As I write this I am on standby in Tampa because I overslept and missed my flight out this morning, and I would not change a thing. I had an experience that changed my life and fulfilled a desire older than even I know. What I did learn is that no matter how apprehensive men are to this fetish, if we have the desire to experience it, we should honor ourselves and do so.

I have been consciously following this fetish for about 4 years. I thought it was brutal at first. How could someone want "the jewels" hit in any way? What were "these guys" thinking? The answer is they were thinking that it feels amazing to have those kicks, slaps, etc running through your system. The endorphin release is unreal.

I have been "planning" to do this for well over a year. Always talked myself out of it. As I set out for this weekend trip to Tampa, I looked for an escort through a fetish site on a popular site. There was one who looked good, and it was obvious she ran ads when available. The day I wanted to do my session, she had not run a new ad, so I looked again, found another, and cut an email loose. I waited around an hour with no response. I then went into a nude strip club, partly resigned to waiting longer.

Then I saw her on stage. Blonde. Very short hair. Tatoos. I knew on the first glance she could fulfill the fantasy. I tipped her. But there was another guy "making it rain." I tipped her once more on the final song of her on stage set, and she specifically asked where I was sitting. Said I am standing close to the stage. She said "I will find you." She did. We went back to the private dance area, and I told her what I wanted. She delivered. It's very vulnerable to sit on a couch with your legs wide open, allowing her to do her will. I had expressed an interest in kicking, and she did that so perfectly. Barefoot kicks were perfectly placed. The look in her eyes was intoxicating. Then she turns around and "stomp kicks" them. Didn't think I'd like that, but WOW! Amazing. Then some butt bombs. Some in particular straightened my spine immediately as I groaned out loud from the impact. A few more kicks, and session one is over. I was overwhelmed. I went back to the room, had a drink, and said to myself "I have to do this again." Went back, found her in a very few minutes, and went back for another session. She amp'd it up some at my request and blew me away. That last barefoot kick....lined it up like twice, and then drilled me. There was the "ooof!" and then buckling forward from the impact. Amazing. For those who are contemplating this, #1: do it. However you can, do it. #2: Assuming you find the right girl, YOU MUST TRUST HER. She knows what you want more than you do. I had a vision of how "I wanted" this done, and she completely blew it out of the water. You have to let it happen. It is just as much her experience as it is yours.

I am hooked and will be doing this more. A LOT more.

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Comment by Silent Warrior on February 22, 2015 at 1:59am

Found her again. Her name is Miley (Go figure..) She gave me a thorough busting. Lots of barefoot kicks. Reminded me why I am so addicted to the impact. Holy F@#K. The top of that foot slamming into my nuts. She is awesome, and there is some chemistry. We are planning to meet up next month. I hope to approach her about doing a video I can share here. I am hooked. She is great.

Comment by Silent Warrior on February 21, 2015 at 11:50pm

I am in Tampa visiting the same club tonight. Hoping to get her attention and have some more fun.

Comment by Silent Warrior on June 4, 2014 at 5:15pm

@ Rick N....No, I did not know her from anything. I could tell by her on stage demeanor that she had the "bad girl" thing going on. Total non-conformist. Piercing, confident eye contact. Devious smile. I could just tell. And for some reason I'll never know I just blurted out exactly what I wanted, and she was all for it. Don't have any contact info. I'll find her in the club again if I want to see her. She dances at 2001 in Tampa.

Comment by Silent Warrior on June 3, 2014 at 10:00pm

TB, it is fantastic to be here on the other side AND having had a girl who read me so perfectly. It was surreal how fast it played out, and how much the "meant to be" feeling was there. From the second we made eye contact, it was obvious this was a go. And to your point of "It's incredibly freeing to be kicked in the balls by a woman who LIKES it and isn't holding back, isn't ashamed, and is not judging you for wanting it.  It feels as great emotionally as it does physically." I could not agree more. She was into it, and never was there a doubt that she was focused on OUR experience. I am just hooked on the impact. You can't fully appreciate it until you FEEL it. 

Comment by Tender Boy on June 3, 2014 at 8:49am

SW,that is awesome that you finally went for it and had a great experience.  After you do it, you wonder, why in the world did I WAIT all these years?  It's so hugely relieving.

I had a similar experience though mine was with a pro domme.  But overall it played out much the same.  It was excellent.

It's incredibly freeing to be kicked in the balls by a woman who LIKES it and isn't holding back, isn't ashamed, and is not judging you for wanting it.  It feels as great emotionally as it does physically.

Comment by Silent Warrior on June 3, 2014 at 12:52am

Yeah, that's where the little private rooms came in handy. Both times, she walked me back the the one in the very back corner. As soon as we got to the room on the second session, she reached back and did a combination hard slap and squeeze to get things going. She really knows what she is doing. This is the perfect start to my journey deep into this fetish.


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