Just finished a ballbusting session with a dominatrix. She wore a very short, tight black dress and 5 inch metal heel stilettos with a pointy toe. She kicked, stepped on and stomped on them for an hour. She used the pointy toe and the heel to do the damage. My nuts are so swollen! They are still hurting. She wasn't cheap but worth every penny.

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Comment by Tender Boy on June 20, 2012 at 4:27pm

My experience was similar.  When my domme kicked me with medium strength kicks I was getting hard.  When she made the kicks stronger, getting pretty near the hardest she could kick, the pain was stronger so I wasn't hard any more.  I still liked it but not in a "this is making me horny right now" kind of way.  It was more of a rush, exciting but not in an immediately sexual way, pain as pleasure (sort of), and a challenge which I like.  Thinking about it later made me aroused though.  

Comment by charles stone on June 20, 2012 at 1:14pm
During parts of it, yes. When she dropped me and I was in a lot of pain, no.
Comment by Josh on June 20, 2012 at 12:56pm

May I ask if you were able to (assuming you were) maintain an erection during the busting or parts of it?

Comment by charles stone on June 17, 2012 at 12:27pm
What I really would have liked is to have a girl step on my nuts after I came to squeeze out every last drop. Oh well maybe next time. Gotta sign off now, talk to you later
Comment by Tender Boy on June 17, 2012 at 11:43am

Don, I'm with ya on the accuracy thing.  Isn't it funny how we love it when the kick hits our balls and hurts that way, but if it misses our balls and hits in the general crotch area (which is also sensitive, even on women) we don't like that at all!  

Charles, I bet since she's a pro she's had a lot of practice kicking guys in the balls and her aim is really good as a result.  If she has a boyfriend he'd better watch out!  LOL  (Lucky guy too).

Comment by charles stone on June 17, 2012 at 11:30am
I had an orgasm the same night. It looked like it was normal color, but I didn't really check. I'll tell you one thing though, after being beaten for an hour then making them work to generate an orgasm made my nuts ache even more. I don't know if she just has good aim or what but most kicks made direct contact.
Comment by charles stone on June 17, 2012 at 11:16am
This was my first time with a pro and she dropped me quite a few times. When I was on the floor though she would hit the inside of my legs with some sort of whip to force me to open them so she could continue. I have the marks on my legs to prove it. She controlled how hard and when to take breaks. Even at the end, as much pain I was in, I never asked her to stop. I thought about it but never did. I too wanted to go past my breaking point and it was awesome! I can't wait to do it again.
Comment by Tender Boy on June 16, 2012 at 11:43pm

An hour!  Dude, you do have a high pain tolerance.  But that's cool - you get more of what you're into.

I've had only one experience being ball busted by a pro domme - it was just a couple of weeks ago, actually.  She told me that I had a high pain tolerance, and I think she's right, and she kicked me hard but I think you went further.  Did any of her kicks drop you to the floor or did you take breaks before getting to that point?

Was this your first experience with a 'pro'?  Did she let you decide when to say "enough" or did she control that?  I am hoping to go back to the same woman who busted me recently and go a little further, to the point where I would want to say "enough" but then she goes ahead and kicks me a few times more, to push me beyond that limit.  I wonder if you explored that sort of territory and what it was like for you if you did.

Comment by charles stone on June 16, 2012 at 10:07pm
The session lasted for an hour
Comment by charles stone on June 16, 2012 at 10:04pm
It was intense, I've never been busted like that before. They are still a little sore 24 hours later. I don't know what kind of tolerance to pain I have, but I do love it. I did have to take a few breaks. At the end of the session she kicked me about 10 times quickly with the toe of the shoe. By the last one I just could not take anymore. I wanted to but my balls were screaming, and so was I.


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