It feels like my balls are constantly sore theses days, but I guess that is what happens when your wife finds out about your ball busting fetish. Now the first time she wasn't sure about kicking me in the family jewels, but discovered that she liked doing it. Over the last few months she has really gotten into he swing of it, and has gone from being not sure, to busting my balls constantly and without warning. I have been put on the floor more then a couple times from a surprise kick to the nuts from behind. One night in particular comes to mind because she busted me without me expecting it.
It was a complete shook at first, as I was bent over in our bedroom sorting through some clothes when she decided to floor me. She came our of the bathroom and saw her golden oppertunity, me bent over legs spread and unaware, and delivered a running punt kick right to the balls. The force of the kick and not knowing about it was recipe for defeat. My balls exploded in pain and I dropped like a ton of bricks and stayed there for couple of minutes waiting for the throbbing to stop. Needless to say she thought it was hilarious. Seeing how I didn't learn the first time, she did again later that night with more power behind it. She left after putting me down, and went about her business, as I writhe on the floor between 5 and 10 minuets. It made me realize that she is becoming a full blown ballbuster.
Another bust comes to mind that i will tell you about, was not to long after being put on the floor. We were playing around while she tried different ways to bust my balls, and manged to get my balls out my drawers, showing them to her, can't remember what we were talking about, when she socked me in them. Before I could really register the first punch she followed up with three more shots. It sent me to the floor instantly, as it was definitely one of the more painful ones.
As my wife gets more into busting my balls, I get the vibe that she wants the chance to let loose a little more. One night she was punching me and I felt she kind of wanted to just keep punching me in the nuts, which I would have been cool with. I think it has brought a more primitive and wild side out of her and it is extremely sexy. Just last night she showed me just how hard she can bust balls, as she kicked, kneed, and punched me until my nuts were red and throbbing. Matter a fact my nuts are still sore from it, which I guess is the point. Bottom line is my wife loves busting balls, and likes to bust them hard :)
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