So, right now the kids are out of school so my wife and I haven’t been doing anything sexy to speak of.  However, this past year, we have been doing something fun, usually about once a week. I’ve talked about it in chat some, so some of you have already heard about this, but I thought I’d write it up for people who haven’t.  My wife and I are board-gamers. Not crazy ones with a huge collection of games, but we go to board game parties some and have a good variety of games. I’m not inherently a hugely competitive guy, so I have a fondness for cooperative board games which are games where the players are playing against the game to try to win and either win together or lose together instead of one player winning and another losing.  They’re kind of like multiplayer solitaire games. My wife is also not hugely competitive, so she likes cooperative ones as well, but most of them are set up so that you’ll lose about as often as you’ll win if not more, and she doesn’t like losing. She suggested changing the rules some for some of them to make things easier. But I didn’t like the idea of changing the rules just to make it less likely that we’d lose.

However, I was thinking about it, and it occurred to me that I would be okay with changing the rules to make it include ballbusting fun.  So I thought about it a bit and came up with some specific rule changes where we could have an in-game advantage which she earned by busting my balls, and I suggested doing the mix of games with ballbusting to her, and she thought that sounded good.

I wanted some variation in the force of different hits, so rather than ask her to try to gauge it, I thought about what else we could use other than just kicks and punches.  I have a K9 Kannon Mini which is a gun which shoots miniature tennis balls. It is intended for throwing them for small dogs to fetch. Instead, of course, we use it for ball busting.  It uses a rubber band inside to fire the ball which you pull back using a handle which stops at a catch and then you can aim it and fire it using a trigger. It actually has four different catches for how far back you’ve pulled it.  A direct hit from the weakest one is like a light slap on the balls, the second one is like a good sack tap, the third like a moderate kick or punch, and a direct hit from the fourth one is about as strong as the strongest punches or kicks my wife gives (although obvious some of you may have play partners who kick or punch quite a bit stronger than my wife as she isn’t a martial artist or soccer player).  But, in general, that fourth strength is usually enough to make me bend over some and grab my balls and to leave whichever nut it hit tender for a while. And the nice thing about it is that hits with it are fairly consistent in force.

So, having the different levels available, I did some thinking about rules.  We had been playing a bunch of Harry Potter Hogwart’s Battle which is a cooperative card game.  The game is fun but somewhat flawed in that you tend to win or lose based on whether or not you get enough location control cards early.  So the rules change I came up with so that we could win more through ballbusting was that my wife had an extra power which was that she could shoot me in the balls to remove a location control token.  To make it not an easy win, though, I decided that the more she uses it, the more the penalty should increase. So, the first token she removes, she has to shoot me at level one. The second token, she shoots me at level two.  As you would guess, she shoots me at three for the third and four for the fourth. And for the fifth one, my rule was that she would shoot me with two level fours and three level fours for the sixth one. But she wound up deciding that this was two much, and for the fifth removal instead does a four and then a one.  And a four and then a two for the sixth one, etc.

So what happens is we get out the board game and the tennis ball gun.  And I usually wear underwear and a cockring to help hold everything right in place and give her an easy target.  It also increases the pain some. And then she puts on a sexy dress. I’ve gotten her some very tight dresses which show off a lot of cleavage from Amazon.  They’re very sexy dresses and show her breasts off very well, and she doesn’t mind wearing them. Usually when I’ve found clothes I thought were sexy, she didn’t like to wear them, complaining about how they felt or saying that they made her feel fat, but the tight dresses have been a real winner.  They look great on her and she likes wearing them.

And then we’ll play the game and when she wants to remove one from the location, she’ll tell me so and I’ll get up and present my balls and then she’ll shoot them with the gun.  Usually afterwards, she’ll laugh and say something like “you’re so useful!” She’s decided that if she hits me with a level four, I’m allowed to put my face in her cleavage, which is very nice.  So if she’s only hitting me with a two or three she’ll often say “Too bad, no boobies yet.” And if I have to take a level four, she’ll usually just tell me by saying “Good news! You get boobies!”  She’s also decided that if I have to take two number fours in a row, I get to suck on her nipple, but that’s only happened once so far.

In general, because we’re taking turns in the game, the busts wind up somewhat spaced out, over an hour or so.  So thus far we’ve never hit a point where I can’t take it or ask her to lay off, which is nice. In general, we spend an hour or two playing together with me ogling her cleavage and her busting me from time to time.

We’ve usually done this in the morning, after the kids are in school, but before we have to start work.  So once we’re done, if we’ve won the game, she usually lets me go masturbate in the shower and she’ll give me a little show (and sometimes some extra busting, especially if I didn’t get that much during the game since it does depend on how well the game would have gone without the extra rule).  And that’s our sexy board game time.

In addition to Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle, we’ve also sometimes been playing the Legendary Marvel game or Legendary Encounters: Firefly.  For both of those games the rule we’ve been using is that she can have between one and four extra attack points during her turn by busting me between level one and four respectively.  I like that version because she has more choice about how much pain she feels like giving me, and it tends to result in more pain earlier (although often less later). Whichever version we play, though, it’s been a lot of fun.  Even when I don’t get a lot of busting (which I don’t always), it’s still sexy knowing that my balls are there at her mercy and she’s willing to cause pain to them just to get an advantage in a board game.

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Comment by Jared on June 23, 2018 at 9:45am

My high school g/f and I used to add ball busting rules to board games. You get really cooperative after you play a long game of Monopoly and keep an "anticipation erection" the entire game with several busts throughout.  

Comment by Smoo on June 22, 2018 at 11:07pm

I have seen you mention that before and it's a neat idea and way to adjust the rules to include some of this.  Thanks for sharing!  Hopefully some other members will find ways to do similar!


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