EPIC Ballbusting Workshop in Toronto by Dvhour & Katkat


WHEN: Sometime In September bet. the 18th-20th in 2020

WHERE: Toronto, Canada

WHAT: Katkat, formally of Katkat BBsavers and Dvhour, creator of Kicked in the Groin and USBBonline will join forces to conduct a much needed informative, responsible and whimsical workshop on the topic of Ballbusting.

Throw out all of what you have been taught or seen with regard to the handling of male “testicles” and prepare to be elevated!!! Instructors DV and KatKat will tsunami your cerebral waters by challenging patriarchal norms and myths, discussing health and safety, highlighting various eroticisms and sensualities and engaging in a lively demo. This event is a new way to rethink, rebrand and counterbalance the lack of education and ownership within the ballbusting community.

We are many weeks and months away so save up your pennies this event will be well worth your time, money and travel. The location and date are TBD at this time, but, we will keep you updated.


This event offering is brand new and 9 months away, the location and date are TBD. If interested we invite you to add yourself to our Fetlife event link

Views: 1103


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Comment by OneBalledBoy on December 28, 2019 at 9:43am

Great idea!

Maybe the workshop will consist of multiple parts where theoretical, physiological know-how as well as emotional aspects are covered? After which... demo + practice in a dojo setting? Some recovery time might be used to discuss emotional effects as well. I would hope a reasonable mix of female/male participants can be achieved.


Comment by Jared on December 28, 2019 at 8:23am

"lively demo" is such a key phrase here.

Comment by Destin on December 28, 2019 at 6:51am

Interesting. Hope to read more info!

Comment by Kinkeri on December 28, 2019 at 1:15am

This sounds amazing!!! It's my dream to lose my balls to Kat <333


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