Finding Your Girlfriend on Pornhub...

Hey there, guys. 

I was looking through my files the other night after finishing the editing on a couple of videos that Annie and I have made, before logging onto KITG. Before I could submit one of our new videos to be posted, I saw that I had a profile comment from WeakBalls (thank you so much man for letting me know about this).

He told me that he had seen Annie and I on Pornhub.

We had assumed that this would happen at some point; However, we're both sad that it has happened after us posting only five of our videos here on KITG. We have some great ideas for new videos, including collaboration with other BB couples, that we have been excited to share with everybody here. Discovering ourselves on Pornhub (and likely other websites as well) has ruined this for us.

Annie was distraught when I told her, laughing nervously - It's almost flattering. However, she has family, friends, and coworkers who could potentially see our videos. Similarly, I have younger siblings, and elder family members, who I don't want seeing me getting my nuts smashed. Even more important to me, is that my career depends largely on my reputation. If my reputation is tarnished, I may lose my life path/career. 

Unfortunately, the satisfaction we get from sharing our videos with you guys is not worth the risk to us and our personal reputations. We won't be posting any more videos on KITG until there is a way to keep our videos on here. (We won't be posting them anywhere else for now, either).

Again, we're both very disappointed about this as we have content ready to upload, more (hotter) videos on the way, and collaboration ideas with the other bb couples, which are now not going to happen (in the near future at least, until we figure something out).

If anybody has ideas for us on how to share our content in the future, privately (just for you guys) - please let us know! We really don't want to stop producing videos, in fact we're just getting serious with it and making higher quality stuff for you all. But we don't want it shared!

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Comment by Dustin on June 7, 2018 at 12:02am

Hey all, thank you guys lots again for all the love.

Just to elaborate, the videos of Annie and I had been taken down from PH about an hour before I made this post - we already have that taken care of, and now they are down on KITG as well so that they can not be re-downloaded from here. Somebody somewhere still has them downloaded, hopefully however he/she/they won't re upload them somewhere (otherwise we'll have to get them taken down again, and again, etc.)

Platforms such as Patreon have been a consideration of ours as well as clips4sale, like some others (Joe/Violet, Eric/Chaiyles) have picked up and used. We really don't want to have to charge people to see our stuff, though (not saying I don't like money, but we love y'all)  -  if we ever did do a paid content type thing it would likely be Patreon, and we'd make sure it's cheap/worth the few dollars.

Ultimately however, we would like to be able to post at least some of our stuff for you guys, free. Vimeo is a consideration as it is relatively safe, but still possible to download Vimeo videos, and/or use other methods in order to capture/stream videos. 

Thanks again for the thoughtful comments, suggestions, and love!


Comment by CC on June 6, 2018 at 9:44pm

Sorry to hear that man.  I loved your videos but understand if this dissuades you from posting more in the future.

Comment by Ned The Second on June 6, 2018 at 7:15pm
That really sucks. I hope that people are smart enough to stay quiet when and if they recognize her.
Comment by bbandstuff on June 6, 2018 at 6:32pm

This is awful, I'm sorry that you guys have to deal with this nonsense.
I don't understand it personally; I don't see why someone would want to share someone else's videos. What are these people gaining?
This trend has scared me away from at some point beginning to share content as well.
Unfortunately, the way the web works, it is nearly impossible to prevent a persistent enough person from stealing content that you can see in a browser.
I know people will hate me for saying this, but I suppose the only ways to be 100% safe is to not share. Masks work to an extent, but even with them, someone you know might recognize your clothes, or your room, or your voice.
That being said, these are things that people making videos shouldn't have to think about, and it is sick that someone in our community did this, and continues to do this. This is a *private* community.
Thank you so much for what you two have shared with us, and again, I'm sorry you have to deal with this bullshit. I hope you're able to have the videos taken down from the sites they appeared on.
For everyone else: if you see these videos on other sites, *do not click on them*. You'll only give the people stealing these videos more views, and reward them for doing it.

Comment by WeakBalls on June 6, 2018 at 2:44pm

Happy to help, was pretty pissed off myself when I saw them. Have you taken steps to get them removed from pornhub?

Comment by Soulfire on June 6, 2018 at 5:24am
It's something i see over and over again. There are tons of great people out who put time and effort into making great content for us. Often even for free. It's just a matter of time until you see it on pornhub, or some russian site... Knaves Cartoons for example are spread everywhere around the internet.

Sadly, from my kind of experience, the only thing that keeps leechers like these away is money. Every video Joe and Violet uploaded landed on pornhub at some point. Now they're creating content for Patreon and it's gone quiet.

Maybe we really need some kind of KITG patreon, where content like this can only be seen by people who are willing to support this site with a few dollars.

Anyway! Sorry for the long post, thanks for your work and stay positive! :)
Comment by Ermac Zed on June 6, 2018 at 4:46am

Reuploading is done by people who can easily download the videos that people post.

YouTube as a platform practically gives away the video as a download no matter what you do. There are far too many methods to download videos from the site. Don't use YouTube if you want private videos.

WeeZ is doing it right. I believe I remember seeing a passworded Vimeo video from Joe a while ago too.  A password protected video hosted on Vimeo should do the trick. Vimeo makes it VERY hard to download videos from their platform if you don't want them to be downloaded. Be sure to disable downloads.

I've tried to grab copies of protected videos hosted on Vimeo using various different methods. I really wanted them too. It just wasn't happening so I gave up.

A person that is dumb enough to reupload private KITG videos to other sites when users explicitly state not to, is not going to be smart enough to figure out how to download a passworded Vimeo video.

There is your safe space.

Comment by Beaten13 on June 6, 2018 at 4:29am
So sorry for you guys. It's shameful that such a thing could happen
Comment by WeeZ on June 6, 2018 at 1:47am
Wow this is incredibly sad to hear. I understand why you feel the way you do . I really enjoy you guys and I hope this issue can be fixed
Comment by Deadstix on June 6, 2018 at 1:23am

unfortunately this is a huge problem here.  Some have tried putting passwords on the content but realistically, the passwords are given just below the vids, therefore whichever member(s?) are ripping and posting the vids have the pass :(  I think the only real way to accomplish anonymity is to hide faces, but the content will still leak.  This is a good community overall, and I'm very saddened, and angered actually, that one or a small few are ruining this for those of us with respect.  I sincerely hope that someone with some knowledge of computer wizardry may find a solution to this, but in the meantime, keep yourselves SAFE and best of luck.  I will be sad to see content cease, but it's far better to protect yourselves. :(


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