He was hooded and shackled, naked, standing alone. He had been stripped and guided into place with electrified prods. Now he stood nervously waiting. This wasn't how he imagined his sentence would go.
His mind flicked back to the judge giving him the options. Ten years in normal prison or a year in a new rehabilitation centre. He was starting to regret the choice.
He shuddered involuntarily. Well too late to back out now. It was warm in here. His breathe circulated in the hood. He was trying to breathe around it and the ball gag in his mouth wasn't aiding matters.
A tug on his collar meant it was time to shuffle forward. He moved hastily forward. Trying to avoid the cattle prod to his buttocks moving slowly seemed to reward him with. His leg shackles making him walk in weird diagonal steps. The humid warmth in the room causing his balls to stick to one leg then the other as he lurched forwards. He followed the direction the lead attached to his collar directed. His hands flopping awkwardly on the bar across his neck and fastened again to his collar. It was difficult to hurry and maintain balance. Especially in the darkness of his hood.
He felt a hand on his chest. Indicating stop. He pulled up sharply. Not wanting another shock to his stomach.
He stood waiting again.
The hood was pulled off. He blinked in the light.
"Hello. You must be case 7474. My name is Mistress Kay and I will be in charge of your 'rehabilitation' for the next year." She smiled sharp, crooked teeth through black lipstick. Her shoulder length hair centre parted with red stripes at the front. She looked about 30 years old and was petite to the point of being dwarfed by the large black leather couch she was seated on. She tapped small black painted fingernails on the keboard in front of her.
"Shall we get him fitted up Kay?" A tall black lady stood to the side on him. In her thigh high latex boots she looked him directly in the eyes. She was very pretty although at some point her nose may have been broken. Her hair was long and braided. Her shiny bra struggled to contain her voluptuous assets. She must have been in her early 20's. She smiled.
"Yeah get him fitted with the ankle and wrist system while I have a look who would benefit from an attendant would you Shy'yan? He's quite good looking isn't he. I might have just the young lady in mind.
Is nurse Mia on her way back up with a fresh batch?"
"Yeah, she shouldn't be long. We can get him drained soon. I think I might enjoy a snack."
Shy'yan went over to a table and came back with 4 large rings. They looked like cuffs.
"Look inside here 7474. These little prongs are how we maintain your discipline while you are here for your 'rehabilitation'" she giggled.
He tried to form a question around his gag while she knelt down and affixed on to each ankle. Removing his clumsy shackles. A cracking noise and a sharp pain in his buttocks reminded him of the No Speaking rule.
His arms were unclipped and placed at his side. Then cuffs fitted. She went back to the table and returned with a neck collar. It fitted snugly and was thicker around.
"Good. Looks like its ready for calibration. Oh Mina's here to get you marked up as well 7474. Aren't you lucky you get an audience. Ah nurse Mia is back too, oh and is that Rehka? Didnt know you were coming today."
Rehka smiled, "Hey! I brought wine. Anyway, You know I love admissions day. Something about the fear and defeat in their eyes always turns me on." She turned to Miss Kay. "What do we have here? Rapist? Groper?"
"What?" Kay turned away from her screen. "Oh, no merely a voyuer. Looks like he picked the wrong girl to upskirt though. Went straight to Mother and She turned out to be a high court judge. Friend of mine actually, so we suggested selling this as a 'rehabilitation year' ha"
Rehka and the other assorted ladies laughed at this. "He certainly will learn to behave. Oh are we in time for calibration? How fun"
Shy'yan nodded. "Yep shall we proceed? See the marks on the floor 7474? In a second you will need to put your hands, knees and head in those spots. When they are aligned correctly the pain will stop. Ok Kay. I think were ready to press the test button."
An excited air of anticipation filled the watching ladies. Kay delicately traced a finger slowly towards an upraised red button set on her black desk. She looked up staring straight into his eyes. Her pupils were dark brown, eyes heavy with mascara against pale white skin.
"Ready 3 2 1... now"
He lurched forward as pain flooded his body. His muscles constricting against one another. Knotting with pain. He couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't think.
Shy'yan was shouting at him over the shrieking laughter of the assembled ladies. "Put your dumb hands on the markers. Get your knees where I showed you."
He bit down hard on the ball gag and fought to comply. Heart racing he knelt up feeling more than looking for the nodes on the floor. Eventually latex clad hands roughly grabbed his hands and forced them into position. Then they pushed his head down and the pain cut off abrubtly. He sobbed, tears flooding down his face.
"Aw want a tissue?" Kay asked mockingly.
"Right" said Shy'yan. "Thats calibrated now. If you leave that position while the system is active you have ten seconds before it starts again. She walked around behind him. "So the last thing you want to do is leave that position for any reason"
Saying which she kicked him hard in his dangling balls.
He fell forward groaning and clutching at himself as white lights shot behind his eyes. His whole world was pain. He didnt even register the mocking laughter but he did make out a few words here and there.
"Five" were they chanting?
"Two" they were counting down
Oh please god no. Not again.
Renewed pain flooded his body. He convulsed and wretched. Struggling from his fetal position back up and into the kneeling position. Eventually he got the combination of knees and arms into the right position.
The pain shut off immediately again. Leaving its echoes running through his cramping body. His stomach was a boiling mess where the pain of his testicles being kicked so violently was still demanding attention. He was sweating profusely, head swimming and shaking with pain and adrenaline being dumped into his system.
Kay squatted down and patted his head. "Starting to realise you're just a toy to us yet? Its going to be a very long year for you. My kick next."
So saying she walked around. She cupped his balls and pulled them out then arranged them just how she liked. Once they were dangling back she aimed a couple of times slowly then let fly.
He screamed into his gag as the pain hit.
The chant started again.
His mind fought through the pain. He knew what he had to do. He hauled himself up. Despite the shaking of his body and the agony building in his abdomen.
His hands scrabbled for the nodes. His body already learning the position. He thrust his head down.
He tensed expecting the pain but nothing came.
"Oh we have a quick learner here. Normally takes a few more kicks to get the hang of it. Well we better make sure. Is it your turn Rehka, dear?
"Yes. I rather think it is. I told you I love admissions day didn't I?"
She didn't waste time just took two steps back and let fly with a stepping punt. Long brown legs flashed as she unleashed a devastating kick into his already half mangled ballsack.
"Lets see you get up in the ten count from that" She laughed. Brushing her long dark hair from her exposed shoulders and smiling a wide grin.
This was hell. He didn't know if the ball kicking hurt worse than the impending shocking pain. Could he move. Where was the count? He had to assume the position.
Shit he had to hurry. He smashed his head against the floor and gripped at the nodes tensing involuntarily.
"Ha see how well trained he is already? Want to have a quick look at those balls nurse Mia?
Mia straightened and wiped a couple of laughter tears from her eyes. Fake lashes fluttering under her long blonde hair. Her white latex nurse outfit hugging her perfect petite figure. She extended her perfectly manicured nails and looped them around his scrotum.
She flicked each one eliciting muffled yelps.
"Hmm. These balls are quite big but they're gonna need some training. Still way too delicate for the girls round here. Now hold still. Don't you dare move or I will give you something to cry about."
She pulled the balls up to her and open hand slapped them. His body jolted with each of the five slaps. He wanted just to sink to the ground and wallow in the pain but he was trapped up and kneeling. His exposed balls in agony and trapped in a firm but gentle grip were better than the whole body convulsions of being out of position.
"Well they're intact. I think there will be some bruising. Even from that small amount. This subject is going to need regular kicks to build up some tolerance. I think I know a few girls who enjoy training weak balls. In fact you love fresh balls don't you Mina?
"I live to cause pain." She walked a few paces away her leather dress showing off her slender figure. Tattoos poking out and chunky platform boots hiding how short she really was. Then she ran towards the prone figure and let fly with all her power. She lifted his arse clean in the air and his knees almost left the ground.
He screamed through his gag. Hitting the floor in a heap. Crumpled to the ground he didn't even register the chanting begin again as they all hugged Mina and laughed.
The count finished. The jolting ran through his body before he even fully returned to consciousness. He was a broken twitching mess. Pain was his new existence. Regardless he shifted himself into position. Dropped his head into the slight hollow and locked his knees up under. The pain receded eventually. The laughter continued.
"Fresh meat is so fun. Shame they build up something of a tolerance. Still he did quite well. Shall we get him tagged and drained?"
Mina settled in next to him holding a tattoo gun.
"What we calling this bitch again? 7474?"
"Yes thats right, babe. Get him marked up and then He's ready for Mia's treatment.
His arm tickled as Mina ran elegant calligraphy across his left shoulder. Reduced to a number he thought miserably. Mind still reeling from the pain and wondering if he would ever move freely again. Wait it was only a year. He could endure a year. He'd get tougher. He could take this. It was probably just a hazing. His balls hurt so badly though. He longed to check them himself but he couldn't move his hands for long and didn't dare with them all standing watching him.
Mina wiped the blood off his arm and wrapped him up. "Thats him tagged. He's property now. Number 7474 ha.
I'm gonna get out of here busy morning tomorrow two slaves on the platform for forbidden emissions. Cya in a bit" She walked out pulling off her long blonde wig as she went.
"Right 7474. Time to show you the next trick these bracelets can do. Come with me. Crawl over here and stand up. Don't work the auto shock is disabled now.
Also those nodes are just to teach you the position of servitude. If the shock starts for any reason assume that position. It doesn't matter where you are. They're calibrated to you now. If you're observant you may even have noticed they tingle for a few seconds before the shock starts. Learn to assume the position in all hallways and public places if you feel that tingle."
Shy'yan and Rehka walked him to a large cross placed just beside the couch. They took his arms and touched the braclets to sections and they stuck solid. He couldn't move them at all. Same with his legs. He was a muscular man but whatever force held them in place was way stronger than him. He was trapped again.
Surprisingly the two ladies started caressing him. Then kissing his body. He felt himself growing. They kissed down his body. Gently nibbling a nipple. Kissing and tracing tongues down his abdomen. Then they took him in hand and started slowly teasing his shaft.
"Looks like we've got a grower here," Shy'yan observed. That could make his caging more interesting" then she took a nut in his mouth. He stiffened expecting pain then melted in pleasure. Rehka slid her mouth over his shaft then picked up the speed. Her saliva gliding her hand up and down his fully erect shaft while his right ball was being pulled deep into Shy'yans mouth. Kay walked over and stood observing for a second.
"Looks like he's getting close already. I haven't had an untreated load in a while. Think I'll swallow this for comparison. His thighs were already tensing. He was close to orgasm. Rehka obligingly moved down and started teasing his almost intolerably sore left nut with her long tongue. Kay took him in hand looking him sternly in the eye. "I'm going to start sucking your dick the second I do I expect you to try to cum. Cum as hard as you can. Fire every last drop into my mouth. Understood? You will be trained to cum on command."
She knelt and opened her mouth close to it. Those piercing eyes stared up at him again. He could feel her breath on his wet helmet. He was close to firing. Each girl now had a full nut in her mouth. He dangled helplessly from his restraints and as he felt her warm mouth close on his shaft he came. Harder than he'd ever cum in his life. His sore balls throbbed as they pumped. Five no Six huge spurts he fired and she greedily swallowed them all. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked him dry. Then she pulled her head back. Wiped her mouth and said: "I don't think I like original flavour anymore. Well, don't let him enjoy it"
"On it!" Shy'yan grinned, white teeth flashing. The other two leaned back as she kicked him square in the balls again. They laughed as he groaned and dangled limply from his wrists.
"Time for my proceedure. While he's nice and empty?" Interrupted nurse Mia. Wheeling a trolley over. If you could slip the bands on I'm prepping the shots.
Mistress Kay took the elastrator and popped one over each ball. They still hung loose in their sack in this humid heat. Even after cumming they dangled but with bands on they sat up. Presented, separated and ready.
Mia took her first needle and injected into 7474's left nut. She emptied the syringe in and it burned inside. He screamed into his gag.
She picked up her second needle and reached for his other nut. 7474 was begging NO, NO, NO but with a malicious elfin smile she pushed the needle into the centre of his nut and deployed the fluid. His gagged screams filled the room as the burning sensation doubled. He thrashed and writhed. The girls laughed and opened their wine. Sharing glasses while he spent nearly half an hour screaming and writhing they giggled and discussed the new batch.
If 7474 had been able to listen he would have discovered what he'd just been injected with was the newest beauty secret. It corrupted the sperm cells and instead they would make any woman they contacted upon more beautiful. His balls had just become incredibly valuable. His jizz would soon be able to give better results than any spa procedure from simply facialing a customer. The results if swallowed however could be exponentially greater with women looking and feeling a decade younger just from one gulp. Although it wears off after a few weeks. Which keeps customers coming back. The only real downside was the need to constantly beat the testicles to keep the serum active.
But that was often a pleasure and rarely a chore. Plus there were mechanised tools for the really ugly producers. 7474 was actually quite handsome though. People were going to enjoy using him and giving him the personal touch.
After a while Mistress Kay put down her wine glass and picked up a camera. "Smile for me 7474," she joked. "But after your basic training you'll have to start earning your keep around here. I'm going to make you the personal attendant of Katie. You're just her type, not quite 6' muscular, blue eyes light brown hair. I think she will enjoy training you. Shy'yan here will be in charge or making sure you can take a ballbusting well enough that people can enjoy venting on your nuts. Now all we need to do is lock your chastity cage on and you can go meet your new goddess.
You're a grower so a nice small one should be amusing. Stop those annoying unwanted erections"
She slid his balls through a metal ring. You will notice there's no lock. Only I can remove this or people I give permission to. She slid the sleeve over his cock. "I do hope you enjoyed that orgasm. It's going to be your last for quite a while."
Shy'yan clipped a lead on his neck. "Come on you. Lets go meet your new Mistress."
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