long to get his erection up then I gave him a nice squeeze, he let out a squeal. I then walked away to put water and beer in the cooler, his nosey neighbors got an eyeful of my hands fondling his low, heavy balls. His neighbors didn’t move from the fence, we now had their complete attention.  As I walked past him to grab more beverages to put in the cooler,  I turned to him and then grabbed his two forearms and pulled him into me while kneeing him in his lovely low hangers and huge erection. I told him to "take a bow" (something I like saying when I hit guys in the balls playfully). He did so for about 3 seconds, giving me a little bow and then he dropped on one knee cupping his nuts. I did this mostly for the benefit of the older couple standing there; they looked at us in total shock and humorous bewilderment. I truly think they were offended, they left us looking so very confused. Once my bf recovered, he walked around with an erection pretty much the rest of the day.

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Comment by Smoo on February 28, 2012 at 2:11pm

Hah!  I love the "take a bow"!  So perfect.  Great that you freaked out the neighbors to in a delightful playful way!  Great story.


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