Do you know what I craving is? It is a intense, urgent, or abnormal desire or longing, according to Webster's anyway. Now the problem with a craving is that they come whenever they want, and hang around as long as you let them. To me, cravings became a pain staking ordeal because let's face it; Restaurant girl is not always there to to give me a reason to bust my husbands balls, neither is the bartender, the grocery clerk with the really tight pants, or even the jail bait crossing the crosswalk in a mini skirt. In the beginning I convinced myself that I needed a reason to kick my husband in his nuts as it was all new to me, and we were still playing around with the prospect of it. I learned quick though that cravings don't always come with reasoning, unless the reason just happens to be craving. My husband is a blue collar boy, works his ass off and loves it. If he can swing a hammer at it, he's happy. He always says "Work hard for what you want, live simple, and die happy." He is about 5'8 and real adamant about staying in shape so he is pretty big, he weighs around 170 most of the time, black short hair and blue eyes. If he grows a beard I swear he looks like a lumberjack, and he can have a quit a temper too but nothing violent. If your wondering what he is packing down stairs, I can tell you it's more then enough for me, and that's all I'm saying about that. I can tell you that His balls are pretty big, it's almost impossible to grab them both with one hand if that gives you any idea, then again I'm not a very big person. The last thing I can say about hubby before I tell you a little tale, is that he is as horny as they come, big man equals big desire.

Like I said before, a craving comes when you least expect it, this one hit at a family dinner or a get together as you were, we had the family, the in-laws, and close friends all over at our house one night. It was getting late as I went into the laundry room to finish drying my work clothes for the next morning, when my husband walks up from behind me, grabs my ass firmly, and starts to kiss me neck, sending mutiply shivers down my spine. His hands rub over my hips, moving down my legs, then back up between my thighs until he reaches the zipper to my pants, making me melt as he begins to rub me threw my jeans. Now the thing about my laundry room is that it has no door and leads right into my kitchen, which leads right into my dining room, kind of like an L shape, and it isn't the best concealed place in my house. I can hear everyone laughing and talking as a turn in my husbands arms, and without thinking I playfully rammed my knee into his nuts. It wasn't hard compared to what I usually do, so I was shocked when he almost dropped. Apparently one of his nuts got trapped between his pelvis and my knee, crushing it. I had to put my hand over his mouth to kill the sound of pain escaping. His face was red and his eyes were watery as I tried to hold in my own laughter. A flash of heat radiants threw my body, making my heart beat faster as I force my knee between his legs, pressing and grinding his balls while he struggles threw the pain. I can hear the people taking about something in the dining room, and the sound of silverware hitting glass as they eat, it is a sound that is being drowned out by the pounding drum in my head. I knee him again, quick and hard, continuing to grind afterward, wanting nothin more then an empty house so I can drag this man around by his balls and have my way with him. Beggars can't be choosers though, so instead I pushed him up against the wall inside the small room and kneed him again but with a lot more force this time. As he tried to double over, I pushed him back into the wall, my knee still between his legs so he couldn't close them, my hand still over mouth. When I was sure he wasn't going to try and move, I pulled my knee back and rammed it in his nuts hard and fast until he started to slide down the wall unable to hold himself up any longer. My heart skips a beat when I hear someone step into the kitchen, and the voice of my brother in laws wife asking were the dishes where located at. I had to steady my voice before answering, telling her where they are located. She steps closer to the laundry room door and asks what I was doing in there, and I look my husband right in his eyes and tell her I'm just finishing something up. I pulled my knee back as I hear her walk away, and ram it up between his legs again, but this time with everything I could muster. The force of it almost lifted him off the ground and he collapsed cupping his nuts in his hands in the fetal position, panting quietly from the pain. I walked back out to the dining room and joined the rest of the family while my husband was still on the floor recovering from his busting. He came out of the laundry room 20 minutes later, walking slower then usual and looked as if he had an upset stomach. I gave him my best smile, looked down at his nuts and then blow him a kiss to let him know I wasn't nearly done with them yet. Needless to say he got it pretty bad later that night, because by the time I finally got him alone, the BB engines were running full speed and I just had to hurt him, but that is for another time.

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Comment by Chefda on September 20, 2017 at 4:30am

This was a fantastic read, thank you Melinda! =D

Comment by curious j on May 19, 2015 at 11:58am

You have such great talent for busting and for writing. Well done. I love that the excitement was enhanced by possibility of being discovered.

Comment by Mz Jhoana on May 18, 2015 at 5:15pm

Your hubby is lucky to have you ma! You a very smart woman!!  Cause of you my imagination has gotten the best of me!! I am learning how to remind my man how lucky he is that I even let him keep his huevos now too!!! lol. - My man is a lovable ass- Im mad I started his training too late!! 

Comment by JackD on May 1, 2015 at 12:27am
Another amazing story, very sexy and intimate situation. Your husband is a lucky man, but I'm sure that he knows that! Thank you for sharing your experiences. I'd also enjoy reading about high heel busts.
Comment by Pointy Toe Pumps on April 30, 2015 at 5:51pm

Melinda. I do understand how you think. Certainly some folks are not a shoes person anymore than some are not a knee person. As you can see by my profile it's all heels for me. Sexy shoes and busting just are a natural fit and the height of what makes it work - for me. I look forward to your posts and hope you remember someone like me is out here. If it works for you - it does work for me. Thanks for the note.

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on April 30, 2015 at 3:10pm
@ Foo Bar; yes I have busted him In public and people have seen me do it, they are pretty shocked or they think it is funny. The details are longer then I can share right now. @ pointy toe; in do time, I haven't shared any high heel stories yet because I'm not sure if everyone would appreciate it, if there are heels or boots involved then I have gone beyond " I'm going to try and hurt you stage" into the "I'm hurting you a lot, your balls are in danger stage."
Comment by Pointy Toe Pumps on April 30, 2015 at 6:59am

Yet another great read. Being a high heels guy all the way, I look forward to a sexy shoes busting. I do figure you have that side of you. Until then, a peek into your desires and how you fulfill them is terrific.

Comment by Foo Bar on April 29, 2015 at 3:31pm

Have you guys ever been caught in the act while busting your hubby in public?  If so, how did they react - and did you keep busting him?

Comment by Need 2 B Kneed on April 29, 2015 at 4:03am

Oh my....lucky husband enjoying your knees. That story is pretty much a dream come true to me, being busted in "almost" public and trying to handle the pain afterwards with others present. Not to mention those multiple knees which are my favorite...:o)))

Did you wear pantyhose/stockings and high heels, or more casual clothing?

Comment by Aubrey Ballbuster on April 29, 2015 at 12:54am

This was a sexy story! I was expecting someone to catch you guys in the act haha. That would have been embarrassing for him i assume lol.


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